
CFPL - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>> I sent a letter to council explaining what had changed. Cedric gomes, a business person in professional account to send a letter to city council expressing concern about the amount of debt declared in the annual financial report of london hydro quote in the 2022 financials, the company disclosed to value of 168 million that same debt at the same point in time is now valued at approximately 200 million indicating the company's debt was previously undervalued by 32 million. That's put 30 million dollars in context. London hydro's entire profit for last year was was about a 5th. This about not changing the number, no change. London hydro ceo vinay sharma rejects a letters claims he says a debt swap agreement with the bank ensures that a fixed amount of debt and interest is repaid by the end of its term. But annual financial report show how interest rates are impacting values at a single point in time. The villi in 10 years. >> Pay back 200 million dollar, not any more, not a penny less. In between the term of this contract. The report, what is happening in the market if you're changing the number in next year's financials, which is what they did, you need to explicitly say this is what we changed. This is why we changed it. The numbers are seen as a reported earlier than I think it's changed 100% of london hydro shares are owned by the city. The public utilities not just important for keeping the lights on, but also pays an annual dividend of city hall council needs to ensure that there's transparency and accountability in this process. Gomes was unsuccessful when he sought a seat on london hydro board last year, but says his concerns are about the best interest of londoners. Not a result of sour grapes. Sharma says civic administration in council ensure that the utilities financials are independently audit. The auditors that audit of the books I've appointed by the by the council. >> Says akon city auditor that audit us and everything has been found for because system be deported. London hydro will present its 2023 report on finance to a council committee on tuesday. Daryl newcombe, ctv news. Leaders on a local first nations say they won't rush a decision on a potential nuclear waste storage facility proposed for their territory. >> The company behind the project has indicated a decision would come this year. But as scott miller reports, no vote has been scheduled on the saugeen ojibway nation. >> The chiefs in charge of the saugeen ojibway nation say their communities will get to vote on whether they want canada's most radioactive waste to be buried in their territory or not. >> Will have a referendum. And the surety wins. >> When that vote will take place is still up in the air. The nuclear waste management organization tasked with finding a permanent home for canada's used nuclear fuel wants to select a site by year's end. >> That's about polls goal, whether we'll be able to meet that target is, I would I'm realistic. >> The nuclear waste management organization has designs to potentially bury canada's high level nuclear waste here under 1500 acres of farmers fields north of teeswater. Now those farmers fields fall within the territory of the saugeen ojibway nation. The nwmo says the project will not move forward without the approval of the saugeen ojibway nation or that of the local municipality. The municipality of south bruce, who scheduled a community referendum on the project this october rolled wide. It's, it's a accepted as the right thing to do. >> Is to put it well beneath where can be contained and safely stored in january of 2022, members of the saugeen ojibway nation voted overwhelmingly against plans to variant areas low and intermediate level nuclear waste. >> Within 2 kilometres of lake huron, nadjiwon says while this project is different, the biggest question facing sewn voters. We'll be is containing the radioactive waste in underground containers. The safest thing to do now. >> And forever and you got to ask yourself. The question if they if they do very cow. What is the risk? That I'm conveying. Radioactive waste. Making it's way too. The surface where was could have an impact. >> Nadjiwon says, so we'll continue to educate itself and its members on the most nuclear waste plan and will hold their community referendum when they feel the time is right. Whether that's this year or next in wiarton. Scott miller, ctv news. >> Local photographer say they need reinforcements keeping up with demand for a meaningful service. They captured the final moments of a newborn's life when their parents know

they won't survive. As sean irvine reports, the significance of these moments can't be overstated. >> Melissa martin affectionately plays with her 5 month-old daughter, isabel, isabelle des melissa's 3rd child. She follows hannah born on april 2nd 2022 send love >> Brown eyes. But hannah would only survive 5 hours after birth. >> Doctors discovered midterm she would be born without kidneys. We knew that she was going to pass we. >> To what we could before the birth to prepare for that. Preparations included a celebration of hannah's life. That's where tammy belair entered. >> To be on the set of all. It's just that content. She belongs to the north american wide. Now I lay me down to sleep organization. >> It's a charity made up of volunteer photographers who captured the last moments of an infant's life with their families. The service is free of charge, even though they're passing or they have past based, their lifestyle needs to be celebrating. And over 4 years, tammy has photographs, 62 area infants with their families. >> But current requests for her services are 4 times that amount. She hopes local photographers and their assistance will now step up to help despite any reservations. My family for a while they're calling the death a target for and I'm like no, that's not what I do. I celebrate love and the pitches that I take, these families are emotional. A photograph is. >> The only thing you have after losing a loved one at the end of the day. All you're left is just with memories. So having something like that. There's no words to be about that to put into effect how meaningful it is. If you're a photographer or an assistant would like to help a family capture a loved one. >> A link is on our website now in london. Sean irvine, ctv news. >> Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm meteorologist gary archibald. We are setting up for the weekend weather. So far, so good weather in terms of the heat and humidity has been the combination well comfortable factors. And that's why tonight looks good. The system that's on approach through the western tear. The upper midwestern usa will increase the cloudiness across the lower great lakes that makes it here within the next 10, 12 hours, possibly shower, mostly sunny throughout the day, increasing cloudiness now, but a warm 23 degrees to enjoy the evening. Rain could be on the way. Thunder showers for saturday morning. Here's a look at our snapshot. Thanks to helen thompson for this floral image. Lady slippers, beautiful flowers. We'll talk, maybe not so beautiful weather. For the weekend. Coming up here on ctv news. >> Thanks very much, gary. Also coming up, how the london knights are shaping up at the memorial cup ahead of their opening match against the (Jingle) Four Seasons Sunrooms Lydia: In speaking with past clients, one message we hear over and over again is how the sunroom is their favourite room in their home, and they wished they had built it sooner. Call Four Seasons Sunrooms today to see how you can add a new favourite to your home. (jingle) Four Seasons Sunrooms I say, we shine bright. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at (Woman) We're putting our footdown to keep our feet up.Like way up with La- (Man) We worked overtime,now it's tv time. (vo) It's the La-Z-Boy Red Tag Sale! Save up to 25% La-Z-Boy. Long live the lazy. At Diversified Dynamic Care,our Adult Day Program offersseniors socializatio For the last 40 years, Braam's Custom Cabinets has been creating beautiful, handcrafted cabinetry for all of Southwestern Ontario. We design comfortable, functional, and stunning living spaces, locally built with the absolute highest quality.

