
CFPL - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

I went, like, "Oh, no. It's him." I just knew. Mark Ames is arrested and charged with deliberate homicide. With Julia changing her story, and no evidence to back up Mark's claim he was defending himself, he is forced to take a plea bargain. He is sentenced to 40 years in prison. Mark Ames: My boys, they need their dad. It just-- it breaks my heart to be away from 'em, and it's just-- it's wrong. It's so wrong, this whole thing. Because I did everything I believe was lawfully within my rights. With Cappy gone, Julia inherits the house. After all, he put her name on the deed. No, I can't accept this. I insist. And some believe that's what she wanted all along. Nelson: I think Julia manipulated this whole scenario. I really believe that. She had him wrapped around her little finger, and it-- it-- and he wouldn't pull away. It's getting out of control. Let me talk to him. Mark Ames: I'm not the person she painted me to be to Cappy. Thank you. Easy, Cappy. Don't Cappy me! Get out of here! Mark Ames: And she would paint Cappy to be this absolutely evil beast out to destroy me. He said he'll blow your brains out if he catches you here again. I never intended for Cappy to die. Cappy told Julia that she needed to move out by January of 2014. Out by January! Woman: And then he was killed in January of 2014. (firing) I don't think it was an coincidence. You ruined my life! Others maintain that Julia never intended to manipulate anybody. You ruined my life! Woman: I'm sure at times, Cappy would feel, like, betrayed and sad and hurt. Open this door! But, I mean, he understood that Julia felt for him as a friend. What would I do without you? Woman: And I believe he understood that she would never feel something more. Eventually, Julia does leave the neighborhood. Woman: People could tell she was sad for Cappy's loss. Like, she was really sad. I don't think that Julia and the kids are over it at all. And it will take a while, and I don't even think that they will ever get over it. Mark Ames: It's just wrong that he's dead, and she's off livin' her life, and I'm here in-- in prison. It's just wrong. So wrong. The sad part about all this is that, uhh, Cappy finally had his dream come true, and it had to end tragically. And that's really hard... to witness, is how this all transpired. It's-- it's sad. 'Cause he was so happy up here.

(Dishes clinking) it's good, yeah? Mm-hmm. Hmm-mmm, mli. That was unbelievable. On the apple crumble scale, which I'm perfectly aware does not exist, that was a 9.99. Thanks for inviting us. It's very good. Well, I think it's great. Would you like another bowl? No, I meant getting together like this. Oh. We should do it more often, like when we went to grey cup. Oh, yeah... The grey cup. That was a--a great game. A hell of a game. Oh-ho, yeah. There's a game not to miss. I'm glad I was there. That's how to see a football game. It's just too bad we couldn't have all sat together. Yeah. Yeah, davis. Well, by splitting up into pairs, we got better seats. Like noah's ark. Thank god it didn't rain. Yeah. Yeah. You can tell me thatyour dog ran away then tell me thatit took three days I've heard every jokei've heard every one you say you think there'snot a lot goin' on look closerbaby you're so wrong and that's whyyou can stay so long where there's nota lot goin' on Lacey:YOU know, I've alwaysthought of a shortcut as somethingthat saves time. I never saidthis was a shortcut. Did I usethe term shortcut? Yes. You said, "let's take thegrid road. It's a shortcut." oh, yeah. Well, don't worry.we got lots of time. We're still gonnamake the game. Do you know what'swrong with the car? This is a 1968 oldsmobilecutlass, 350 4 barrel. It's got nocatalytic converter. I don't want to getoverly technical. We're outta gas.we're outta gas. Oh, great. I feel like I'm inhigh school again. Don't worry, I won't put the moves on ya. No, in high school we ran out of gas a lot. Oh. This must be kind of embarrassing for you, running out of gas when you own a gas station. I got a jerry can in the trunk. Well, this must be kind of embarrassing for you, having an empty jerry can when you own a gas station. Were you this annoying in high school? I'll call a tow truck. No. I saw a farmhouse. Maybe we can get a ride. Well, brent, just let me call someone for help? This is kind of embarrassing for me. I own a gas station. Why are we stopping? Because I want to visit my buddy, russell. He owes me 20 bucks. Who's russell? My buddy. Russell's quite a character. (Chuckling) I could tell you some funny stories. Oh, yeah? Like what? None of your business. Have we got time for this? We got time, jackass. If I wanted to hear complaints, I woulda drove here with emma. Thanks for letting me take a detour. As long as we have the time. If I wanted complaining, I would have come with oscar. I'm not complaining. I love shopping. Sometimes a girl has to take care of herself. Say to heck with it and splurge a little. Hey, here we are. I buy everybody's tickets on my credit card, then I get the people to pay me back and that way I get the frequent flyer points. But you don't like to fly. I know. I just love collecting the points. What about miles? Oh, no. I'm off miles. Just collecting the points. Do you have the tickets? Maybe they're back in your truck. Did you check the glove compartment? They're not in the glove compartment. How can you be sure? Because that compartment's for gloves. You're not supposed to put other things in there. I hate to think what you keep in handbag. (Knocking) hello? I don't think anybody's home. I wonder where they could be. I don't know. It's as if there's a huge football game on in a nearby city. Maybe they got there by putting some sort of fuel in their tank. Will you let me call a tow truck? No. You don't understand. For a gas man, this empty jerry can thing is like a big purple badge of shame. Let me go look around back.

