
CFPL - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Aw, man! [ ] [sizzling] Got bacon? Nothin' but the goods. [Narrator]: Halfway up the long trail to the Bunces' Wolverine Mine in northern British Columbia... Okay, Robin, your eggs are done. Perfect! [Claudia]: Oh, my god... [Narrator]: Camp cook Alex is trying to rouse the Jade City crew. Still sleeping. Hey! I'm not sleeping. [Robin]: Day two on the road. Last night the cabin was okay,got some sleep... But not enough. [chuckles] [Claudia]: It's been a rough night. Yeah, I feel like [bleep]. [laughs] [Narrator]: Claudia's driving skills were put to the test on the brutal trail on day one. Day two will be even tougher. [Bleep], that Turnagain's high. Right now you can't see the banks, so it's a sign that there may be trouble crossing. [Narrator]: The Turnagain, swollen with spring runoff, is the next big obstacle. The Turnagain marks the halfway point on the bone-jarring, 120-kilometre trail to their mountain jade mining camp, Wolverine. Claudia's partner, Peter Niu, is providing the heavy equipment for mining this year, and it was put through the wringer on day one of the walk-in, an excruciating 13-hour, 55-kilometre marathon. [Bleep], that was deep. [burst hose hissing] Oh, [bleep]! Guy! We got some issues back here. Blew the end right off the hose. Done. Dead in the water. [ ] [Claudia laughing] Oh, my god. [Josh]: This is gonna be the million-dollar rock. [ ] Yee-hoo! [laughing] [Claudia]: Jade makes people do crazy things. I'm ready. Do I look like I'm a truck driver? I've got my fuzzy jammy top for good luck. I'm excited. We're leaving the cabin right now to go to Wolverine. We're gonna go all the way. We're not gonna set up another camp. [Narrator]: They hope to make it to Wolverine by tonight if their new partner's mining equipment can survive the trip. [Claudia]: Let's go get this done. Let's go home. [Robin]: We gotta make it the whole way today. We're about an hour and a half, two hours late, so hopefully we have zero problems. [starter chugging] Gotta boost 'er! [Narrator]: The bulldozer, the slowest vehicle of the convoy, won't start. Dead dog. [barking] [Claudia]: So, we need to boost the CAT. It's just an adventure every single day. [laughs] [Narrator]: They decide to jump the bulldozer with the nearby rock truck. Two minutes. Two minutes he says he'll have it figured out. [Narrator]: New hire Gary's operated a lot of machines... It's not here? Batteries aren't there. [Narrator]: ...but he can't find the battery on their partner's rock truck. Hey, Robin? It's not there. Wires are there. [Robin]: Don't know where the battery is. Not down in here, eh? Nope. [Robin]: Normally the batteries are easily accessible, but this is an older rock truck. Yeah, we lifted that, but no batteries. Really? My mighty jade miners can't find the battery in the rock truck. So many places it can be. [Claudia]: Nobody can find it. We've opened up everything and looked around, and... I don't know. Can't find the battery there? Nope. How can that be? Yeah, you gotta make it work when you're out here. It's that or be stranded. [Narrator]: Robin doesn't want to wait any longer... He's boosting it with the International. [Narrator]: he jumps the bulldozer with another truck. There we go. Good to go here, Robin? Yep. Okay. Okay, fire in the hole. [starts engine] Whoo-hoo! [Narrator]: But Claudia can't give up the hunt for the mysterious battery. It can't be hidden someplace that's not accessible, Gary. I wouldn't think so. There's a battery in there somewhere. It has to be on the front. It can't be on the back, right? Is it under the seat? It's gotta be accessible.

What? It's in the cabunder the seat. Now we can hit the road. So, round 'em up, pack 'em up, let's go. We gotta get outta here. Ready to rock 'n' roll? Wish me luck! Yeah, let's go. Whoo-hoo! Oh, yeah, the old Turnagain. Can't believe we're here again. I don't like water, so yeah, not good. [sighing heavily] Well, it's hard to judge how deep it is, but I know it's deep. Yeah, you kinda gotta stay on this side of it a bit. You're just gonna drive the way we normally would a quad? -Yeah, right here. -Bit of an angle? Guy was saying right close to the edge, but if you screw up, stay back from that ridge. [Narrator]: Robin will lead the way. You want me and you to go across first? -Yep. We can go across. -Kay. [Narrator]: With her son Josh away for first aid training, Claudia has had to take on more responsibility. [Claudia]: This year I'm driving a big piece of equipment across, not just a quad, or having one of the boys do it. I'm actually taking a piece of equipment across the Turnagain by myself. It's terrifying. So, let's go? -Let's go. -Okay. So, Robin, wait till I come up behind you, and then I'll be like, what, six, ten feet behind you? No, that's a little too close. You need to be-- We're at a good distance. A really [bleep] good distance doesn't [bleep] tell me anything. She's [bleep] deep. Am I doing it in first? [Robin]: Pretty deep, eh? [Claudia]: [Bleep], is that close. Robin? Robin! Do what? Go left? [Claudia laughing] You're an [bleep]! [yelps] Am I doing it in first? Seems like it goes from one [bleep] scary thing to another. Am I doing it in first? For the fifth time. First, second? What, Robin? I'm in fourth. Probably first or second. You ain't climbin' it in fourth. [Bleep]. Don't you think you should tell me? I just told you to start to keep in touch with me, Robin. Robin, don't treat me like I know something when I ask you a question, please answer me. I'm petrified in this [bleep] damn thing, and you act like I should just [bleep] know what I'm doing. I have a bad temper. You said "just at a good distance." What the [bleep] does that mean to me? I said, "Should I be six feet behind you, what should I do?" I didn't wanna be too far behind, 'cause I couldn't [bleep]-- Yeah, because if you're too close-- --remember where you were. Robin pissed me off. He went ahead of me without helping me. Robin, you didn't answer my question. Looking for adventure this summe Boler Mountain's Treetop Adventure Park is open rope courses, swinging bridges, pirate nets and zip lines, all in our natural Carolinian forest The Big ZIP and the family course are also open. The Big ZIP and the family course are also open. Our spacious chalet is an ideal etting for weddings, meetings and corporate events. Our spacious chalet is an ideal etting for weddings, meetings and corporate events. Book your adventure today! Boler Mountain! Southwestern Ontarios Most Dynamic Destination for outdoor adventure For 55 years, Conway Furniture has been Southwestern Ontarios source for quality furniture, mattresses and flooring. Visit our spacious and tastefully decorated showroom for todays trends and colours. Rest test a recliner or luxury mattress and get ideas for your home. Our staff is there to help with your projects from custom upholstry to custom flooring. Start your shopping at, but dont miss a visit to Conway Furniture, Line 86 just East of Listowel. Maybe you've seen it on Pinterest. Maybe you found it in the magazine. Maybe you caught it on a home reno show. Wherever the idea came from,

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