
CFRN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

and then tomorrow night, a good chance of seeing some more showers move through the city. Take a closer look at that with 5.10 day forecast in just a few minutes. Thank you, josh. >> Well, coming up next, the edmonton public school board with the bleak budget for the upcoming school year. Real life romance farming for love on ctv It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. Here's a fresh take. We think burgers taste better when they're made with Canadian beef. Fresh onto the grill. Fresh off the grill. Never frozen. Always juicy. ( ) Accidents can happen at any time. And you don't know who to call. At Diamond & Diamond, we are on-call 24/7. And we will work around your schedule. We will meet with you and provide a free consultation. You have nothing to lose. Call Canada's largest personal injury law firm today. Life's better with extra space. Space for family. Space for memories. Space for you. Sentinel Storage. Try four weeks free! Details at We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! .... Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part by ATCO-energy . Electricity and natural gas for your home >> Edmonton public schools passed its 2024 25 budget during a special meeting today. But as amanda anderson reports, the board says without change to provincial funding models, the future doesn't look good. >> We are yourself. Edmonton. Public school staff presented a bleak 2024 2025 budget to s face a vital service. That's enrolment growth projections for the school division are 5.2% year over here with just under 6,000 new students expected next school year. While there is an increase in provincial funding tied to enrolment growth, the board says it's getting harder to balance the books. We're >> Higher numbers of students, higher complexity, increase staff unit cost impact of inflation. Staff. Also explain to trustees finding money for deferred maintenance and keeping up with fixed costs like utilities and insurance is becoming increasingly that our kids and costs are going up says it's continually dipping into its operating reserves to make ends meet to the tune of about 16 million dollars this year, which leaves us with only 1.5% of our total budget. >> Being left in reserves, the lowest were permitted to go is one percent for chair. Julie cusick says the reserve has gone from 67 million to about 20 million in 10 years. She says it's not sustainable and the province needs to take a hard look at the provincial funding model. This isn't working for growing school divisions. We've had 5 years now to explore this new funding formula. It's time to do something different. The budget passed unanimously, but there's already growing concern. The next one could mean making difficult decisions that could further impact kids and the

>> With what is what needs to be amanda anderson, ctv news, edmonton. >> The alberta aviation museum is negotiating with the city for ownership of hangar. 14. The city currently owns the hangar. It's been the home of the museum for more than decades. A 2022 report found the building needed approximately 41 million dollars in renovations. The property was put up for sale last october, the city received 3 formal submissions. But in the end decided to negotiate with the museum for it to take over ownership. The museum's executive director says of a rd party. But the building the museum would have to pay at least $800,000 in rent. >> When you're looking at the institution that has a 1.1 1.2 million dollars overall operating budget. That's all of it gone basically. So that would not work that that would decimate a cells. This is this is a good thing being in control of your own home. >> Anger 14 was built in 1942. City council has agreed to raise some transit fares to make up for some of the money that's being lost. A report to councillors yesterday showed the service is bringing in less money, even though ridership is nearly back up to pre-covid levels. Councillors are also moving forward with an online store to sell edmonton transit, merch and souvenirs. They've asked administration to report back on the best way to do that. The city is bringing back movies on the square over the next 4 weeks. You can see a number of family-friendly movies on a big screen. The city will also have free preemie, the activities and food trucks on site. The first movie is sonic the hedgehog. 2, it will run tuesday evening, starting at 7 o'clock. The pre show fun starts around 5. Coming up. How one cfl team as trying to get more female fans in the stands. >> When you look at our our fan base, it's largely older, white males. We've been working really hard to bring a different demographic. >> Brought to on ctv It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. During the trail appliances‘almost summer' sale,you'll find big savingsthro from may 23rd to 29thsave up to three hundred dollars select maytagkitchen packages, and up to a hundred dollars oneligible maytag laundry pairs! Shop in-store or online,at trail appliances dot com! okokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokoking to attract those beautiful wild birds to your yard. Family owned, Meika's Birdhouse will take you under their wing. From seeds to feeders and houses, Meikas is your all in one birdservice and supply store. Located in Sherwood Park justoff the Anthony Henday or visit us at Narrator: Communication is the representation of who we are. But are we all represented in media? At ami, we strive to be a voice for Canadians with disabilities. AMI-tv is inclusion. Experience now on Here's what's happening in Our Community. Craving tacos but don't feel like stepping out? Get them delivered straight to your doorstep with a Skip The Dishes app. It's taco week. A dollar from each taco and margarita sold will go towards supporting Edmonton's Food Bank May 31 to June 9. And daring stunts, thrilling performers, astonishing tricks. It all comes together in one epic show. The Royal Canadian International Circus will be inside the signature red and yellow big top outside West Edmonton Mall on June 6 to 16. Get your tickets now. >>ancr: Our Community brought to you by James h. Brown Injury Lawyers when accidents happen. Go to Oh Canada!! their time has come Argentina have done it! One more Messi moment! Beyond glorious! Messi magic once again This is it...the stage is set That's what they came for!! And it is spectacular!! Closed captioning brought to you by Irish Entertainer and singer Daniel O'Donnell in concert June 2nd at the River Cree Resort and Casino Tickets available at

