
CFPL - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

through southern california and even northernmost main faced repeated close calls from storms, with lee striking canada. The hurricanes that are coming from the tropics are able to sustain their intensity higher up into northern latitudes, where you would expect the hurricanes to be as strong. So people along the eastern seaboard from the mid atlantic, all the way to new england are having to start to think about threats that they would in a thought about in the past because of these, the changing climate. >> No matter how this hurricane season plays out, one of the goals of these forecasts is to communicate the risk so that you can prepare now. >> In new york, I'm national climate reporter chase cain. >> Meteorologist gary archibald is with me tonight. And gary, it is a lovely evening here in london tonight, but it sounds like it could be a wet morning tomorrow. >> You're right about that to carlyle. Be situation as we see it is comfortable comfortably warm because the relative humidity count is 35 to 45% range. We like that. But not so much. The cold front associated with a system that's on its way here. It will make big changes. Today was a glorious day indeed, comfortably warm, just gorgeous outside to do pretty much anything. 25 degrees, 4 degrees above seasonal with respect to our high below 12 degrees. So far 3 degrees above average were holding and 23 degrees in the great city of london, ontario at the airport and increasing cloudiness. We are still in the warm slide, as you can see from this north american temperatures map much colder in northern central and northwestern ontario. Compare toronto with 25 in thunder bay at 8 degrees celsius cool in winnipeg, that cold air is helping to produce snow and rain as I speak in southern manitoba. We are concerned about the cold front and the showers pushing through indiana rate. Now in parts of wisconsin, in northern north, eastern illinois over the next 10 to 12 hours. That increasing cloudiness will then produce showers and potentially thunderstorms across southern aunts, ontario proper. And with that some gusty winds. I don't anticipate an outbreak of severe thunderstorms, but summer and rumbles of thunder likely to be heard early tomorrow morning. Predawn and perhaps just after your breakfast saturday. The showers aren't very extensive. They are not likely to be long duration. And the overall amount say anywhere from 5 to about 15 20 millimetres, a light to light moderate county in terms of the accumulations tonight, relatively fair, sunny through 2 desk twilight should be gorgeous under clear conditions through 10 o'clock by midnight down to 17 comfortably mild degrees. Again, humidity really not much of an issue. Where do we go from here? Take a look 7 day forecast courtesy of we're good friends at metal roof outlet. The icons in caption says you can see predominant conditions, daytime highs anticipated and the lows tomorrow and the day after mid 20's. More sunshine saturday afternoon and continuing into sunday cooling off a touch and then a lot more monday through tuesday, wednesday for london. 21, dana, 15 15 recovering more seasonal values with a passing shower thursday. Sunny on friday, this time next week. Twenty-two degrees take a look at the midwest, could see some scattered showers late tonight into early tomorrow morning. A high of 24 under a clearing sunny afternoon saturday, sunday looks beautiful. 25 clear only about a 10% chance of showers, but things start to get wet monday and then tuesday, lingering cloud in possible showers. Cloudy on wednesday, down to a cool 13 below seasonal through the midweek, sunny. And we're covering as we head towards thursday and friday. 18 20 degrees respectively for daytime highs. Once again your seven-day forecast, krissy metal roof outlet carla gary, thanks very much. >> The broader impact of a grocery store boycott the independent stores getting a boost. >> I'm reta ismail. Listen to the latest episode of my podcast where I'm joined by simply duo susie and john. As we discussed a contribution to the sport of tennis in the Welcome to the world of spycraft. (Dramatic music) Keep yours eyes glued

to the action. Let's get down. Let's get funky! What are you concealing? You a communist sympathizer? (Whistles) It's just a job. Glass Canada's idea guy. Just tell me what you need. (man on phone) I want my bathroom to look like the magazines (Steve) Oh, sure. A glass shower can make it look brand new. (woman on phone) I want my staircase to make a statement. (Steve)we have some incredible glass railings that will transform your space. (woman on phone) I need more light in my house. (Steve) We can do floor to ceiling windows and big, beautiful patio doors. The idea is don't stop. And neither do we. call today for free at home quote. Can we do that? You bet your glass we can. [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Amazing! Hi, Marty Klomp. And this Spring, Experience Klomps Home and Garden. Discover our Team Red's extensive lineup of vibrant trees, evergreens, and shrubs. Explorer our phenomenal selection of homegrown, gorgeous flowers to color your yard. Treat yourself with Klomps unique home decor and crp patio sets and chairs. Get back to life at Klomps Home and Garden, just South of beautiful Stratford. Have a bright red day at Klomps Home and Garden! >> A plea and from london's pure country 93. And we're so excited to be cheering on the london knights at memorial cup this weekend and make sure you grab your jersey and head downtown tomorrow at 4 o'clock, they're holding a memorial cup watch party at dundas place. We'll see you there. >> And ongoing loblaw grocery boycott may benefit smaller and family run stores reporting a boost in sales this month. However, as dylan dyson reports, it may not have the desired impact on the grocery chains. Bottom line. >> This is around $12 >> And on their clearance, you might see at that price on average is around 14 to $16 at be savvy fine foods in our in prior the independent grocers says sales are up in the month of may. It's hard to tell right now this soon in the game, if it is a full boycott and we're seeing the increase in sales from that, it's come at a time when many across canada are making a concerted effort to boycott loblaws and its affiliated stores. Shoppers trying to put pressure on the grocery giant as food prices continue to rise are buying power isn't as strong as some of the, the large players obviously, but we try to price to be either the same or lower for 2 people, $144. But this boycott that started on social media may not be turning out as effective as organizers hoped. The reality loblaw stock price is actually up. >> Since the start of the month, if you actually look at galen weston is portion. >> Of loblaw is almost a billion dollar richer than at the beginning. Of of the of the month of may. 1st, I would love to. >> But it this is the cheapest or compared to. >> Metro participation in the boycott may be mixed, but shoppers say they are fed up with major grocers. I, but rather provide or give them my money than to line the pockets of major corporations. They're seeing that the prices are now almost the same as a local producer. >> And I think that's what we're really seeing people come in. Dylan dyson, ctv news aren't prior. >> Canadian border workers have voted in favour of a strike mandate. The union representing border officers says negotiations are at an impasse. The public service alliance of canada says it's looking for wage is aligned with other law enforcement workers and what it calls an equitable retirement regime. The union says members have been without an updated collective agreement for 2 years. The government says it has renewed agreements with 80% of public service workers claiming it will negotiate in good faith if the union does the same. Officials with the pharmacy chain londondrugs say cyber criminals have followed through on a threat to release confidential data after refusing to pay a

