
CFRN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 01:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

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You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA. >> Good evening, a 15 year-old boy is dead, killed in northwest edmonton last night. This pictures of broten radomski earlier today, saint albert public schools shared that the grade 9 student at lorne akins school passed away last night. Flags at the school were at half-mast this evening as condolences were offered for family, friends, teachers and classmates of road. Police were called to the intersection of 100 37th avenue and 100 84th street very close to saint albert just after 9.30 last night, officers found an injured boy who died before he could be taken to hospital. The man was arrested shortly after edmonton. Police say the victim and the suspect appeared to have known each other, but they have not named the victim or shared any connection to saint albert. Meanwhile, the city of edmonton says the pair pit bulls attacked multiple people earlier this month have been euthanized. Surveillance video obtained by ctv news shows 2 teens attempting to get away from 2 dogs before a man tries to get them under control. The city says the owners were issued 4 tickets along with mandatory court appearances. The provincial government is backing off portions of bill 20 controversial legislation that gives it increase power over municipalities, including the ability to repeal bylaws and even city councillors. Earlier today, municipal affairs minister ric mciver told us there will be 2 changes included in the amendments. Municipal leaders have been calling for more specific language in the bill about when the province could change or repeal the by-law or remove the city councillor mckiver says he met with local leaders to help shape the changes. >> The amendments are very as a result conversations with the municipal leaders. So I'm hoping that they'll either be more unhappy or less unhappy. >> It remains to be seen exactly what the changes to bill 20 will be since mciver wasn't able to introduce them today. 20 has been harshly criticized by local leaders since it was introduced about a month ago. The president of the rural municipalities of alberta called the bill complete garbage. The worst thing to happen to municipalities. And nearly 2 decades others have described it is a deeply flawed power grab. Fuelled a small in our city has been home to some of the same businesses for more than 30 years. Now, a group of them has been told to leave within 30 days. Tenants westmount mall spoke to david ewasuk about why it's happening and what they'll do next. >> Time is running out on a sale at westmount mall that looks too good to be true. 80% off its because 3 weeks from now, this storefront will be 100% gone. How much time you have left? >> Well, we have to june 6 mind to reagan recently, the owners of monarch watch and clock and about a half-dozen other businesses down this small stretch of westmount mall. >> Were given one month's notice to vacate monarch. Not the only merchant that's been here for decades. And now feeling rushed to leave. >> Not much time at all. We've been here for 35 years. And now we have to look for new place. >> But one of the affected tenants says he understands why the corporate landlords sent the notices. Turns out it's about the old abandoned movie theatres upstairs, the roof continually leaked. Sam awad says he's seen it poured down on his clothing store many times they did fix lots of time that they could have the malls many times and they fix the roof many times and >> They say the best, but I guess they have to do what they have to do so now like the price drops at the clock shop, the leather goods store in the computer business. >> He too has a moving out sale. Awad believes this portion of the mall will be torn down soon after the tenants vacate. He doesn't know what it will look like after that. I'm I'm sure the committee built. >> I don't, it's going to be a mall or it's going to be a plaza. >> He's moving to a north edmonton mall as another shop owner has decided on retiring. As for the clock shop, they vow to reopen and are searching out a new location before time runs out at westmount mall. Ctv news reached out to the malls. Corporate landlord for comment and has not yet received a response. David ewasuk, ctv news. Edmonton. >> London drugs says cyber criminals are after ransom after hacking into their system. They're demanding 25 million dollars, which the company says it can't pay. Andrew johnson reports. >> As shoppers come and go from the department stores today, all is not well behind the scenes. London drugs is confirming a scenario it calls

