
CFRN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 07:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #14

their phones too. And one researcher I spoke with recommends being mindful with designated time away from your phone. >> Storing it in a drawer, for example, or mindful meals when everyone's at the dinner table, the phones our way. Cristina tenaglia, ctv news, toronto. >> When you think about working out, sometimes you just don't want to be bothered. That's why there's a women's only club within a club here to explain with move body athletic is at a good morning, abby morning. So tell me about the women's only area in all of its amenities. >> Absolutely. So we have a sauna steam room in the woman section that you can access by going to the locker room. Also showers. There's a private woman's only pool as and then when you come out of the locker rooms, there is a private woman's only work at area. We have cardio machines, dumbbells kettlebells pretty much everything that you could think of as well as squat rocks, same as every equipment that we have upstairs. And we also have our private woman studio, which is called the move studio. We have classes such as bar physique, drums, muscles, emotion, all that stuff. >> We're at the squat rack it now you're going to show me how it's done. Let's go, let's go began >> So it's our lovely pink bar going to have you take your hands and put shoulder with the part that you're go under the bar. Good place right on your back right about perfect, you know, bring your feet wants to forward just under you can't good player has a little bit closer in good and that will take a deep breath and stand straight up. >> And take one step back and think this is only 35 haha, so few shoulder with the part. >> Good, you're going to squeeze those. I was down, take a nice deep breath in and then I'm going to view hinge or hips back to push them behind you and then sit down as far as you comfortably on this. And then you're going to exxon come back up. Good. Let's go to her tumour there. So heads back beautiful. That's a great squad. Working the quads work in the glutes. Yeah. And one more one more as so what do you hear from your cup club members about the women's only area and why is it so special to them >> There's lots of reasons we have, obviously lots of great equipment. It's a nice private people can come and work out it's often less busy than the officers as well. We hit the peak times of the gym. >> I can be a little bit quieter of his own to work out. It's good vibes and hear. Abby, thank you so much for joining us this morning. If you want more information on the body athletic in kona, hawaii athletic dot com. >> Still ahead, a beer stops in for a snack at a bird feeder in the united states. And more than a dozen service dogs are preparing to spread their wings after completing their training programs. >> Seeing him today on stage, graduating with his cap and gown with his family. That really means a lot to me. Which means more trailsto blaze. More challenges to meet. And right now enjoyno payments for 90 days. Get into a Jeep Compass. With best-in-class horsepower. Or Jeep Grand Cherokee,the most awarded suv ever. ( ) Jeep No Limits is here. Time to test your limits. Get up to 10% off msrp for up to eighty sevenhundred dollars in discounts. And no payments for 90 days. Soil is where it all begins, find out where it goes from there with Fields to Forks The stories straight from our community. The farmers, the manufacturers & the distributers who love what they do, and do it right here. Fields to Forks, the process the people, the passion. Learn more at Chapman's Super Premium Plus ice cream. Luxury for your taste buds! Twelve varieties made with natural flavour and colour. An obsession! Exclusively produced with Canadian dairy. Cow: Mooo. Canada's first peanut-free nut-free and egg-free luxury ice cream. A masterpiece! Chapman's Super Premium Plus ice cream. It's Art. (Foreboding music) Here we go. Group a or group b? Two a, one b. Allergies: bees... Next kid. ...hay, pollen... Application is done, just waiting for the submit window. Whatever happens, I love you. Oh my gosh, I'm feeling good about this. They're in! Oh, yes! [squealing] “Poor cable internet connection.” We're not in. [Kids screaming] [Thunk] [Even more screaming] When the stakes are high, why rely on cable internet? Switch to telus PureFibre. Canada's most reliable internet technology. ( )

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