hi. My car is broken down, or--ormaybeit broke down. We didn't run out of gas. But, you know, if you happen to have some, maybe you could bring some along with ya. (Doorbell rings) do any of your stories about your buddy, russell, involve him not answering the door? Shut up about the stories. He's not here, oscar. He's here. (Doorbell rings) just try the door. Russell? Wanda: I love shopping here. I buy all my christmas presents here. Christmas? Can't people tell? Nah. Once you rip the price tag off, people don't know if you spent a hundred bucks or seven cents. Let's face it, people aren't very bright. What about this, um, bracelet you, uh, bought for me for christmas? Well, yeah. Yeah, where--where did I get that? I got that, um--oh, hey, look, string. Russell! Hank: hey, oscar. Does your friend, russell, like to lie on the kitchen floor with a phone in his hand? No. Then either this guy ain't russell or your friend russell is dead. I told you he was here. She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance ( ) When we work to end inequity... ( ) we help start something better. Support Even the Odds. Looking for adventure this summe Boler Mountain's Treetop Adventure Park is open rope courses, swinging bridges, pirate nets and zip lines, all in our natural Carolinian forest The Big zip and the family course are also open. The Big zip and the family course are also open. Our spacious chalet is an ideal etting for weddings, meetings and corporate events. Our spacious chalet is an ideal etting for weddings, meetings and corporate events. Book your adventure today! Boler Mountain! Southwestern Ontarios Most Dynamic Destination for outdoor adventure ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at (Woman) We're putting our footdown to keep our feet up.Like way up with La- (Man) We worked overtime,now it's tv time. (vo) It's the La-Z-Boy Red Tag Sale! Save up to 25% La-Z-Boy. Long live the lazy. Let's fly.(Driving dynamic music) Male Narrator: Star TrekDiscovery. New episodes Thursdays on ctv Sci-Fi. Success. I filled it from a jerry can I found in the back of a truck. No longer a badge of shame, now a badge of triumph. I will not be defeat-- ow, that's heavy. Brent, you can't take somebody else's gas. I left a note and some money. We've still got time to make the game. I'm just going to make a quick call. Who are you calling? My mother. Right now? Yeah. Hello. Hi. Uh, you know that problem we were talking about earlier? Hello? I'm cutting out. Hi. Yeah, listen, um, everything is taken care of. We're on our way, so you don't have to do the thing.

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