
CFRN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

a little more, a little more. [narrator]: ...but the extreme tension is taking its toll on his winch line. James! [james]: if this cable breaks, this truck and trailer are going to end up on its side. Okay! No, no, no, no! It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! I'm Meteorologist Josh Classen,every Thursdayon ctv News at 6 we're in adiff like this one, teaching themall about the weather It's "ctv weather watchers!" Weather Watchers, sponsored by The Alberta Teachers Association Stand for Education. [Wife] We wanted to find the best deals for our next fabulous trip. So we hired a private travel hacker. See all the ways that I can save you money? [Wife] Hmm. She works harder than any of our other employees. I just used Skyscanner. It searches billions of prices to get you the best deal in just one tap. -Billions? -How lux! Yeah, they're a little out of touch. Does the outfit go with this car? I don't eat cheese on Wednesdays. But they mean well. Someone's getting employee of the month. It's not you, Kelly. A wolf in the wild... and your dog both share a hunger for meat. That's why blue Wilderness is made with more of the meat your dog loves... Go wild with protein-rich blue Wilderness. Experience Century Casino Dine at one of their amazing restaurants Take in a show with the best live entertainment Watch the big game in the sports lounge Enjoy the thrill of live horse racing or relax in our boutique hotel Century Casino, three great locations! Edmonton, St. Albert and Century Mile You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) Like a unicorn. Lawyers you'll love can be hard to find. Looking for a lawyer that's tough enough to get results and genuinely cares about you? We do exist. Just go to Litco Law dot com. That's Litco Law dot com. r windows and doors are foggy, wasting energy, or damaged Reflect window & Door can help! From residential to commercial, they offer a full range of Windows and Doors, along with a wide selection of Hardware and replacement parts! Add beauty to your home with Reflect Window & Door! It's the People... and the Passion It's the Community... and the Commerce. It's looking back to help plan a better Future. For the Love of Our City ... only on ctv. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. -Could you use eightythousand, two eightyor even two point eight million? -Spring is a perfect timeto get things done. It's great to know a Flexi Linecan help you do that. -Call us today at1800-NEW-CAPITAL to see what'savailable to you. (Upbeat instrumental music) come on. You bastard. [narrator]: on the coq... [cable pinging] [narrator]: ...a frayed winch line... James! [narrator]: ...threatens to unravel reliable towing's recovery. Okay! Hold it! Stop. Getting down to the last few strands on kyle's line. I don't have a lot of cable left on that one. [james]: this trailer's leaning so hard, this is definitely not what we need. I can't pull anything on that cable right now. I just need you to keep tension. Well, you've got tension on it right now, right? Yeah, okay. [james]: we are so close to having this thing on the road that I make the decision to chance it. [kyle]: the line's fraying, so there's no structural integrity to the line anymore. I just got to keep letting it out, so that way james can keep pulling the truck out. Okay, ready, kyle? Yeah. [frame creaking] come on. [james]: it's a big risk, because that cable could break at any second... But we gotta get this job done and get the highway opened fully. Straight,

turn the wheel straight. Try and move forward slow. [narrator]: the driver adds some throttle. Come forward. Keep goin', keep goin'... -[narrator]: finally... -he's out. [narrator]: ...the loaded pulp truck is on the road. There we go. [chuckles] that was fun. [james]: someone upstairs was watching out for us, and just let the cable stay all together, and now we're going to be heading out of here. I'm glad to see him out. [narrator]: a hard-fought victory for team reliable... Good job, brother. [narrator]: ...and one happy customer. It's drivable, which is miraculous. Thanks a lot, bud. -on your way? -appreciate it, man, yeah. I'm going home tonight, so I'm happy about that. It feels really good, actually, seeing the driver really happy. [narrator]: in the valley... [narrator]: ...a rain-soaked wreck... [narrator]: pushing aggressive towing's 50-ton rotator to the limit. What should have weighed in around 30,000 pounds, I think we're pushing 55, 56,000 pounds on the back. [narrator]: the wet silt is like heavy concrete. -i gotta get it close to me. -yes. [narrator]: merv and jason need a new plan. Tighten this line up, leave the other one down, and then just kinda... And then bring it over to you. [narrator]: instead of lifting the entire wreck... We're kinda going for a drag method versus a lift. [narrator]: ...they'll try to slide it up to the road. [narrator]: the wet load begins to plow its way up the bank. [merv]: you're paying attention to the way the truck's reacting to the recovery, how it's coming out of the ditch, how much further I can follow it with my boom. Little more. A little more. [narrator]: with the back end part-way out... Okay, set it down. [narrator]: ...the recovery shifts to the front. [merv]: we're gonna be pulling on the nose of the tractor, trying to get it up to come to the road, and I'm going to be on the tail end of the end dump. [narrator]: as the tractor creeps forward... [narrator]: ...merv keeps swinging the loaded dump box around toward his rotator... [narrator]: ...but the closer the wreck gets to the road... [narrator]: ...the more the rotator is in harm's way. Yeesh. Holy. [merv]: if you're going to be swinging around the side supporting this much weight, you do stand a very good chance of it smashing into your tow truck. Oh, whoa! She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehe ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. Oh, hi. How can I help you? He needs a phone so I can have mine back. Merr! Well, we have a lot of great options. What do you use your phone for? Merrrr... Merrrr... Gaming? (Laughs) Streaming! Whoosh! Sharing! Yeah, pretty much all that. Sounds like you need a phone on

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