>> All right, josh, a lot happening this weekend outside, we got the markets, we've got the dance parties. Football game also preseason game at the outdoor oiler watch parties. Will the weather cooperate this weekend? >> Well, I think through most of the daytime hours tomorrow, the weather is going to be fine tomorrow night. So the late evening was a pretty good chance. We'll see some showers and then sunday looks cloudier and what will get tomorrow, we'll get into that in a first. Take a look outside with the river valley, skycam stern by capital gmc buick 34th avenue edmonton with temperatures set today hit 50 degrees for a daytime high, currently sitting at 14 and after a lot of sunshine this morning. The clouds kind of increase through this afternoon. Under a mix of sun and cloud to mostly cloudy skies across the region right now, it's 15 to the south red deer. 17 fort mcmurray, grande prairie and close to 20 in high level. Again this afternoon, showers and thunderstorms popped up across southern and western parts province as well. Just off the south, the grande prairie area. We've had some showers and thunderstorms, even a couple sprinkles there in northeastern alberta. But here in the edmonton area, these clouds are pretty empty. And so we're not expecting any showers tonight. You'll still see some evening showers and in through western parts of the province. And it's really sort of western and southern alberta, the same areas that got the most of the showers and thunderstorms today. Those are the areas that get most of the showers and thunderstorms late tomorrow afternoon. Watch what happens though, as we head into saturday evening. So most of the day we're dry. But saturday evening, some of that swings a little closer to the edmonton area. No guarantees, but a chance of some evening or overnight showers in the edmonton region. Better chance for areas to the south towards red deer and then west of the city. And then sunday at more cloud than sun. I think at best we get a few sunny breaks on sunday and no heavy steady rain, but a chance of some hit and miss scattered showers. The cool air mass in the mid and upper that big. Broad upper trough continues to be the big story right through the weekend. But watch the warming that comes in. On monday, tuesday, unfortunately, second last much more than 3 days. There will be some more cooler that swings in towards the end of next week. But nice and warm up back into the 20's for early next week, 5 in edmonton in jasper tomorrow morning. Elsewhere around the province should be in the one to 4 degree range. 20 once peace river and high level. Great, great chance. Some late day thunderstorm, same goes for its and mid to upper teens there in mid to upper teens in northeastern alberta with a mix of clouds. Red deer could see some afternoon showers and thunderstorms here in the edmonton area. As we said right off the top. I think most of the daytime hours, if not all the daytime hours, we're dry tomorrow said to be the warmest day, but and maybe a degree warmer than what we saw today. Mix and cloud 16 showers possible tomorrow night hit miss showers on sunday in the 20 to 25 range for monday, tuesday, wednesday. With a little bit of a cool down once again for the end of next week. Thank you, josh. >> Well, football season is almost here. And one of alberta cfl teams is trying to expand its fan base. Ctv's alesia fieldberg with more on the calgary stampeders campaign, specifically at women. >> With calgary stampeders season set to kick off, there's a push to get more fans at the stadium, including a campaign targeting women. You know, when you look at our, our fan base, it's largely older, white males, we've been working really hard to bring a different demographic, expand the demographic. Your man stadium among our fan base. The stamps are offering a discount, unseating the group altogether. My section 6 and t the sunnyside tony, I in brown doesn't need convincing. She's been a ticket holder since 1992. I've been in the same section for over 25 years or so. It's like a football family. It's included 5 generations of her actual family, longtime friends and other season ticket holders. She's looking forward to welcoming 200 more, including ellen parker. Such a wonderful way to build camaraderie to support local athletes and to come together with family and friends along with a discounted rate. The stamps are offering unique benefits, including a speaker series to sidelines experiences and the possibility of flying with the team charter for an away game. Sports marketing experts say it's important to take a holistic approach when targeting females. You want to look at everything kind of from tip to talk with a talk to when they buy tickets, who they see on the sidelines decide light entertainment. They want to see a diverse sport experience and they want to see that you actually support women in the organization as well. Just as taylor swift's recent football fixation has been linked to a boost in female eyes on the nfl. We think our game is better than that. The game to the south of us. The stamps are counting on 200 local ladies instead to help champion the cfl. >> And the home team stampeders new football fans season football fans bringing people together, supporting our community. >> Alesia fieldberg, ctv news. (Cheering) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture.

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