
CFPL - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

are attracted to canada's abundant supply of highly coveted models like suvs and crossovers. The agency's data indicates so far this year, canada ranks among the world's top 10 countries for stolen vehicles. The prime minister is backing the speaker of the house in the midst of another controversy. >> I have full confidence in rexburg fergus as a, as a speaker, that is a common says a, a independent minded leader. The was dealt with was addressed by the party and by the house leader. It was an unfortunate mistake. >> At issue, an invitation to a quote, summer evening with greg fergus that also referenced reckless policies of conservatives, both conservative and bloc. Quebecois mp say fergus should step down. Greg fergus is never going to a moment's peace as speaker. He will be under constant fire. The conservatives opposed him when he was a candidate for speaker. >> They have pounced on a mistake city is made and they've made it that even in instances like this, where the mistake wasn't really his, they're going to hold him to account. So I think you're going to see great for us on the grill over and over and over again. Montreal police are investigating a brawl that left 3 people dead, including a 15 year-old boy. >> With so looking for >> Re that we have in the fight to know exactly what's happening yesterday with still looking videos and theory that some people and doing that they weren't to check out, obviously has some of the deal with some information about it. >> Montreal police say there were multiple 9-1-1 calls last night reporting a brawl involving about 15 people. They say 3 victims were found with stab wounds when they arrived aged 15 23 25. They don't believe the incident is related to gangs or organized crime. Police say they've identified suspects, but at this point have not made any arrests. The british prime minister has set a date for a summer election with his party well behind in opinion polls. >> And today, I spoke with his majesty, the king to request the dissolution of parliament. The king has grown to this request and we will have a general election on the 4th of july. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it's been since the end of the cold. >> Rishi sunak's conservatives have seen their support dwindle steadily in recent months. They've been in power for 14 years now the party is also suffered from ethics scandals and a revolving door of leaders in the pas The Animals and Humane Society, London Middlesex need and deserve industry standard spaces not currently possible in their dated shelter. We are almost home, you can help provide a new home and new hope for our animals Let's talk about what we do. What really makes bath fitter different. One thing for sure is our seamless bath walls. This means no seams and no caulking in the corners, providing you a strong and completely sealed tub surround. you like the look of tile? We have so many beautiful options for bright, shiny and stunning bath walls also, Bath Fitter will inspect and Clean your tub area, making any necessary repairs before installing our products to ensure a perfect watertight fit. You'll be impressed by the quality, durability, and absolute beauty of our seamless wall surrounds. Call Bath Fitter today for your free consultation. Discover amazing at Klomps Home and Garden! Explore vibrant trees and shrubs, gorgeous flowers and exceptional home decor. This bring get back to life at Klomps, South of beautiful Stratford. Have a bright red day at Klomps Home and Garden. It's man versus beast where legends are made in a matter of eight seconds. Are you kidding me? It's the professional bull riders. And it's coming to London for one huge night, June 1st. Every second has led to that moment. It's the London Classic part of the 2024 pbr Canada Cup Series. Get tickets now at the arena box office and Budweiser Bring on the Bulls. 14 top food entrepreneurs are fighting for a 250 thousand dollar prize gordon ramsay's food stars is back! Buckle up, big boy and this time it's team ramsay They need to be on their game versus team vanderpump We want to see that you can take your business to the next level I am Vanderpumped up! I'm the founder of hot drops Square Eight You are Team Vanderpump Don't I'd also like you on Team Ramsey Oh my gosh on ctv Like a puzzle piece stops now. Man: Us tribute's don't have a choice. My name is Alex Hitchons. Call me Hitch. >> Thank you to janice mater. This photo was taken in mount

