
CFRN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

and natural gas, you can make things easy on yourself with Easymax. Sign up today at or call 310-6010. ( ) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! At Cougar Paint and Collision, we are committed to making your experience as smooth as possible. We really appreciate that you have chosen our business for your vehicle repair Our goal is for you to leave our shop with a smile. Cougar Paint and Collision, our family helping your family. The venue at River Cree Bringing you the hottest in Live Entertainment On October 10th Nick Carter brings his high energy live show to the Venue performing all of your favourite Backstreet Boys hits plus a whole lot of crowd-pleasing musical surprises Get your tickets now at River Cree Resort Dot Com! You working both a little bit? Tiny bit, yup. [narrator]: east of oshawa on the 401... Bring your drives. Come with him. [narrator]: ...the b&g crew is working to bring up what's left of the semi without ripping it apart. [bill sr.]: as we upright the truck, does the low side wall stay in the trailer, or does it actually collapse and come out? The wall, is it coming up? It's off the ground, but it is sagging. There she comes. Bring 'er, jimmy, load 'er up! [ ] here she comes, baby. That's good. Awesome. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect, buddy. See if you can pull the nose around with what you got right there. [narrator]: for the final leg, mitch will steer the wreck to the road. You ready, mitch? Yes! It's coming. [mitch]: after a complete day of basically fighting with this thing, to see it up on its wheels and on the road, it's like a million pounds coming off your back. It's a super good feeling. You got 'er, good job. [bill sr.]: at the end of the day, this is one of the toughest recovery of a product that I've done in my career. Slow, you know, gruelling. There was all kinds of real major complications for such a, you know, an easy load that had very little value. It's all good, guys, good job. Thanks for your help, much appreciated. All right. All right, good job, ryan, thanks. [bill sr.]: I mean, all in all, it's a good day when everybody goes home to their family, right? [truck honking] [narrator]: as morning breaks in toronto... [narrator]: ...a mix of rain and sleet smashes down on the roads. I'm gonna go for a cruise. I'm going to go up and down on the highway. [narrator]: on the westbound 401, sonny subra is on the move. First available heavy tow, opp calling. [narrator]: he's still working to establish prompt towing's new heavy division, which means keeping his ears open for every police call. [sonny]: we are new here, so everything's pretty much new, so we gotta come from the bottom, but we are building our company, right? So, like, there's a lot of competition out there, so we need to get a call, and we need the customer. We gotta get there first. [narrator]: sonny took a big chance heading to a new company. [narrator]: now, with a baby on the way, success and security are more important than ever... [sonny]: that's my responsibility. I have to do whatever I have to do, and then make sure I feed my family. That was a first available heavy tow they ask for. [narrator]: ...but with the competition on the way, sonny won't race. [sonny]: I have to be more careful. Somebody depend on me. If I am not there, they're gonna struggle.

I don't wanna drive crazy. You never know on this highway, what's gonna happen. [narrator]: so sonny leaves the first call to the competition, but as he heads onto highway 400, he spots another crash scene. Is that opp on scene there? Merging onto the 400, this car appeared and spun itself around right in front of me. Looks like this truck is okay, but I'm gonna go talk to them. [narrator]: the truck only suffered a bent bumper, but it's rubbing the tire. [sonny]: this bumper is pushed in right now. So I'm just gonna pull the bumper, and then he can go on his way. Lucky he has no big damage, but still he needs my help. I'm gonna help him out. [narrator]: even though it's too small to be a paying job, sonny won't leave the driver stuck. [sonny]: can you hold this like this? Yeah, yeah. Make sure it's not going down. I'm going to suck it in, okay? He doesn't need a tow, he just need a hand. [narrator]: it's a good deed, but for sonny, also an investment. It's coming out? Pull? I'm so happy to help the guy. He's gonna be my customer in the future. Watch out! I'll give you my business card. In the future, you can call me, you know what I mean? I'm adding one customer. Exactly. [sonny]: whenever I help people, they come to know, "oh, sonny from prompt towing helped me out." karma, it will come back to you. [narrator]: 200 kilometres southwest at the ross services yard... Westbound, westbound straight, the mill road. [narrator]: ...mike ross is rolling out. [mike]: we're headed out the 401, west of london. There's a, uh, tractor-trailer rolled over. It's supposed to be sideways across the highway. [narrator]: the opp and fire department are already on scene as traffic fights to squeeze past. [opp officer]: driver says he was affected by a gust of wind that forced him onto the shoulder of the roadway, and caused the tractor-trailer to roll on the right side, slide for about 150 metres before coming to a rest where you see it now. [narrator]: the backup is growing by the minute. I'm gonna take the shoulder and work our way down towards the scene. [narrator]: the best scenario for mike... A quick upright to get traffic moving. [mike]: we'll have a good look at it. Yeah, that doesn't look good, eh? Oh, the trailer's hurt pretty bad. Like, this is part of the structure of the trailer here, and the roof's pushed out of it. Top rail must be separated at the wall. Not a good sign. [narrator]: inside, 500 cases of whisky, totalling 30,000 pounds. Cardboard boxes, right to the roof. The structural integrity of the trailer is just gone. If you put that trailer up loaded, it would break right in half. [narrator]: mike can already see, this recovery will be anything but quick. So, yeah, we definitely got to unload that. It's gonna be... A long one, yeah. New truck trade up has arrived at Capital gmc Buick. Remember the whole supply shortage thing? Yeah that's over. We have over 100 new Sierra trucks. Big trucks, long trucks, short trucks, black trucks, red trucks work trucks, fancy trucks, middle of the road trucks, skateboard trucks. Ok, we don't have those, but we do have a Brand New Sierra you

