
CFRN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 01:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>> The loudist I've ever measured a cicada chorus is 96 decibels. To put into perspective, when jets are flying into chicago o'hare, the cicadas will drown out the jets. >> Reporter: there are apps to track them and zoo animals find they're a tasty snack. Even humans like to fry up a little crunchy cicada cuisine. >> I like to tell people if it's coming from a new orleans kitchen, even if it's bizarre, it's going to be tasty. >> Reporter: so enjoy the spectacle. Above ground the bug's life isn't long and a double brood won't be back until 2037. Joy malbon, ctv news, washington. >> Heather: a spectacle indeed. That's our newscast for this friday. For all of us at "ctv national news," thank you for watching. I'm heather butts. Goodnight and I'll see you again tomorrow. [ ] [ ] crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows...

You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA. >> Good evening to oilers fans are undoubtedly still buzzing after that double overtime win game one of the western conference final captain connor mcdavid came in clutch, putting that game to bed in dallas. Some fans are doing their best to bring a bit of edmonton flavour to those away games. Jeremy thompson spoke with one super fan who's been to all 3 opposing cities playoffs and he's doing it in style. >> The couple of diehard oilers fans lounge on a lawn in spruce grove. Evidently, they've been waiting a while for stanley cup passing the time by putting up an oil derrick logos and even fans from this year's playoff opponents. And the effort that's delighting the neighbourhood. When I take my 2 grandsons passed this to. >> They, they call it the oilers. Funny, scary and they love it. So thanks to the neighbours who did this. While most fans support the orange and blue from home, some are able to travel. They'll style has taken his brand of oilers. Funny scary to la vancouver. And now the lone star state. >> Now fans are really welcoming. Yes, assaults, little little little. For the vancouver was, that's for sure. >> Known for his bombastic face paint and had to 2 will be there's paraphernalia style learned a lot by how he's received in opposing arenas. We only have half of the state. >> You can have the lights on the tap where you had to camps like this fun police down and tampa bay, you can't buy a beer with a suspended. >> It was full start themed face pain for game one at american airlines arena, a double overtime marathon style feels lucky to have witnessed. >> Yeah, the boys are buzzing last. I like I was pretty mike dowse, I'm not scared of dallas anymore. The big that stars a it was a strong outing, especially for the oilers red hot penalty kill brushing off a double minor is ot began with mcdavid in the box full 4 agonizing minutes long, really long, really, really I hated every second of it. But you know, the guys did, but amazing job after missing an ear open net in overtime. One captain connor would not be denied in ot to. Game 2 goes saturday night in dallas. You can watch for style in the crowd. Jeremy thompson, ctv news, edmonton. >> Saturday night's game starts at 6 o'clock. The watch party inside rogers place is sold out. If you still want a lot of thousands of other fans. The ice district plaza and fan park opens up at 4.30 and both venues closed one hour after the game ends. And autopsy has confirmed the 15 year-old boy killed earlier this week died of a stab wound on tuesday. Officers found the teen injured in the area of one 37th avenue and one 84 street. He died on scene as best trend says brodin radomski was walking his dog with his mother when the stabbing happened. Police have charged 40 year-old keith james landry with second degree murder. They believe landry knew the victim. The trucker involved in the humboldt broncos crash have been issued a deportation order. Jaskirat singh sidhu. What that was driving the truck that collided with the humboldt broncos hockey team bus in 2018. 16 people were killed and 13 injured. Sidhu was granted parole after being sentenced to 8 years for dangerous driving. He is from india and has permanent residency in canada. One survivor of the deadly crash says he holds no ill will toward sidhu. >> There's no negative emotions towards and the you know, I can speak on behalf of anyone else, but I'm hoping not, you know, from human to human. I hope, you know, everything works out they could find happiness. >> There are other legal procedures to come. The deportation process could take months or years. A former edmonton sold are found guilty of trying to kill her 3 children has been denied an appeal of her conviction. We can't identify the woman to protect her children. She was found guilty of 3 counts of attempted murder and 2 counts of arson per 2015 fire. She sat at her home in cfb edmonton. The appeal argued the trial judge wrongly assessed her credibility inmates earn in france's 3 judge panel dismissed the appeal. They found the judge relied on reason and common sense in assessing the woman's credibility. The duke painting company has been fined after a

