
CFRN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 01:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

Yes. >>It's your uncle Enzo. >> It's Uncle Enzo! Quick, go in there. I'll clean up. Come on up. (Knocking) Uncle Enzo, what are you doing here? >> I've come to apologize. >> Apologize? >> Yeah. I rented the movie Edward Scissorhands. That Johnny Depp, he make me cry. (Audience laughter) >> Oh! He make me cry too. You want something to drink? >> Hey! What's all of this? >> Nothing. It's just hair. >> You do haircut in the apartment? >> No. Pizza man was here. Maybe some fall off. He's going bald. >> It looks very familiar. Start your day with CTV MorningLive for the breaking newsyou need to stay i "Gunshots. Part of a northside police investigation" Which developing stories couldimpact your day "The city has gone throughtough financial times" Find out what's happening inour community "This is the season where it'sjust bountiful" Whether you need to grab araincoat a parka some sunscreen or all three "We could see some rainpossibly some thunderstorms" Be prepared forthe day every day with CTV Morning LiveWeekdays from 6 to 9 Introducing the all new Avenir 17 BH by Cruiser RV loaded with bunk beds, fireplace, full kitchen, and bathroom for just $21,990. Visit Western RV Country and get out camping with your family this summer for just $60 a week. JOHNSON'S SEWING CENTRE,SERVING NORTHERN ALBERTAFOR OVER 50 YEARS.YOUR ONE LATEST INNOVATIONS IN SEWING,SERGING AND EMBROIDERY. YOU WILL BE AMAZED WHEN YOU SEEWHAT'S NEW. STOP IN TODAY OR VISITJOHNSONSSEWING.COM. Did you know it's common for men to experience bladder frequency, waking up at night to pee or erectile dysfunction? These issues can be linked to weak or damaged pelvic floor muscles. The Urospot experience is a pill-free, pain-free, fully clothed, and fast way to live life again. Simply by sitting on a chair that uses electromagnetic energy to grow muscle. It's the easiest workout you'll ever do, and no one needs to know. r windows and doors are foggy, wasting energy, or damaged Reflect window & Door can help! From residential to commercial, they offer a full range of Windows and Doors, along with a wide selection of Hardware and replacement parts! Add beauty to your home with Reflect Window & Door! With the price of gold tradingat a high levelnow is the time for you to sel Aaron Buys Gold makes it easyto recycle anything made of gold or silverfor instant cash! Visit Aaron Buys gold inSherwood Park and Downtown or go to Travel back to the Mesozoic Era and experience a close encounter with the most extraordinary creatures ever to walk the Earth in "Dinosaurs - The Exhibition." Tickets at It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! [Music] your foundation is the most important part of your home, SO DON'T IGNORE ISSUES TODAY HOPING THEY'LL DISAPPEAR TOMORROW! For over 25 YEARS Basement Systems Edmonton has provided Albertans with innovative waterproofing solutions AND ONE OF the best warranties in the business. CONTACT US TODAY, for all things “basementy”! A refocused healthcare system in Alberta means... Some of the people in this waiting room won't have to be here. This family could have a practitioner to call their own. These patients could have more continuing care options. This person could be accessing mental health treatment. Leaving fewer people in Urgent Care who can now access more timely acute care. Giving every Albertan the care you need, when and where you need it. Learn more at A message from the Government of Alberta. (Upbeat instrumental music) (Symphonic music) >> In the one minute that he worked on me, I could tell he was really good. >> Yeah. Slow, gentle, attentive. >> Yeah. >> Yeah. I told you. Didn't I tell you? >> But Enzo picked up one of my hairs off the floor. >> Yeah, so?

>> I think he knew. >> No, he doesn't know. >> How do you know? He knows my hair. >> Listen, you're just imagining things. He doesn't know a thing. Now, come on, pull yourself together. >> Okay, okay. >> What happened? It looks the same. >> He didn't get to finish it. His uncle came in. We almost got caught. (Audience laughter) >> Jerry, the auction is in a few hours. >> Take the K-man. >> You can still go. (Audience laughter) >> What, are you kidding? Look at him. He's grotesque. >> You think? >> Do I think? He's repugnant. (Audience laughter) >> What would you wear? >> Whatever it takes. >> See, now Newman is a good customer. >> Once I find a barber, I stick with him. I almost went to barber school. I always felt I had a talent for it. >> Aw. Not everyone like Newman, so loyal. >> Yeah, just the way that I was raised. I'm special. (Audience laughter) >> You know, I don't mind if somebody's funny but I no like the funny business. >> I'm going to go out for a little bit. I'll be right back. >> Take your time. You happy with the haircut? >> It's okay. A little crooked. (Audience laughter) >> How you like to have free haircut for six months? >> What's the catch? >> You're going to get me a sample of Jerry's hair. >> Hm, that job sounds like it might be worth a year's free haircuts. And a comb. (Audience laughter) (Tapping) (Audience laughter) (Buzzing) >> Clarice:Mr. Costanza, Mr. Pensky is here to see you. (Audience laughter) >> Mr. Pensky? Of the Pensky file? >> Costanza? Arthur Pensky. >> Mr. Pensky. I was just working on your file. I was transferring the contents of the file into this flexible accordion-style folder to-- >> Where's Tuttle? >> He's on vacation. >> He was on vacation the last time I dropped by. Give me my file. Looks like you put a lot of work into this. >> Well, you know, in college they used to call me the little bulldog. >> Hey, you are Pensky material. Would you ever consider coming to work directly for me? >> Really? >> You are aware-- (Buzzing) >>Clarice:Mr.Castanza? >> Not now Clarice. >> Clarice:I thought Mr. Pensky should know they're towing his car. >> Damn this city! >> I am aware. I am aware. >> He knows. He knows about us. >> How do you know? >> Because I know. He's crazy. All morning, he looking at the hair. He staring at the hair. (Knocking) >> Who is it? >> Newman: It's Newman. >> (Gasping) He was in the shop with Enzo. He can't see me here. >> Alright, go in the bedroom. Open the window. You can go out the fire escape. (Audience laughter) What do you want? >> Could I use your bathroom? (Audience laughter) >> What's wrong with yours? >> My toilet's clogged. >> You can't unclog it? >> No. >> Did you ask Kramer? >> He's out. >> Number one? >> Yes, yes. May I go? >> Go ahead. >> 'Cause I got to go very badly. >> Flush twice. >> Thank you. >> Newman:No. Jackpot. (Laughs) I don't believe this. There's no hair in this thing. I've never seen a person that didn't have at least one hair in a brush. (Audience laughter) Unbelievable, nothing. Ah. (Flushing) >> You alright? >> Yeah, yeah. >> Alright, I'll see you later. >> What are you doing? >> I'm watching Edward Scissorhands. >> Oh. Could I watch a little? It's my favourite movie. >> Yeah alright. You want something to drink? >> No. (Laughing) (Audience laughter) >> If you want to watch, sit down. You're making me nervous. I tell you, this Scissorhands is a hell of a barber. (Snipping) >> Got to go. Oh gee, I dropped a nickel. See you, Jerry. (Evil laughter) (Audience laughter)

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