Our blend of old world craftsmanship with new world manufacturing precision, ensures a beautiful, balanced look that will stand the test of time. Let the experts at Braam's bring your home to life.Let's fly.(Driving dynamic music) Male Narrator: Star TrekDiscovery. New episodes Thursdays on ctv Sci-Fi. >> Monday night's memorial cup coverage brought to you by the western fair. It's opening night at the memorial cup and the london knights will be watching. They start their quest for junior hockey glory tomorrow afternoon. Our brent lale is in for the tournament. Joining us now. >> The dow event centre is about to be rocking tonight and fans will be waiving these towels in the stands as their host saginaw spirit take on the moose jaw warriors. As for the london knights in off day today, they had a light skate as they prepare for their first game tomorrow afternoon against the champions from the quebec league. A light skate for the knights this afternoon as they prepare to open their tournament tomorrow. >> I think we're pretty excited and that that the whole presentation today was pretty cool in this to see the memorial cup. There was got us fired up. So we're ready to go. They'll be walking into a bit of an unknown against drummondville, the champions of the quebec league newsy. We know these kids from me dropped in the middle. We watch him in minor midget. Now we, you know, we use are totally different. So. >> We showed some care filmon each player of the year get to know their tendencies. His spot in the final just like we did so we have to be ready to walk. The volt is your beat baie-comeau enforce trade to get here. >> Yeah, I compete team you know, we're excited to london right off the get-go we understand you know, there was certainly a favourite to win this this tournament. So we're excited compete against them on saturday, a car just focus on my game icon of a. >> Stay away from even a personal stats. There are other other ag cgy-stat to kind of just stick to practice time and and folks in what I do on the ice and I don't, I don't look into that to other teams are stats auditor to too much and well, riley mercer prefers to avoid knowing much about that night. London goalie michael simpson has done his homework, done a little >> Video to see you know who this is a good players and you know. >> And so should be a goal you kind of want to know is this year's and and you can set have that the back of my head that because this tournament is being hosted by the ontario hockey league this year. The knights will see a bit of an advantage. >> They won't have to play back-to-back games during the round. Robin for london players like laine and sam, this is a dream come true. I just want to get out there. >> Be on the ice with all the fans and stuff. It's, it's unbelievable. You know, I watch every minute cup every year and just to be here, it's a whole. It's like we're here in saginaw. Brent lale. >> Ctv news. >> Complete coverage of the london knights at the memorial cup, including all weekend will be available on our website. >> Hurricane forecasters are expecting a record-breaking season this year and they see rising ocean temperatures are a major factor. Supercharging storms like we haven't seen before. Nbc's chase cain reports. >> We've never measured our oceans, this hot brian mcnoldy at the university of miami highlights that in the region of the atlantic, where hurricanes often form temperatures in late may are already at average levels for august. But our oceans are just hot at the surface there getting warm at much greater depths known as ocean heat content and that is driven by oceans absorbing more than 90% of the heat. >> Created by humans burning coal, oil and gas. And as the water gets warmer even deeper, you can think of that like being an even bigger fuel tank, allowing hurricanes to strengthen dangerously fast, like hurricane ian or for okay. Note tropical storm one-day category 5 hurricane the next nearly without warning. One of the biggest fear is that that I as a hurricane forecaster have had to internalize over the last. >> 15 20 years. Is the fact that we're seeing more of these tropical storms undergo these rapid intensification cycles. John morales is hurricane specialist for nbc miami and he's worried about the combination of unnatural ocean heat. >> With the natural shift 2 la nina. So now all these things are pulling in the same direction towards what could be a hyper active hurricane season in 2024, along with extremely powerful hurricanes. The catastrophic ones that we really need to be concerned about, along with being stronger climate change is allowing hurricanes to travel farther outside their usual zones more often. Last year, a rare tropical system plowed

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