workplace death earlier this week. Sonic coating solutions pleaded guilty to failing to ensure the health and safety of a worker in october of 2021. The worker was killed when they and 3 others were transferring pipe to a paint shop. The pipe at the work or the company has been fined. $350,000. It appears sonic coating solutions no longer exists at the address. Associated with the company. It's a public schools passed its 2024 25 budget during the special meeting today. But as amanda anderson reports, the board says without change to provincial funding models, the future doesn't look good. >> We are yourself. Edmonton public school staff presented a bleak 2024 2025 budget to trustees. >> Face a vital service that's >> Enrolment growth projections for the school division are 5.2% year over here with just under 6,000 new students expected next school year. While there is an increase in provincial funding tied to enrolment growth, the board says it's getting harder to balance the books. >> We're higher numbers of students, higher complexity increase staff unit cost impact of inflation staff. Also explain to trustees finding money for deferred maintenance and keeping up with fixed costs like utilities and insurance is becoming increasingly difficult. >> The >> Division says it's continually dipping into its operating reserves to make ends meet. >> To the tune of about 16 million dollars this year, which leaves us with only 1.5% of our total budget being left in reserves, the lowest were permitted to go is one percent for chair. Julie cusick says the reserve has gone from 67 million to about 20 million in 10 years. She says it's not sustainable. And the province needs to take a hard look at the provincial funding model. This isn't working for growing school divisions. We've had 5 years now to explore this new funding formula. >> It's time to do something different. The budget passed unanimously, but there's already growing concern. The next one could mean making difficult decisions that could further impact kids and the classroom. >> To be. >> Amanda anderson, ctv news, edmonton. >> Alberta's premier says changes to bill 20 are expected to be widely accepted by municipalities. Leaders across alberta, though, are saying the opposite, arguing the bill continues to threaten local democracy. John skulski reports. >> We heard loud and clear for municipalities that they would like us to provide more clarity. When asked about bill 20 amendments this week, alberta's premier said she heard loud and clear for municipalities and is changing legislation cabinet can now remove councillors by ordering a vote if they are unwilling, unable or refusing to do their job or if cabinet considers it to be in the public. Interest bylaws can also be repealed by cab. And if they exceed the scope of council conflict with the municipal government act, provincial policy or are on constitutional. We have early indication that the approach that we're taking is one that will be widely accepted by the, by the municipalities. The same disappointment have from the get-go. >> Is, you know, we're not sure what the spirit and intent of 2 key pieces of bill 20. They want to start taking away. >> The ability of the local voter to decide who represents them, then they can just start appointing members of council. >> Leaders of municipal groups across alberta called the criteria of a arguing it gives cabinet too much authority over local governments. A concern echoed by edmonton's mayor who says the changes do not address the real concerns. Municipalities across the province have been sharing as he continues to call for the bill to be scrapped. Political scientist jared wesley says anger specifically from rural alberta could cost the ucp. >> Politicians in alberta that go against the public will don't last very long. And I think that this premier's office as may be forgotten. >> Wesley is also concerned the bills ban of vouching for people without id will prevent up to 50,000 albertans from voting in the next election. He says this allows the ucp to silence certain voters. >> Ends up being the government choosing its voters as opposed to the voters choosing its government. Most albertans. I think I would have a problem with that if they knew it was in the bill. >> The bill is expected to pass next week. Chelan skulski, ctv news, edmonton. >> The town of millet is under a boil water advisory. Alberta health services says any drinking water water use to prepare food or to wash dishes should be boiled for at least one minute before using ahs is not say why there is an earlier

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