
CFCN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 07:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

We can come to you if you areseriously injured. We will take the load off so youcan focus on your treatmentsand recovery. Thousands stranded on 9/11,a small town in Newfoundland that opened their homes. The Broadway musical Come From Away, September 17th to 22nd. Tickets on sale now at (Upbeat instrumental music) real life romance farming for love on ctv >> Ctv skywatch camera looking out to the west southwest and that shot. We still have some isolated scattered showers happening across the lethbridge region. We don't have any rainfall per se in are warnings it in play right now. But you know, there is a chance of that coming into play tomorrow. We still have the last gasp of a couple of systems. We're getting some moisture out of the one from bc. So the higher elevations, the past areas we've been talking about this all week are going to see wet snow and fog overnight tonight. And then we've got some showers that are part of meandering over the foothills and the mountains. And then on the bc side of the border, we're looking at a little bit of shower activity as well. The only air quality advisories we have. >> It's for the second day in a row in the northeast corner of bc. Still seeing some air quality concerns in that area. But as you can see that low pressure centre that was isolated in saskatchewan has push a little further to the east. It's starting to meet up and develop into a big super low in the central areas of our country. We'll talk about that in a moment, but we're still seeing the rotation pockets of low pressure around that first low and that moisture coming out of that second low from bc. Now the area of high pressure that was talking about with jackie is trying to make its way on board on to the bc coast. We're still seeing some isolated showers up in dawson creek. We're seeing isolated showers through the interior of bc, but it's right along the alberta bc border that we're still seeing on both sides of the border. Some a bigger concentrations of moisture. We have a chance of seeing that as we get into tomorrow. But by as we get into friday, we're going to see that really deplete as the system start to ring themselves out and get squeezed out because of that area of high pressure that's pushing in from the bc coast. Now central canada right now, big low pressure centre. It's pushing snowfall warnings into northern ontario and heavy rainfall warnings as well. But the rotation around that pushing a warm front and in advance of that cold front swinging through southern ontario. So with temperatures around 32 degrees for parts of southern ontario and into southern quebec, they've got severe thunderstorm watches and warnings in play. And then starting tomorrow as all of that eases into the maritimes looking at rain shower activity developing there now extend into newfoundland and labrador, creating a few unstable days for those areas. 15 degrees in winnipeg right now, mostly sunny and cloud mix in the bottom bottom half of that province. But up north snow in churchill, fog and cloud for the top half of the province ensure saskatchewan, some isolated scattered pockets of moisture as you saw on satellite map there. We are looking at some sunny breaks as well in the mix. Same scenario, pretty much for our province, seeing those isolated pockets of showers and then ensure bc. We've got 17 degrees in prince george and teen temperatures continuing through the bottom half of the province, but there could get much warmer as we are over the next several days. East kootenay looking at that chance of showers and thunder showers tonight for for a low 15 for a high cloudy with some afternoon showers tomorrow. And you have a chance of frost tonight as well in the mix, protests past look at mainly cloudy skies with a chance of showers tonight for furlough 9 for high. You've got periods of rain. And even though the sun is in that to icon there, I don't think you're going to see a lot of sunshine to mark. I'm the last gasp of that rotation around those low pressure centers, medicine hat looking at partly cloudy skies tonight, chance of a thundershower to for a low chance of frost as well. 13 and a sun and cloud mix with a chance of a late day shower tomorrow. For us, we're looking at mainly cloudy chance of showers tonight could see the odd that will thunder shower as well. And a chance of frost 14 for a high tomorrow. It won't be very windy tomorrow, but will still be out of the north northwest as we get into the afternoon. And then beyond that, temperatures starting to definitely improve and people make mistakes when they're brushing their teeth. So this is a really good web site. 7 points. Don't keep your toothbrush too long and remember to brush your tongue. Back to jack little bit later. 13 year-old from toronto is trading high school for a neurological research loud. >> She is now working on her masters and hoping to assist people living with parkinson's disease. Ctv's john musselman reports. >> It wasn't a grace. Patricia dennis, a remarkable young student who is doing neurological research at toronto western hospital. I'm researching.