brydges at buffalo farm. These little ones were born over the weekend in just a few days old cold front, sparking some heavy thunderstorms in parts of our region. Temperatures not dropping a whole lot, but it will be cooler overnight and drier air arrives for your thursday sunshine back in the forecast of a few showers over the weekend. Skies clear out overnight, a great night to check out the full flower moon. >> Researchers in toronto say they believe a longstanding diabetes treatments may have another benefit. Pauline chan has more on its potential for multiple sclerosis patients. >> The foreman was developed some 60 years ago to treat type 2 diabetes and it's been proven to be safe. But scientists noticed another effect of the drug. If you expose neural stem cells to metformin. >> They would start making new cells, they would make new oligodendrocytes, which are the mylan dating cells of the brain. >> Making neurons and that's the premise that started. Professor city moore said thinking about metformin to treat multiple sclerosis. Ms is considered an autoimmune disease. So the exact mechanism is really just the loss of the maya lin that surrounds the axons in the brain. >> And in the spinal cord. And so then the cells can't conduct their signals. Mylan is the fatty sheath around the arms of nerve cells. Without it, the neurons to generate with ms. It affects people so differently. It's not a one size fits all type of disease. >> So many people on various symptoms. For me, it started initially in my legs and I was having trouble walking. Markin solace was diagnosed with ms 2 years ago and is on a medication that stops is immune system from attacking his body. And only consequence of that, though, is that without be sounds, it's very easy to get sick and you don't have that defence system. The researchers hope that early use of metformin will protect neural cells. That's why the trial is being run on patients to prevent further damage. So far through sickkids hospital. They've recruited about 15 of the 30 young adults needed. >> To test metformin for ms in clinical trials. And gonzales says he'll be watching their results with interest and hope. Pauline chan, ctv news. >> Japanese engineers have unveiled the new model of flying car. The vehicle climbed about 10 metres into the air during its first public flight in tokyo. Local government officials say they believe these cars may catch on and be successful. >> We are back at the humane society, london and middlesex. And we're talking about the new home new both campaign. We're joined by julie advance animal health coordinator. Julia, tell us a little bit about the challenges, the age of the building here in the shelter, a present. Yeah. So right now we're working in a building that's over 120 years old. There is no proper hvac system. We have plumbing issues, we have roof leaks constantly, all of these kind of structural issues really do impact our animals. Day-to-day cats, for example, are really prone to in shelter settings, getting upper respiratory infections and without a proper ventilation system in the air. The rest trade infection just kind of gets so we're kind of really dealing with the age of this building working against us. Tell me a little bit about this space at were and I was watching earlier, someone who's doing dishes that you don't have a dishwasher know. So we're currently in our food so this is where all of our food for all the animals is prepared. We're all the dishes are done so we have no dishwasher on so all of our dishes are done by hand. So we've got about 200 animals in the shelter, which results in about 400 dishes a day, which means that our staff and our volunteers are doing every single dish by hand. We're not quite there yet. But of hoping to get to that finish line of the new facility top a little bit about the new facility. Our new home will have facilities for washing and drying of our laundry. Actual dishwashers. It will be able to use, obviously, are enhanced and increase pace for our animals is huge. But they'll also be community spaces increased improve space for our staff of separate food prep kind of all of these separate areas that we really are needing to be able to make our shelter in industry standard shelter and and kind of meet those standards. It's unfortunate that when you mentioned the industry standard and that's what we're talking about. I mean, you're in a shelter caring for all these animals and you're below that and heading to the new home. I you will hopefully have be it will be a big relief. Yes, the animal. Yes, for sure. Yeah. And how can people help them if they want to find out more about our new home, new hope to head to our website. Hln dot ca. All right, well, thank you so much for him to the U.S. are going to learn about the education centre at the new shelter coming up. And again, I just getting close to that finish line, but still a bit of

a ways to go The Animals and Humane Society, London Middlesex need and deserve industry standard spaces not currently possible in their dated shelter. We are almost home, you can help provide a new home and new hope for our animals Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings. Visit Poag Jewellers and experience our wide variety of services and selection. From custom jewellery and on-site repairs, to clocks and estate pieces. Strathroy Monuments. A family business serving Strathroy and area since 1872. Specializing in quality traditional and non-traditional cemetery memorials. Violets is a womans boutique nestled in the heart of Strathroy. Embrace your personal style with our curated selection of high-end womens fashions. Discover the possibilities in Downtown Strathroy! (Male vo) This is not a car. Some might think so, but we know better. This is your first taste of freedom. Your first day as an empty nester. And it doesn't stop there. But there is one thing that never changes. Finch Auto Group puts you first every single time. So while we don't make the vehicles we sell, we do make sure to look after the people that by themselves, see Finch first. Are you looking for a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature from the comfort of your own home? Look no further than Lifestyle Home Products sun rooms. Our sun rooms are designed to bring the outdoors indoors, creating a serene and calming environment perfect for lounging, reading or spending quality time with your family. With our beautiful large windows, you'll never miss a sunrise or sunset, whether it's morning, noon or night. Our sun rooms provide the perfect backdrop for any activity, and with our customizable options, your sunroom can be tailored to your unique needs. Need a home office? We've got you covered. Yoga studio. Our sun rooms provide the perfect space for your practice. Planning a dinner party. Our sun rooms make for a stunning dining area. So why wait? Transform your home into a tranquil oasis with a lifestyle Sun room call or Click today to schedule your free, no obligation quote, and let us bring your vision to life. >> Welcome back. Canada will compete in the men's olympic basketball tournament for the first time in more than 20 years this summer. And there will be several nba stars on the roster. One of them kitchener native and nba champion jamal murray, tyler kelaher reports. That's after a heartbreaking end to his season. Kitchener native jamal murray turned his focus. >> To the olympic games, confirming his commitment to represent canada in paris this summer, joining a crop of rising stars set to defend the country's olympic pride. This is the best canadian team. >> Ever put together in the history of this country. This team definitely has a shot that hit the podium. It will be canada's first co at olympic basketball in 24 years, signalling growing interest in the sport to tell firsthand by the kw titans. Just 2 wins away from a basketball super league championship. I'm actually blown away at how committed some people are are to the to the team. Owner david schooley says ticket sales have jumped 60% since the start to the season. >> And more kids are getting on the hardwood themselves. The kitchener-waterloo youth basketball association says it's seen a steady progression in participation and quality of play for boys and girls. Thanks in large part to canadian star power in both the men's and women's game. This success of the jamal murray's andrew ali edwards legitimize, I think for the kids, the potential to make this sport. >> Seriously. And it's not just the hype of basketball, but the affordability that sets it apart. Some of our more traditional sports are less accessible basketball. It doesn't cost a lot for kids to play. Opening the door for a new era of canadian basketball. Today's stars paving the groundwork for the next generation to follow. When you have players like jamal. >> At the centre of attention when it comes to playoff the playoffs, you know, winning a title that should definitely can actually. And there are a lot of kids to look to play basketball. Tyler kelaher, ctv

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