
CFRN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 10:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

and they actually discontinued use of that technology. So I don't think that there's a high degree of comfort right now among consumers with this, either. >> And Doug, when I was looking at that footage of, you know, somebody coming up, and they're at a fast food restaurant, is that the only places that we're talking here? Are we talking about grocery stores? That type of thing as well, or strictly for sort of fast food locations? >> You know, I think that Lindsey, it's really a progression, you know, and what we're seeing, I mean, if you sort of pan out and you look at this whole issue of off shoring of labour, it's not new. We've seen it, you know, since the 1970s in manufacturing and then through the '90s and early 2000s, when it came to more white collar jobs like customer service and call centers. And now it's sort of seeping into the fast food industry. But if we look forward, I think there's actually something on the horizon that could be far more dystopian. And that is ultimately the combination of technologies like AI and robotics, we're hearing about every day, that could essentially very soon take over every job in a fast food restaurant, and a lot of other retail service scenarios. So we could be talking about tens of thousands of people who are suddenly unemployed. >> That's what I was going to ask you about, obviously, I don't want anybody not to have a job. But I'm just thinking about cost structure within a company. And the fact that, you know, they're saving money by hiring people who are outside of the country. But then you go a step further, and why not just implement AI at this point? >> Well, and this is actually the, you know, the case. OpenAI who owns chatGPT recently showed an experiment that they've been operating with an AI-infused robot that can not only perform a lot of very basic functions that you would find in a fast food setting or a retail setting, but it also has this weird capability to begin reasoning, to begin to, you know, make intelligent suggestions and form intelligent thoughts. So we really are potentially on the brink of something that is going to make what we're talking about today look, you know, mild by comparison. So it really raises a lot of, not only financial issues, obviously companies that, you know, companies want to save money and drive that to the bottom line, but it really raises a lot of social issues. What do we do with a country where suddenly entire professions are unemployed? How do we look after these people? It raises the specter of things like universal basic income and programs like that to provide a safety net. >> Good point Doug Stevens, thanks for joining us. >> Always a pleasure. Thanks, Lindsey. >> Carley Fortune has had the good fortune of topping bestseller lists since her debut novel Every Summer After, which came out in 2022. So talented. She followed that up with Meet Me at the Lake, which was promptly snapped up for adaptation by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, obviously. And now she's back with a book that'll have you packing your bags for PEI. There's the cover there. Love the cover art as well. This Summer Will Be Different sees best friends Lucy and Bridget heading to the island to eat their body weight in oysters, leaving their boy drama behind. But Lucy accidentally starts a love affair with the one person on the island who's totally off limits. Did I do a good job of setting that up? >> You did a great job. That's perfect. Thank you. >> Congratulations. I was telling you off camera. I was so looking forward to, and everybody knows that watches this show. I've been looking forward to reading this novel. It is fantastic. >> Thank you. >> It's really exciting. This is-- I'm going to say your steamiest. Is that fair to say? >> Yeah, definitely my steamiest. It's also very sweet. >> It is. >> But yeah, it's a bit spicy. >> Okay, so we meet these two best friends. >> Yeah. >> They head out to PEI. One of them meets an attractive local guy who turns out to have a connection to the women. Set this one up for everybody. >> Yeah, so Lucy has one kind of, let's say a memorable night with a local oyster shucker named Felix, only to find out the next day that he is her best friend's younger brother and very, very off limits. And they promise it's never going to happen again. They're not going to tell Lucy's best friend, Bridget. But of course, every time Lucy comes back to the island on a girl's trip, she and Felix just can't stay apart. >> Lindsey: They can't stay apart. >> They can't stay apart. >> Lindsey: It's so exciting. Okay, so one of the things I love about your books, obviously, is the Canadian settings that you have. Tell me about PEI, because we've seen the ones-- he last two books in Ontario in that setting. PEI. So you had to do your research. You headed out there a couple of times, right? >> Yes, I did. You know, the first time I went to Prince Edward Island was when I was in my early twenties, like Lucy. I went with my best friend. And we ate our weight in oysters. We attended the National Oyster Shucking Championship there. >> Lindsey: Did you meet a Felix there? >> No, but I did-- but I did go to, we went to a restaurant in Charlottetown as soon as we got off the plane, sat down at the bar across from an oyster shucker. And he looked us in the eye and he said, where are you in from? And we said Toronto. And he said, "I'm sorry, welcome home." And it really stuck with me.

