
CFPL - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

the municipality's blindsided and announced closure that ended their hospital resulted in the taking down of the h and the closure of their hospital is a hospital. The writing is on the wall. >> Gutting the services that are delivered a durham hospital, including cuts to emergency department hours and the closure of all inpatient beds. We'll make it unviable. We know that this is a plan, but to close it all together. >> South bruce grey, health centre president and ceo nancy shaw says the board had no choice but to move inpatient beds out of the durham hospital due to the chronic and worsening nurse shortage. And she says the hospital corporation has no intention of closing durham's hospital either, but that's not stopping west grey from heading to court to try and keep durham's hospital beds in town and trying to secure its future. It seems like this is all that we're going to be able to how we're going to able to negotiate, certainly not a way that we want to from queen's park. Scott miller, ctv news that we've come. >> A retrial began today for a man previously found guilty of murdering a rival dog breeder with more from the first day of proceedings in st. Thomas. Here's ctv's nick paparella. >> Boris panovski now 79 years of age stood next to his lawyer when he pled not guilty to first-degree murder and attempted murder. After a trial in goderich in 2018. The one-time dog breeder was found guilty. But 3 years later, he was granted this retrial, which was moved to st. Thomas in her opening address. Crown attorney kelsey good told the court that in september of 2014, 70 year-old donato frigo and his wife eva, where in huron county for a bird dog event. She said they were on horseback when mister and missus frigo were ambushed and shot by the gunman. Donato was shot twice the second, which was execution style. Eva survived the crown said the court will hear of a prior deep-seated grads that boris panovski had with donato frigo. You'll hear that mister panovski blame mister frigo for the loss of his esteemed reputation in the bird dog world. The crown said evidence will show that in the weeks and months before the shooting, panovski planned the murder, saying mister petoskey was that gunman who killed in auto frigo and attempted to murder eve out. Earlier, the court heard that panovski biden ticket to macedonia the day after the shooting. >> And that he took $10,000 out of his bank account. He was arrested when he returned. The first witness called was opp identification. Officer jeffrey my it, he told the court that moments after the shooting, he spoke with 3 goes wife and said she was distraught. She was very anxious. She wanted us to go and find that person who shot her husband. The re trial is slated to last 6 weeks in st. Thomas. Nick paparella, ctv news. >> Provincial police in eastern ontario say they've recovered millions of dollars worth of classic cars. Originally reported stolen from lambton county. Opp say 3 million dollars worth of cars were reported stolen last year on may 14th. Police say they raided a property near belleville and discovered numerous vehicles. 2 men are now facing multiple charges. Still ahead. >> I feel so excited and so nervous. >> Battle of the artists, 100 kellogg Just checking out this gorgeous view. Look at that pool. The clubhouse membership to that clubhouse comes with ownership of the Port Stanley Dream condo. Take a look the other way. It's a golf course. Could you imagine living amongst all of this awesomeness? And of course, inside is amazing too. This is the dream condo here in Port Stanley. Built by Wastell Homes. You are going to love it, but you got to get your ticket in order to win it. Remember last spring the lottery sold out early? You don't want that happening to you. This year, you could have a choice at three. Amazing grand prize. There's a beautiful home in London. There's this gorgeous Port Stanley condo amongst all that awesomeness comes with $250,000 cash as well. Or you might choose to take the cash $1 million. Most importantly, bonus deadline, though, is midnight tonight. That's a chance for you to win $45,000. The clock is ticking. Get yours by midnight. Good luck Are you looking for a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature from the comfort of your own home? Look no further than Lifestyle Home Products sun rooms. Our sun rooms are designed to bring the outdoors indoors, creating a serene and calming environment perfect for lounging, reading or spending quality time with your family.

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The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at It's man versus beast where legends are made in a matter of eight seconds. Are you kidding me? It's the professional bull riders. And it's coming to London for one huge night, June 1st. Every second has led to that moment. It's the London Classic part of the 2024 pbr Canada Cup Series. Get tickets now at the arena box office and Budweiser Bring on the Bulls.s are going fast. Order early for your chance to take home $45,000 cash. Hurry! Bonus deadline midnight tonight. Dreams do come true and there's so much to win, including one of two dream home options or 1 million cash. See the Dream Homes for yourself. Open for viewing on weekends Win more with Londons largest 50/50 and making a difference calendar. Supporting Londons hospitals is a big win. Act now last spring sold out early Bonus deadline. Midnight tonight. (Woman) We're putting our footdown to keep our feet up.Like way up with La- (Man) We worked overtime,now it's tv time. (vo) It's the La-Z-Boy Red Tag Sale! Save up to 25% La-Z-Boy. Long live the lazy. Glass Canada's idea guy. Just tell me what you need. (man on phone) I want my bathroom to look like the magazines (Steve) Oh, sure. A glass shower can make it look brand new. (woman on phone) I want my staircase to make a statement. (Steve)we have some incredible glass railings that will transform your space. (woman on phone) I need more light in my house. (Steve) We can do floor to ceiling windows and big, beautiful patio doors. The idea is don't stop. And neither do we. call today for free at home quote. Can we do that? You bet your glass we can. >> Welcome back, meteorologist julie atchison joins us now with a look at the forecast. Julie. >> Hey, thanks so much reta. Great to be with you tonight. Our high today. 20 of 5 degrees, our low of 14. It was a banner day, lots of sunshine, high pressure back in control and the humidity dropped off today. So it was nice dry air, so comfortable. 21 is our normal daytime high of 8 in normal overnight low. So we are under the influence of high pressure and that high will hold friday. We have some rainfall in northern ontario tonight and a weather advisory along the northern shoreline of lake superior frost expected. So some cooler temperatures off to the north. We've had some heavy rainfall across the southern prairies. And as we gear up for the weekend, this weather system that's right now in through the dakotas will eventually make its way into the great lakes. So saturday we have some rain on the way, expecting some showers to move in saturday morning and they will last through the early part of the day. So that's our risk window at this point. Rainfall saturday morning. So high pressure friday, a beautiful day, lots of sunshine. It will be absolutely gorgeous right across the area. It will be saturday where conditions deteriorate in the morning overnight. 11 in london, 9 in mount forest, kw and 12 to 13 degrees near the shoreline of lake huron and erie. Friday's forecast morning sun and 15 23 by noon hour and 25 the forecast high. The winds generally light out of the north through the afternoon as we take you through the next 7 saturday. Rain arriving early in the day, could even see a few pop-up thunderstorms showers expected to end any time after one to 2:00pm. And then skies will start to clear back out, making way for a nice sunset saturday evening, still warm at 26 degrees. So expecting to see some sunshine on sunday. Mainly sunny, beautiful 28 degrees. The humidity moves back in, it will feel like the mid 30's. So it's going to be a steamy sunday afternoon. Temperature takes a bit of a drop. So monday, we're down to 21 degrees. And then tuesday, we have showers and 17 cool on wednesday at 14 and mainly cloudy and sunshine on thursday. So temperatures will average well below normal or early next week. We're going to swing the other way after a taste of summer. We're back to some spring weather now we are still officially in the spring season and that's typical for this time of year. 24 to 25 on friday, saturday showers and then saturday night, we'll

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