deeply distressing. The company is being held ransom by what it calls a sophisticated group of global cyber criminals. The retailer says in a statement, we acknowledge these criminals may leak stolen londondrugs corporate files, some of which may contain employee information on the dark web experts are identifying the criminal group has lockbit. >> This retailer in canada, just not the biggest organization, the planet was up against one of the most sophisticated criminal gangs ever. To russia. In a post, lockbit says it will release data stolen from london drugs in 48 hours. If the company does not pay 25 million dollars. >> The leaked data is not believed to include patient or customer information. They have posted sep before. They've also lied to their teeth about what data they have, the criminals you cannot trust. They've tried to block their way through. >> Like some evil bond villain in a poker game. >> The original attack forced london drugs to close all 79 stores for about 10 days. Among the longest retail outages due to a cyber attack in canadian history. Lockbit is believed to have extorted more than 100 million dollars from thousands of victims, including hospitals, schools and global companies. Londondrugs offering employees 2 years of identity theft protection in the case. This is no bluff. Andrew johnson, ctv news, vancouver. >> Canada ranks among the world's top 10 countries for stolen vehicles. Interpol's says more than 200 stolen canadian vehicles have been found around the world each week since february. A total of more than 1500 vehicles have been identified. And rcmp recently decided to integrate canada's database for stolen vehicles with the international law enforcement agency. Interpol says thieves are attracted to canada's abundant supply of highly coveted models, such as suvs, crossovers. Canada has one of the highest costs for air travel globally. Westjet is trying to find ways to compound rising rates for airfare. It comes at a cost, though less comfort. The airline will soon retrofits larger aircraft to accommodate more slim down seats for an ultra low price. Tyson fedor reports. >> Westjet is continuing to expand, looking to add 8 more aircraft to its fleet this year. Despite delays from aircraft producer boeing, the company ceo is now lobbying the federal government to scrap additional charges to airfare tickets, such as airport improvement fees and security costs and the country that >> At private s and the sensual to transportation. I actually think it's wrong. So what have the past just funding the federal budget for general purposes. >> The airline will bring in an ultra low-cost fare option in the next couple of weeks. For the majority of its flights. >> Is usually pay you all that has run its course. And then my my answer that says yes, some of the larger planes will be reconfigured to add one rower 6 more seats at the back of the plane by slimming down others. They have to have. >> The space that you can will take a little bit like a home away and you know, come to that with the most seats and then sit at another world. It's an effort to offer low-cost those seeking the best price instead of comfort. But you will not be allowed to courtesy carry on. >> You know, if people are aware of what they're getting for the money. And if if this sheet, the seats ares shorter, smaller and so be a legacy for people to have like a lot of throughout the country. And they got to go visit all of them and my hope to not have to pay those fees and especially just backpack in the visiting family for support businesses trying to find ways to solve problems and work with the claims that they're trying to serve. >> Westjet also want to see additional fair fee scrapped by the federal government along with rent prices for airports that are put to the consumer. The company says it equates to about $88 for $300 flight. >> We've got 3.3 billion of that. We had 300 million of that during covid when these are these are difficult hurdles to cross. Calgary spent 51 million dollars in rent to ottawa last year. >> Somebody is going to pay for the year this summer is going to pay for the runway. Summer's rfa for parking lots and expansion of the terminal. >> Tyson fedor, ctv news. Calgary. >> Emergency medical service students are learning lifesaving skills for paramedics. National paramedic week honours. The work paramedics are doing across the country for their communities. Students are learning about different specialties, such as tactical units, community care incident and provincial response teams. Alberta health services says crews in the field are medically trained clinicians more than drive patients to a hospital. Many of the students will take their new skills to paramedic practicums the summer. >> We do so much hands-on but I think just being here today. There's even more areas than what we covered in school. So it really it just opens that

many more doors for us as to what or future opportunities are. Options are. >> Alberta health services says there are more than 5600 paramedics across the province. Well, you've likely heard of the people where pups face off in their own game before the super bowl. The nhl is getting in on the action this year with its first stanley cup. Each of the 32 nhl teams will have a puppy player facing off in some friendly competitions. Most are from nhl cities and all are up for adoption. >> It's kind of just made sense. You were not only showcasing, you know, our our league at the highest point of the year, you know, but we're also doing something good for the puppy community. >> You can watch the first stanley cup on saturday, june 8th. The league says it is scheduled for 4.30 mountain time, but that could change depending on the schedule for the stanley cup final. Coming up next. A canadian poverty report where where alberta lands in relation to other provinces. And later the oilers set to face the stars in the western conference final. Hopefully with one of their big guns back in the lineup. >> I don't do well, just sitting there watching some kind of pacing around you, even folks cooler than average again today. 14 for a daytime high in edmonton. >> Look at high level, though, made it up to 19 this afternoon. We might be back into that range by sunday or monday. We'll take a closer look at the next couple of Now with draws Tuesdays andFridays. Introducing the all new Avenir 17 bh by Cruiser rv loaded with bunk beds, fireplace, full kitchen, and bathroom for just $21,990. Visit Western rv Country and get out camping with your family this summer for just $60 a week. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings. You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) a refocused healthcare system in Alberta means... Some of the people in this waiting room won't have to be here. This family could have a practitioner to call their own. These patients could have more continuing care options. This person could be accessing mental health treatment. Leaving fewer people in Urgent Care who can now access more timely acute care. Giving every Albertan the care you need, when and where you need it. Learn more at a message from the Government of Alberta. .... Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part by ATCO-energy . Electricity and natural gas for your home food banks canada has released its annual poverty report cards and alberta's grade dropped. >> The province is now sitting at the d minus down from a d in 2023 per summer suit reports. >> We have seen this storm coming for years. >> The need for food and supports has been on the rise for the past few years. And those at interfaith food bank don't expected to slow down anytime soon, which is why it didn't come as a surprise. Sober dakota d minus rating from food banks. Canada's annual poverty report card. >> We're seeing a lot more homeowners 4 times as many people accessing the food bank are employed as we saw in 2022. And the situation is dire, is difficult for people to give when there's not money coming in. >> In its latest report, food banks. Canada dropped alberta's grade from a d to a b minus. The report says that about half of people nationally or 44% feel financially worse off compared to last year. >> The plan would be wonderful. We have not poverty reduction strategy in alberta since 2019. And not only was it inadequate, we didn't meet any of the targets. And there is no future plan. >> The report is recommending that strategy be adopted by the government. It would also like to see an expansion of the temporary rent assistance benefit to all albertans waiting for affordable housing. >> Things like improving minimum wage. And social assistance programs, reducing the income tax. 4. Low income earners with certainly make a

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