25 million dollar ransom. >> It could be things like feller information, disciplinary proceedings, protest in some cases led up to >> Company officials say more than 300 gigabytes of employee data has been leaked to the dark web stolen last month, forcing london drugs to close all 79 of its stores. >> The thing about the disclosure, this kind of information is you can never make it right. Credit monitoring doesn't fix it. It's an awful feeling for the individual victims, employees and the organization. And it's happening far too often in this country. >> Police in toronto say they've made dozens of arrests, part of an investigation into organized retail theft. They say thieves are using modified clothes and bags to bypass security systems. Janice golding reports. >> Stay wouldn't draw any attention if you were to drive carry them into a store. But look what's inside. They have been modified in certain ways under orders to attempt to defeat security systems. >> Detective constable kevin kinsmen shows us a booster vague. One of the ways crooks are ripping off retailers across the gta. So they've added compartments to this jacket. Correct? So this is what it looks like. This is an interior pocket, these clothing items and accessories part of a hall york regional police recovered in project booster a 2 month long multi force investigation targeting a spike in organized retail theft. We're talking more about people, they're coming into a store. >> In groups with the sole purpose of stealing involved. So would be 501 location, 300 another location. And here's one of the modified items of clothing that one of that these wear a skirt. >> On top of a booster skirt, which is basically a large pouch with a zipper inside the concealed items in. >> Day-long shoplifting sprees targeting chain stores for items these could resell in the underground market. >> Everything from cosmetics to perfume, jewelry, high-end clothing and alcohol. According to a release from the retail council of canada, shoplifting has increased across all categories, including food, apparel and footwear. Merchandise. >> Escalating inflation and a growing resale market for stolen goods are some of the contributors. But there is also an alarming trend of repeat offenders and people using violence. >> They were working in, in cells, in, in like a smaller cell. So there's no hierarchy structure. And during project booster, investigators arrested 88 people late 169 charges in recovered merchandise worth more than 114,000. >> From an estimated $333,000 worth of stolen goods. >> From from the the person was arrested. This jacket, you never know. >> And initiative, they say he's made a dent. We have noticed a decrease here and into district of police say this is a nationwide problem was stolen goods still making their way to and from the gta. Janice golding, ctv news. >> A broad-based rally helped canada's main stock index recover from yesterday's losses. The tsx gained 120 points in new york. The dow is up slightly. The nasdaq up 185. The canadian dollar gained a 3rd of a cent today on commodity markets. Gold lost almost $3. An ounce oil added $0.85 a barrel. >> Later on ctv news, a retirement pastime turning in Are youready to elevate your space? Then let Park Road Custom Furniture by Warehouse74 design your vision. Since 2012, Park Road Furniturehas been a trusted source for home decor and premiumlocally made furniture. One of a kindand fully customizable. Our skilled artisans workwith wood, metal, and upholstery to make your residential orcommercial space extraordinary. Visit Park Road Custom Furnitureby Warehouse 74. Our name has changed,but our values havent. Your space,your style, our expertise. Glass Canada's idea guy. Just tell me what you need. (man on phone) I want my bathroom to look like the magazines (Steve) Oh, sure. A glass shower can make it look brand new. (woman on phone) I want my staircase to make a statement. (Steve)we have some incredible glass railings that will transform your space. (woman on phone) I need more light in my house. (Steve) We can do floor to ceiling windows and big, beautiful patio doors. The idea is don't stop. And neither do we. call today for free at home quote. Can we do that? You bet your glass we can. ( ) When we work to end inequity... ( ) we help start something better. Support Even the Odds. There's never been a better time to get a metal roof from Metal Roof Outlet. Order now and pay nothing until 2025. No interest, no payments for a full year. Or pay upfront and get an instant rebate of up to $3,000. Offer ends June 1st. Visit It's the Professional Bull Riders and it's coming to London for one huge night, June 1st. It's the London Classic, part of the 2024

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