
CFPL - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

close to 2. >> 8, 9 o'clock in the evening and I was super quiet. I don't think that the serbs, anybody, we've got bigger issues this deal with and the feedback that I've heard from a nurse very clearly is they have no interest in us getting involved and how they maintain their yard. I think it's an interesting position to take as a leader because it's always good to have dialogue and we haven't even have the opportunity. Have a discussion about council. Frank adds, the long-term goal is to nudge people to start phasing out gas-powered motors when they reach end of life to reduce noise and greenhouse gas emissions. We've seen it with electric cars. There's more of those on the road and I think it makes a lot of sense to stick to running london as a city and not worrying about me cutting my lawn at 7 30 at night. >> Chris schouler uses gas power for now, but has had his eye on electorate. >> The weed eaters taking them with you. You don't need the gas and everything like that. And the me right now says its rocket sky-high on july 4th city council will decide if it will hold a public meeting in july about reducing the hours for using gas lawn equipment. >> Daryl newcombe, ctv news. >> A couple in windsor are taking up a by-law battle of their front lawn. They've been told their landscaping poses a safety risk. And as ctv's rich garton reports, they're now on the clock to get complaint. >> This house has been in beverly holmes family since 1952. I grew up in this house, their landscaping spanning from the curb, a few metres into their front lawn has been here for 35 years. And there has been no problem up till then on may 3rd, the homes got a visit from the city and a notice to remove this landscaping from the city's right of way or bring it into compliance before may 31st. It's a sight lines or something that somebody could hit or because of the injury as a result of those encroachments court. I don't think for impeding anything to anybody. >> I wish I wish that would just go away. I'm too old for this. According to mark winterton, the city's commissioner of infrastructure, the public right of way is about 20 metres wide and includes roadway and underground utilities for the public good. We're not driving up and down the streets looking for the 6. But if somebody complains and we're going to be forced to dip down >> The act on the meeting, the visit was prompted by a complaint. It's called a snitch law that's called yet doesn't make good neighbours. That obviously that's how the city operates. Apparently many people in the city of windsor a do not understand or know that the behind the curve, 2015 to 20 feet is actually owned by the city. The homes now have a few options. They can remove it entirely. They can leave a one foot strip of grass along the curb and limit the height of the bushes to 3 feet or they can apply for an encroachment permit for the cost of $899. And with that, we must supply a certificate of the in. >> Sure, it's or they can do nothing that. >> We will eventually be forced to remove it. But the cost of moving on the homes have a short window to act and are weighing their options, but want other residents to know all it takes is one complaint for us to change things here peas, whatever it is that somebody has in their bonnet. >> Doesn't make sense. And I don't think the city of windsor wants to be known as a as a city that is going support this kind of stuff. >> Rich garton ctv news. >> Health care advocates are threatening legal action in grey county over cuts to small-town hospitals. Ctv scott miller has more on their message to the provincial government. >> The municipality of west grey will take their fight to save the durham hospital from queen's park to a courtroom. It said that we've come to this, in a democracy, we can't have open and free speech and be able to puts things forward to resolve or issues for a community. But as I said, here we are. And this is the avenue we've got to take. I got to take council of west grey has to take to protect our community and our citizens at queen's park today, mayor eccles along with members of the ontario health coalition, a tear nurses' association and opseu called for a moratorium on local hospital cuts and closures as well as announcing pending legal action. >> To stop cuts to the durham hospital due to a lack of nurses. The south bruce grey health centre says they will move all 10 inpatient beds from the durham hospital. The hospitals they run in kincardine and walkerton starting on june, the 3rd earlier this year, durham's emergency room was indefinitely closed from 5 at night to 7 in the morning. Also due to a lack of nurses. >> As an er nurse, I can tell you that minutes save lives. The closures of local hospitals will result in community members having to travel farther to access care. >> West grey residents and officials fear that the erosion of the community's e r hours and movement of inpatient beds.

we'll spell the end for the durham hospital, ultimately leading to its closure. >> It nears almost to the date what happened in mendon last year. This time where the community was blindsided. The municipality's blindsided and announced closure that ended their hospital resulted in the taking down of the h and the closure of their hospital is a hospital. The writing is on the wall. >> Gutting the services that are delivered a durham hospital, including cuts to emergency department hours and the closure of all inpatient beds. We'll make it unviable. We know that this is a plan, but to close it all together. >> South bruce grey, health centre president and ceo nancy shaw says the board had no choice but to move inpatient beds out of the durham hospital due to the chronic and worsening nurse shortage. And she says the hospital corporation has no intention of closing durham's hospital either, but that's not stopping west grey from heading to court to try and keep durham's hospital beds in town and trying to secure its future. It seems like this is all that we're going to be able to how we're going to able to negotiate, certainly not a way that we want to from queen's park. Scott miller, ctv news that we've come. >> A retrial began today for a man previously found guilty of murdering a rival dog breeder with more from the first day of proceedings in st. Thomas. Here's ctv's nick paparella. >> Boris panovski now 79 years of age stood next to his lawyer when he pled not guilty to first-degree murder and attempted murder. After a trial in goderich in 2018. The one-time dog breeder was found guilty. But 3 years later, he was granted this retrial, which was moved to st. Thomas in her opening address. Crown attorney kelsey good told the court that in september of 2014, 70 year-old donato frigo and his wife eva, where in huron county for a bird dog event. She said they were on horseback when mister and missus frigo were ambushed and shot by the gunman. Donato was shot twice the second, which was execution style. Eva survived the crown said the court will hear of a prior deep-seated grads that boris panovski had with donato frigo. You'll hear that mister panovski blame mister frigo for the loss of his esteemed reputation in the bird dog world. The crown said evidence will show that in the weeks and months before the shooting, panovski planned the murder, saying mister petoskey was that gunman who killed in auto frigo and attempted to murder eve out. Earlier, the court heard that panovski biden ticket to macedonia the day after the shooting. >> And that he took $10,000 out of his bank account. He was arrested when he returned. The first witness called was opp identification. Officer jeffrey my it, he told the court that moments after the shooting, he spoke with 3 goes wife and said she was distraught. She was very anxious. She wanted us to go and find that person who shot her husband. The re trial is slated to last 6 weeks in st. Thomas. Nick paparella, ctv news. >> Provincial police in eastern ontario say they've recovered millions of dollars worth of classic cars. Originally reported stolen from lambton county. Opp say 3 million dollars worth of cars were reported stolen last year on may 14th. Police say they raided a property near belleville and discovered numerous vehicles. 2 men are now facing multiple charges. Still ahead. >> I feel so excited and so nervous. >> Battle of the artists, 100 kellogg kicks off its ann (Woman) We're putting our footdown to keep our feet up.Like way up with La- (Man) We worked overtime,now it's tv time. (vo) It's the La-Z-Boy Red Tag Sale! Save up to 25% La-Z-Boy. Long live the lazy. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at [muffled noise] ( ) When my hearing changed, HearingLife understood. ( ) I don't just want to keep hearing my friends. ( ) I want to keep being me. Book a free hearing test with one of our hearing professionals and see how our personalized care can help you - keep being you. Love your ears at HearingLife. Are you looking for a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature from the comfort of your own home?

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