And I love the island so, so much. The people, the food, the scenery. And of course, I loved Anne of Green Gables growing up. >> Lindsey: Me, too. >> And I just like, I had this romantic notion of the island. And it just more than exceeded my expectations. It's such a beautiful spot in this country. And so special. And the people are so great. You're absolutely right. This is as much, I would say, an ode to female friendships, right? As it is to romantic relationships. And you, in fact, dedicate this book to your best friend Meredith. >> I did. Yeah. >> Lindsey: So what is this book saying about the power of friendship? >> Well, I, you know, Lucy and Bridget, they meet when they're in their early twenties, they're colleagues. And they become roommates. They share everything together. They tell each other all their secrets. And then of course, as we get older, Bridget needs-- she gets engaged. She moves out of the apartment, and they're trying to kind of figure out what their relationship is now that they don't do everything together. And they don't tell each other all their secrets. And so it's about, it's really about coming of age in your twenties and learning to stand on your own. This is like a journey for Lucy. She has to kind of find her own feet. And I think that friendships are so, so important as we get older. And I wanted to just kind of show how they change. >> Yeah. And the evolution of all of that. It's so true. >> Carley: The evolution. Exactly. >> Since we last had you in studio, since you and I last spoke, there was a big announcement about the adaptation of your second book, and really who had picked it up, which is the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, their company, bought the rights to Meet Me at the Lake. I know you can't say too much about it. >> Carley: I can't. >> Can you say anything at all? >> I can say that I am very excited. And I'm so happy with how things are shaping up. And hopefully there'll be more announcements-- >> Soon. >> Yeah. >> The evolution of your career has been really, really outstanding. It's been exceptional. But rightly so because your work speaks to so many people. >> Thank you. >> I love reading your books. What has this journey been like for you over the last couple years? >> It's been incredible. It's been surreal. I was a journalist previously and I felt like I was kind of at the end of my career. And so discovering how much I loved writing, it was such a joy and honestly a bit of a relief because I was in my late 30s and I felt like I'd finally found what it is I was meant to do. And the fact that I have three books now. I'm working on a fourth. >> I was gonna ask you. >> It's my job now and that is just spectacular. I'm so happy. >> Thanks so much for being here. >> I love being here. Thank you. >> Coming up Monday on Your Morning, author Kevin Kwan joins us live to talk about his latest novel, Lies and Weddings. You can't leave without cuddles, but you also can't leave covered in hair. With Bounce Pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. Bounce. It's the sheet. Ladies and gentlemen, out there, it's a beast, its hunger for adventure insatiable. Behold the Subaru Crosstrek Wilderness! (Mixed gasps) ( ) Here's Amy with the Flow Forecast. Like the weather, your flow changes daily and so should your Tampax size. Heavy downpours coming in? Size up. But if it hurts to remove? Size down. And only Tampax has five sizes for your changing flow. Pack your Tampax combo! (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your PC® Summer Insiders Report today. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser powers through tough messes. So it makes it look like I spent hours cleaning. And no, I didn't! It makes my running shoe look like new! It's amazing! It's so good, it makes it look like I have magical powers! Magic Eraser and Sheets make cleaning look easy. You've got a friend in me ( ) You've got a friend in me ( ) You just remember what your old pal said, boy You've got a friend in me ( ) It's a celebration of friendship and beyond. From the new parade, to Together Forever, a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. Pixar Fest, at the Disneyland Resort for a limited time. Starting April 26th. Listen up! Here's a lesson about Activia Fibre A simple way to add fibre and 1 billion probiotics to your day that contribute to healthy gut flora It starts inside Activia -Having triplets is...amazing. -expensive. So, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with Tide. So we're back to Tide, and the clothes are clean again. Do three times the laundry and get a Tide clean. (Dynamic music)

