
CFRN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 05:55 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

warning about the danger of drownings during the summer months. On average, one child ends up in the emergency room every day during the summers from drownings or near drownings. Children between the ages of 1 and 4 are most at risk. The study was set to be officially released in september about one of the doctors involved. >>> Tomorrow for the first time ever, a question will be asked in an indigenous language inside the ontario legislature. Ndp deputy leader will rise from the chamber to ask the question. And when that happens, it will be the first time a question is asked, interpreted and transcribed in a language other than english and french in the legislature in ontario. It will be a birthday present also for his mother who also turns 79 tomorrow. >> Oh, boy, did you guys see this. Thinking you scored a championship winning goal only to have it called back. >> Lindsey: okay. The p whl final when they scored in double overtime against boston. Can you believe it? The goal was called back. The goaltender interference. Crews had to clean up the ice to restart the game. This happened just a minute later into play. Boston scored. So now they have to go to a fifth game. Boston will have home ice advantage for wednesday's game 5. Uninvited guests like squirrels are common. >> I opened the door. I saw the bear. I turned around and I closed the door. And I went to my boyfriend and I said, bear. >> Lindsey: the only words she could get out. That bear was caught helping itself to a snack. This happened recently. Until he moves on to another area, their dog stays inside. No more bird feeder. Sorry, birds. You know that dog was barking because it is little and little dogs bark. >> Anne-Marie: I love that pose with the bear. This is my snack. >> Lindsey: probably unsatisfying for the bear, too. >> Kelsey: we made bird feeders here on the show. Jen reynolds was on the show. I hung a bunch of them in the backyard and then they were gone. The whole thing was gone. It was like, what? >> Anne-Marie: the squirrels. >> Kelsey: we are going to move on to weather this morning. This is what I'm talking about today. There's shifting winds that is driving the smoke from B.C. to alberta. We are seeing a brand-new air quality advisory after everything had been lifted last week. There is a pattern change. Areas that were very wet last week and cooler are about to enter a period of dry, hot weather. That could have an influence on fires in the region. We also have that pattern change happening in ontario, québec and atlantic canada. It is a very wet start to the week with strong storms and damaging winds. All of those details after the break. St ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at The majority of heart attacks and strokes occur in people with normal cholesterol levels and blood pressure Dive deeper with Heart Fit clinic's Cholesterol Particle Size Testing not available anywhere else Prevent and reverse disease. Book your free consultation today. ( ) Ummmm... Well, that's heavy... I would probably hug them and try to stop them from doing that. Don't do it! Like... you know, you're my friend, I love you... I'd be afraid of what to say. I don't want to say the wrong thing. ( ) If you're worried about someone, let them know that you are here for them and want to help. You can call or text 9-8-8 any time to get support. ( ) It's the People... and the Passion It's the Community... and the Commerce. It's looking back to help plan a better Future. For the Love of Our City ... only on ctv.

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at the base of newfoundland's memorial in france. The unknown soldier's final resting place will be at the national war memorial in downtown St. John's. >> There is a new warning this morning about an increase in lyme disease right across our country. Cases have now increased more than 1,000 percent. The main reason, the warming climate. Populations of an exotic mosquito species have been established. >> Royal caribbean's vision of the seas embarked on a five night trip. Back in march, the cargo ship hit 6 conception workers. >> A couple in kingston, ontario called their apartment home in the past two years. Here is ctv's jack richardson. >> Reporter: joel and his wife have had enough. For roughly one year, the floor tiles in his apartment have been coming undone leaving holes in the floor of their dining room and spare bedroom. >> If I wanted to fix all of my problems, I would just buy a home. The luxury of renting is you don't have to buy all of that stuff. >> When it gets wet, when you are mopping, it comes up more. >> Their breaking point came earlier this week had this woman tripped and fell. >> I feel right into the corner of it. I was really freaked out. >> They just want the floor fixed. It is having a severe impact on their quality of life. It is becoming more frustrating. They had contact with their property manager who have acknowledged this needs to be fixed. There's been a severe lack of information over the year. >> When we call and ask, we almost feel like we are the problem because we are bothering them. It seems like the company doesn't care about its tenants, it only cares about its money. >> Rent costs the couple just over $1400 a month. They even offered to fix the floors themselves, but got denied. >> I said I would do the work for free if you provide the flooring. It is no, no. I shouldn't have to offer. >> With or without the baby, it is still ridiculous. We rent. We pay for it. We pay our bills on time. >> Lindsey: coming up next... Have you ever tried to lull your children to sleep in your car? What does it a variety of things. There's a lot of effort goes into providing all the activities you can do, whether it's Bridge all the way down to trips, to visiting a distillery, to food pairings and wine tasting. You name it, we have it. I love walking and the grounds are lovely to walk around here. If they want to try something new, we're willing to try. There's always something going on and it's up to them whether they choose to participate or not so that they can live their life to the fullest. Small things do come in beautiful packages just like this transformed kitchen Microwave drawer, extended seating additional storage in the banquette At Towne & Countree Kitchens we transform homes and we transform lives visit our show room or go ( ) ( ) ( ) When we work to end inequity... ( ) we help start something better. ( ) Support Even the Odds. It's the People... and the Passion It's the Community... and the Commerce. It's looking back to help plan a better Future. For the Love of Our City ... only on ctv. [ ] By reliably delivering more the Hyundai kona suv has earned, “Best Residual Value,” from jd Power four years in a row. [ ] From its advanced technology to its durability

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