
CFRN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 01:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

anthony's actually the first one diagnosed with this disease in north america. >> Reporter: there are 6,000 rare genetic diseases. Anthony may not have been diagnosed if he wasn't flagged for testing through cheo's ai algorithm called think rare. It took a team of researchers three years to develop. >> It's kind of a nudge. It's not -- we're not replacing the doctor. We're kind of helping them with some of these digital tools. >> Reporter: for this pilot project, researchers use the algorithm to analyze 10 years of data consisting of more than 250,000 patient records. Of that number, 15 people were flagged as having potential rare genetic diseases. Ai is allowing cheo doctors to diagnose rare disorders in kids much earlier so families can get help faster. >> You don't have a specific diagnostic code attached to you in the educational system, you're often not given enough. >> Reporter: cheo doesn't want to profit off its technology but wants to share the ai algorithm with other children's hospitals for free. Judy trinh, ctv news, ottawa. >> Todd: a political rally in mexico turned deadly. Nine people were killed including a child after a stage set up at the event collapsed. Witnesses say it happened in seconds with video showing people running away or climbing out from under debris. The event was held in support of a presidential candidate ahead of elections next month. More than 120 people were injured. It's believed heavy winds may have been the cause. And that same storm system in mexico may have caused widespread destruction in central texas. >> Get in the house! >> Todd: the city of temple declared a local emergency after a twister ripped up a hotel, shopping mall and other buildings. There are no reports, fortunately, of any serious injuries. >> Nope, right there. >> Todd: some surreal scenes in alliston, ontario north of toronto last night as a massive funnel cloud was spotted during a major storm. Environment canada issued warnings as hail and lightning hit parts of the province.

>>> And forecasters are warning of a very active upcoming hurricane season in the atlantic ocean. >> The combination of record water temperatures in the atlantic and the developing la niña is really lining up to be an active season in the atlantic. >> Todd: between 17 and 25 major storms are expected. Eight to 13 could become hurricanes. After fiona's extensive damage in 2022, nova scotia says it's preparing for the upcome season which runs from june to november. >>> To québec now, and the question how short is too short when it comes to shorts? Students at a high school in laval, north of montréal, are angry. Dozens of female students were suspended for wearing shorts the school said violated the dress code. Our québec bureau chief genevieve beauchmin has the story. [ Chanting ] >> Reporter: leave the shorts they chant. They can't. Students skipping class at cure-antoine-labelle. They say it's so much more than short shorts. >> I'm fighting for equality. We're in 2024. Boys and girls are supposed to be equal. >> Reporter: the school board says the rule is all students' shorts must be knee length or just above. When warmer temperatures hit, temperatures soared, the school began a crackdown. >> The shorts I was wearing, some lady told me they were too short. >> Reporter: the majority of girls were told to go home or find ways to cover up exposed knees. >> She said your shorts give space for imagination. What adult comments on a child's body? >> Reporter: the school sent a letter home reminding parents and students it was developed with the collaboration of the school community and the rules aim to ensure harmony at school. The protesters say female students are unfairly targeted by the rule and its application. >> Our education is what matters before anything else. Right? And they're here suspending girls? >> Reporter: from the days of bans, generations of students challenged the sexism of dress codes and several students say the reasons teachers gave them were inappropriate. >> The boys can find your knees attractive. You have to change. >> Reporter: the students say there's only a few weeks left so they don't understand why the crackdown is happening now. The school board says it's reminded staff that applying the rules must be done respectfully. But the director general says rules are applied to both girls and boys equally. And prepare them for life in society at large. He also says that if students feel the rules need to be updated they can address their concerns to the school committee. The students say by any measure this rule is far from one size fits all. Genevieve beauchmin, ctv news, laval, québec. >> Todd: canada's defence minister admits there's more work to be done to boost defence spending. It comes in response to top U.S. senators calling on the trudeau government to step up. >> To be able to ensure those concerns that canada will be a ready and capable ally. >> Todd: the letter signed by 23 senators, both democrat and republican, saying they're profoundly disappointed. Canada is supposed to spend 2% of gdp on the military as part of our membership in nato but canada never reached that level and is in fact near the bottom compared to other nato countries.

>>> Coming up, a new warning about processed foods. >> This is about eating whole natural foods to protect our cognitive abilities and brain health. >> Todd: bad for your body and for your brain. >>> Plus a true fall-off the chair moment. [ ] Financial goals. Fidelity knows we've all got them. Maybe you want to own a home, or never own a home. Maybe you want to travel. Or have a kid. Or travel with your kid. Yours could be retiring early. Or never retiring at all. At Fidelity, we know everyone has different goals. But the one thing we share? We all want to get to them sooner. ( ) Canada's favourite pizza delivers again with a new mouth-watering stuffed cheesy bread only from Domino's. Introducing Philly Cheese Steak, one of five delicious varieties. Just $8.99 eachwhen you mix and match with another pizza, side or more cheesy bread. Domino's. Pizza over everything. ( ) Make your first move with battery power made by stihl. ( ) ( ) ( ) Find stihl tools, starting at $229.99. Shop local. Buy stihl. Find yours at ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. Sinec 1971 Edmontonians have trusted Doug's Place for their vehicle repair needs And today, our dedicated team of experts are committed to protecting your investment to the highest possibel standards with compassionate service and quality workmanship. Doug's Place. YOur vehicle. Your choice. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at >> Todd: french fries, cookies, doughnuts, tasty, known as ultraprocessed foods. Bad news for the waistline, but according to new research it may be bad news for your brain. Ctv's heather wright has more. >> Reporter: they're quick, convenient and hard to avoid. Ultraprocessed foods, things like chips, cookies, pop and soup are everywhere. And according to a new study, there's a direct link between how much you eat and your brain health. The study looked at 30,000 people in the U.S. and those who consume just 10 percent more ultraprocessed foods increased their risk of stroke by nine percent and cognitive impairment by 12%. >> The dunn side is really coming into focus, not just with our study but others, there's a cost associated with that. >> Reporter: this is just a study to look at the dangers which leads to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and early death. Food is --ed ultraprocessed when it goes through multiple processing steps, nutrients removed to make it last longer and ingredients like sugar, salt and chemicals are added. >> In my 20s I was classified as morbidly obese. And my diet was primarily ultraprocessed foods. >> Reporter: sandra says she ate as a way to self soothe. She's a food addiction counsellor. >> This is about eating whole natural foods to protect our cognitive abilities and our brain health. >> Reporter: it can be hard and expensive to remove ultraprocessed foods from our diets. The lead author of this study says making even small changes can have a big impact. >> It's about gradually guiding and nudging yourself towards healthier choices over time. >> Reporter: experts say when it comes to processed and packaged foods, it's a spectrum. Some better, some worse than others. That's why they say it's important to read the labels to understand the ingredients and as often as possible cook at home. Heather wright, ctv news, toronto. >> Todd: what would you do if you won $70 million? A man in toronto literally fell out of his seat after seeing his bank account. Watch this. >> Holy (beep). >> Todd: there he goes. Greg chialtas was in tears after receiving the money from a recent lotto max win. He wants to travel and pay for his kids' education and no doubt a whole lot more.

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