can lease for only 99 bucks a week, plus gst. And, If you want a gm certified pre-owned vehicle, we got lots of those too. New truck trade up at Capital gmc Buick in Edmonton It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! The Heart Fit Clinic is Canada's premiere cardiac rehabilitation and heart attach and stroke prevention clinic With state of the art heart assessments and proven treatments Bridging the gap in our health care system prevent and reverse disease book your free consultation today Crystal Glass is extremely proud of to manufacture and install residential windows. It's going to be done professionally, it's going to fast. Crystal Glass was the best choice for us. Book an appointment by calling 310-glass or by visiting What's behind the Blue Cow Logo? High Canadian Standards. Which means we meet strict requirements. ...Working with a team of experts and working towards a sustainable future. That's what this logo certifies. We're behind the Blue Cow logo. Oh, hi. How can I help you? He needs a phone so I can have mine back. Merr! Well, we have a lot of great options. What do you use your phone for? Merrrr... Merrrr... Gaming? (Laughs) Streaming! Whoosh! Sharing! Yeah, pretty much all that. Sounds like you need a phone on Canada's fastest 5g+ network. Let's get you set up ( ) johnson's sewing centre,serving northern albertafor over 50 years.your o latest innovations in sewing,serging and embroidery. You will be amazed when you seewhat's new. Stop in today or I'm Meteorologist Josh Classen,every Thursdayon ctv News at 6 we're in adiff like this one, teaching themall about the weather It's "ctv weather watchers!" Weather Watchers, sponsored by The Alberta Teachers Association Stand for Education. Welcome to the RoyalCanadian Circus.( ) ( ) ( ) Go to [Music] Yukon: What are you wearing? McCord: Black, I called shotgun on slimming black. Are you kidding me? It makes me look skinnier! Yukon: I wanted to wear black. McCord: I'm wearing black! It makes me look skinnier! (silence) Yukon: It's not that slimming. Announcer: Yukon and McCord on 100.3 (bear growl) The Bear [narrator]: on the westbound 401, traffic is barely crawling up the shoulder... [mike]: so I'm gonna start cutting the roof out of it. [narrator]: ...and mike ross is getting to work. We'll come in here with a forklift. The forklift can get right in here. [narrator]: the semi isn't going anywhere until his crew can remove the whisky inside, but he can't risk offloading through the trailer doors, which are helping maintain the structure. [mike]: keeps a lot of support to the trailer. Once you open that door, it'll lose its square, and you'll never get it closed again. [narrator]: a little after 5:00 p.m., mike's first backup arrives, his father, david, just ahead of the remaining crew. [saw stopping] you got the forklift and the skids? [david]: we got half a dozen people coming out. [narrator]: a few minutes later, recent hire austin hutchinson gets his first look at the job ahead. Ah, it looks like he went for a bit of a ride. That's the rub rail. [saw motor buzzing] ah, this looks like a nice one. Doesn't that look like fun? Yeah, this is gonna be a good one. At least it's not broke. We're not standing in a puddle of it yet. I don't see any leaking, really, to speak of. What do you want to do, go section by section? Try to take what you can? Well, a forklift can only get to here, so we'll try to bring everything outta this hole, I guess. It's front to back, floor to ceiling, and we've got to get this done as fast as we can. [narrator]: ...but even then, it will take hours of work before they can even start to clear this highway.

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