>> I'm a huge fan of F1 racing and when I found out that the Formula One exhibition is making its North American debut here in Toronto, I raced to the exhibition to experience it firsthand. It is an incredible space. 20,000 square feet that showcases the stories, the race cars, the cool gear that capture the growth of the sport. Take a look. Thank you for hosting us today. You must be excited. You're Canadian and we've got the Formula One exhibition, the North American debut happening right here in Toronto. Why did you guys pick Toronto for that? >> Well firstly, thank you for being here and we are incredibly excited. For the North American debut we picked Toronto because Toronto is a really dynamic entertainment city. It was a perfect fit and we're incredibly excited to be here for the North American launch but the Canadian launch. >> What can people expect when they come to those doors? >> The F1 exhibition is about 20,000 square feet of interactive and immersive elements but it also includes, as we can see, the core elements from cars, helmets, uniforms. Some of the things that you wouldn't be able to see up close. It has-- F1 has become more popular. The tickets have become a little more expensive. The races are in very specific geographies. So this is an opportunity to really interact with it up close and personal. >> Oh! Oh, my god that was race car speed. That was race car speed. I want you to tell me about the car here behind us because this really is the start of the show in our conversation. >> This is Romain Grosjean's Haas car from 2020. And one of the amazing unique elements, in addition to when everybody sees these just how big they are and how detailed and how intricate it is, in this particular car it's got a Ferrari engine, which on the far side is exposed and that's something that most consumers have never seen before. So the ability to see the inside of an F1 engine and a modern F1 car, we think that's going to be incredibly exciting for people. >> Okay well, Jonathan, I can't wait to take a look. Thank you so much for your time today. >> Thank you for being here. >> I want to be there. Okay, so these are race-worn suits. This is Hamilton's 2023. So that was the season he finished in third in the Driver's Championship. This one's from Verstappen from 2019. So he was only 22 then. Look how tiny they are. These are tiny humans. One of the coolest parts is this. This is a wall with 96 helmets that the race car drivers have worn throughout the years. But longtime fans of F1 will recognize this one right here. Wanna take you back to 1979 Gilles Villeneuve, that was his lid. Okay, you know when you're watching the race and you get Hamilton's POV and you see the camera shaking because you're right in his helmet? Okay, look at this. Here's that camera. It's so small. It's only 8 millimeters in diameter. It is the world's smallest device for live broadcasting and they've only been using it since 2021. I bet you Verstappen wears four-inch heels too. >> You've got the accelerate on the right, brake on the left, and you just need to steer, okay? >> Okay. >> Five lights and then you've got to control the car. >> Okay. >> So no pressure. >> Okay. Ohh! Holy moly. Okay, okay, ohh. No, Turn, turn, turn. (Screams) Oh no! (Squealing) I'm on the grass. I need a break. It is time for a pit stop. >> Okay everybody, get ready to have this next song stuck in your head all morning. And if you've never heard of Dog Man, we're about to change all of that take a listen. It's Dog Man! He's better than he was His head is fuzzybut his body is the fuzz Dog Man Part dog; part man. Fully entertaining. That is the cast of Dog Man the musical doing what they do best, charming audiences. The show is based off the popular children's book series and we are thrilled to have Dog Man himself in studio along with his buddy Li'l Petey, Brandon James Butorovich, and Sadie Jayne Kennedy. Welcome to Your Morning. Good to have you. >> Thank you. >> I was just telling you I saw the show last night and it was fantastic. >> Oh thank you. >> I was with my son Walker and he's obsessed. You guys did a really really, good job. >> Thank you. >> Okay so, Brandon, I'm going to start with you. You are Dog Man. >> Dog Man. >> You're Dog Man. So to get into the role did you like hit up dog parks? Like, what did we do? >> I know, it was so crazy. When I got called in I did not know anything about these books but I was familiar with

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