
CFPL - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

who left after travelling outside of canada during the pandemic. Musyj responds to lhsc is past with a comparison to other centres. The issues london health sciences centre. >> Some of the issues, the bigger issues be it health, human resources b, it even executive leadership. They're not alone with respect to that. >> She acknowledges he is a leader who gets things done. He contends he will not act without input from all levels. He tells ctv news london. He has set up over 100 meetings among those invited doctors, nurses, unions, community groups and patients. We'll have the same 5 questions for all of them. >> What is london health sciences centre do? Well. What doesn't? It do? Well, what should start doing what you did stop doing and any general advice they have for me. >> And to back up his plan, musyj intends to bring a rare trait in executive leadership along with him to ensure >> Accountability. Every single patient had my phone number. There is no timeline for musyj stay in london, but he confirms he will not accept the top hospital job at lhsc permanently. Some here. >> I plan on staying here for as long as I'm needed and when I'm no longer needed on leave. In london, sean irvine, ctv news. >> There are warnings tonight about canada's food bank system. It's a critical part of our country's social safety net. But as heather wright reports without intervention, it's at risk of collapse. >> Poverty and food insecurity in canada are worse today than they were a year ago. According to this report, which handed out report cards to provinces, territories and the federal government grading how the different jurisdictions are tackling poverty. Most provincial governments received grades in the deranged will 7 out of 10 got a d minus for what the report called an insufficient approach to poverty reduction. We're not doing enough as a country to make sure people are able to make ends meet right now. >> Nearly half of those surveyed feel they are doing worse financially compared to last year, while one in 4 people say they are experiencing food insecurity, a lack of affordable housing in stubbornly high food prices have created a perfect storm of need in many parts of the country. And there are concerns the system simply can't keep up the word. I threw the most often when I talked to the bankers is that it's unsustainable that they cannot continue to meet the growing demands with the amount of food and donations are coming through the doors. And even then, no system is designed you know, growth that like we've seen. The report says some provinces like pei and nova scotia are making legislative progress. >> But it criticizes what it calls an overall lack of urgency at all levels of government. >> In tackling poverty. Heather wright, ctv news. Members of an organization called western faculty for palestine say they support an on campus student encampment. >> 10 17 set up in front of the university's community centre for 2 weeks now, 5 faculty members of issued a statement supporting the protest. They also support calls for the university to divest from businesses or organizations involved in israel's ongoing military actions in gaza. Meanwhile, 3 european countries say they will recognize a palestinian state. Ireland, norway and spain announced the decision today, which is seen as mostly symbolic at this point as annie bergeron-oliver reports, the situation for palestinian civilians, he's only getting more urgent. >> Humanitarian aid groups in gaza are issuing a dire warning. Supplies and personnel are running so low. The un agency for palestinian refugees has suspended food aid operations in the situation is absolutely catastrophic. Children who were. >> At the very brink of famine are no closer than they probably ever been to this catastrophic situation. Worsening humanitarian crisis in gaza comes more than 7 months since the war began after hamas attacked israel, taking more than 200 hostages today are heartbreaking. New video shows the moments after 5 young women were taken hostage or legal boas. 19 year-old daughter daniela is one of them. >> It's not a things, too, to see to seal mine. The said terrified too. >> The ongoing conflict in the devastation it's caused has prompted spain, norway and ireland to recognize a palestinian state. Our decision to recognize palestine should not have to wait indefinitely. >> Especially when you see the right thing to do. >> Already do the decision has sparked swift condemnation from israel, which has ordered the immediate recalled its ambassadors from those 3 countries. Israel claims that this is a reward to hamas.

and I suggested it is not a reward hamas who has no interest in 2 states, has no interest in. >> The continuation of israel's existence. It's, it's a reward to moderates in the palestinian authority. >> The move comes after 143 countries voted in support of palestinian membership at the united nations. Something only states are granted. Canada abstained from that vote. Canada has maintained its support for a two-state solution where the palestinian state is only recognized as part of a long-term political solution. >> Canada's long-standing position has seen 2 sports to call for a two-state. >> Solution. That's the path to lasting peace in the middle east. The recognition by the 3 european countries is historic, but largely symbolic. Their formal declarations will happen next tuesday. >> Annie bergeron-oliver, ctv news, ottawa. >> Sarnia transit is considering a transition to electric buses. The transit service is getting about $190,000 to study electrifying the fleet. Most of that is coming from ottawa. The rest covered by the municipality. It's a collaborative project with the canadian urban transit research and innovation consortium man to develop a plan for 0 emission public transit. Labour leaders have joined with the provincial opposition preparing legislation meant to protect workers from heat stress. As siobhan morris reports, those job risks are expected to become more severe in the years ahead. >> Not quite summer, but already the sun is baking ontario. Making for some sometime sizzling working conditions on the street and off. >> We need better protection for workers from heat stress. As ontario faces more climate change driven extreme heat events. >> New democrats, the ontario federation of labour and workers want the government to do more to make sure workers are kept cool. The time for action is now whether they earn their pay checks in schools. The heat during some of their energy making tasks such as cleaning, lifting and moving equipment. >> Even more exhausting. >> Or work in the shop. I'm wearing heavy leathers, a mask gloves and sometimes I can only stand there for maybe 10 minutes and I have to stop and peel that off. All that gear can speed up the effects of heat stress on the body. Critics say that cranking up the ac if you have it is not an adequate plan. You'd be amazed at how many times I've heard from schools that not only is a sweltering, sweltering, really hot. >> But the water fountains are also turned off because they didn't pass the water testing. The ndp will look at what other jurisdictions have done to inform a bill they'll present this fall, making sure that there's cold water available for more breaks for shade. >> And where frankly, brought an indoor space and you can air condition and making sure you have an engineering firm lucian that. Reduces or eliminates risk. There's an acknowledgement the solutions will cost more. There also is a cost when workers cannot work when workers are needing to go home. We've seen lives lost. A spokesperson for the minister of labour says employers have a duty to keep work environment safe, including in high heat. >> She says the ministry does thousands of proactive inspections each year, but that workers should report something if they think rules are being broken at queens park. Siobhan morris, ctv news. >> A local teenager has been invited to train with a high profile stun program in china. As reta ismail reports, the program was founded by one of film's most famous action stars. >> Kyle sampson has been practising karate for 9 years. And in the last 5 years, she's been training in movie stance. I joined a demo team out of toronto. >> And we went to perform at an event called movie expo, where you can be seen be heard by all different types of people in the industry. And through that, I discovered the start world firsthand. And I was really when I decide that was something I want to do. >> That passion for karate instance that has her packing her bags to head to beijing, china this june. The 14 year-old black bout has been invited to train at the one of a kind training camps called jackie chan stunned camp, where she will get to work with some of the world's most renowned experts. I was shocked. And then after that, I was just absolutely ecstatic like it's just such an amazing opportunities. So I was, I was over the mood. The head instructor at family karate where samson trains says he's not surprised she was chosen. After all, she has a great work ethic. She is constantly working, whether she >> Has a slight injury, whether she's not feeling the best. She is always ready to give 110%, no matter what challenge or obstacle is in front of her. Sampson says with the support

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