>> Parkinson's disease and the use of machine learning for developing a method for early detection and diagnosis. >> She's also just 13 years old. I was in >> Second. Grateful I was for that. I was in for treatment of 6 and I tested at that time and to grade 8. So I started taking high school classes can currently enrolled in community college classes at the university level, which allowed me to graduate with a high school diploma and with my associate's degree when I was 9. >> She's now working on her master's degree at the university of toronto. But she has landed a research position. But doctor antonio stress fella, a neurologist, world-renowned expert in movement disorders. >> If they're fully, that would say she's highly motivated of it. Well, or getting to think that he could use thanks to that data. He's at least in my career. 20 plus years and these field. >> It's kind of just minding my normal. I mean, some. 13 year-olds are piano parties or day love to play hockey and they're really good at bats are talent. >> It's a gray says her mom has a master's degree in biotechnology and a phd in education. Her grandmother has a master's degree in mathematics when she isn't studying the brain, she enjoys playing the violin and working in the family garden. I cannot wait to sleep in my bed. And she reminds you of a certain young tv character and thick. Gray says she's not really a fan of that show. I don't like >> I think I watched the trailer for young children haven't watched the show. >> Gray says she prefers to stick with the real world of science and continue her research work in hopes of one day helping patients living with parkinson's disease. John musselman, ctv news in toronto. >> Wow, still ahead on the ctv news at 5. The canadian who's taking extreme pogo to NEWClosed captioning is brought toyou in part by lot en building custom jewellery. We have always designed with beauty and durability in mind. And our goal is to repair, service and create items to last a lifetime We build with respect for traditional methods to always remember where we came from but we make it a standard to use the most up to date tools & technology providing you with the highest quality possible. The Goldworks. Quality, Integrity, Craftsmanship. Get ready to transform your smile! With Advanced Technique denture and implant solutions! Where innovation meets craftsmanship, for the ultimate pairing in denture excellence. Our state of the art 3d printing and milling technology, with the artistic finesse of our skilled sculpting denturists, create dentures that are as unique as you are. Discover the future of personalized dentures, and let us redefine your smile at Advanced Technique denture and implant solutions. Sometimes the stairs seem like a deep, empty void in your home. The answer a Handicare Stairlift Lester's is the authorized dealer for Handicare stairlifts in Lethbridge and surrounding area. They can install one in your home quickly and without mess Falls are the number one accident for seniors. But with a stairlift, you're seated and safe. Travel up and down the stairs any time. Don't let limited mobility keep you from staying in your own home. Contact Lester's for a free quote. Lester's on Second Avenue South. (upbeat music) Life is complex. Retirement is complex. You need the Popowich Karmali Advisory Group. ( ) When we work to end inequity... ( ) we help start something better. Support Even the Odds. She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. Female ANNOUNCER:Jamie Oliver returnswith the first partof his seasonal cook Might just put a little bitof spring in your step. ANNOUNCER:Jamie Oliver Seasons. Spring starts Monday June 3rdon ctv Life. Welcome back. Some of the

country's best ringette players coming to lethbridge. The university of lethbridge is hosting the 2024 university cup challenge december up to 16 teams from around the country will take part. It's the first time the u of l the host, the event, those a part of pronghorn ringette, a competitive club for the university are hoping to build on their successful season next school year leading up to the cup. >> We have had a lot of success in past years. And our team continues to build on that. And we're very, very excited. >> We are all super excited and super grateful for this opportunity to be able to host a kind of show. The lethbridge ring at culture have everyone come here and will put on a tournament. Challenge cup is set to be played from december. 26 2 31st at the cavendish farms centre. >> Expand its have the chance to take the bchl alberta division title tonight, the bandits play host to the sherwood park crusaders for game 5 of the series. And it's currently lead 3 to one. And it's took games one 2 while sherwood park for game 3 on saturday. The band has fought hard and overtime to come out with the win. Tonight's puck drop is set for 7 o'clock. Professional women's hockey league championship series is all tied up. Minnesota defeated boston 3, nothing in game 2 last night to even the series at one game apiece. Minnesota got goals from michela cava and sophie shock. Well, nicole hensley made 20 saves to secure her first post-season shutout in 3 is set for friday. Canada's all-time greatest soccer star is being immortalized with her own r b. When I first side of psych only bully, that's the. Christine sinclair is among 9 athletes announced for a new line of dolls. It's aimed at shining a light on women sports ahead of the olympic games in paris, sinclair, 331 goals for canada are the most international school scored of all time in soccer. Other athletes getting their own barbie is include french boxer is still mostly and former tennis star venus williams. This next story. Sure to put a little hop in your step. A canadian competing on the show, britain's got talent is bringing an extreme sport to new heights. Ctv's laura brown explains how the 23 year-old found his passion for pogo. >> This piece of pavement outside duncan murray's childhood home. It's well locked. It's where murray practice and perfected his pogo passion first with a child pogo. Then he was money received after his high school graduation and bought an extreme pogo stick. >> I've always loved extreme sports have always been kind of an adrenaline. So this is like the perfect thing for me to get on a slick. >> Now 23, the new brunswicker is one of only a handful of canadians to be considered a professional at the sport. And yes, extreme pogo is a sport that point of contact, that means the ground is that the size of a toonie. >> Any slight angle on the landing can the catastrophic murray has to guinness world records titles for the longest single jump and the few is jumps in one minute. >> Still see some travel to shows and competitions all over the world. Recently, britain's got talent to give them a call because they had seen us on canada's got talent. >> So they saw like okay, this is a unique performance. So unique. He's now in the semifinals and says judge simon cowl is a big fan telling murray his son is now interested in extreme pogo. After watching his performance. >> There's a part where simon says, you really took your 2 minutes and you made a moment said you have everything. >> He was only home for a quick visit before returning to the U.K. to continue filming. Marie also take the show on the road. Entertaining audiences, young and old, hoping perhaps simon pow gives them a call for lessons. >> Let's make it happen. You know. >> Laura brown, ctv news for new brunswick. When dorian. I come back. The shakeup over graceland and attempt to put the historic home on the auction block, but not by the presley family Are you concerned about your loved ones safety in their bedroom? Look no further than Leisters Home Care in Lethbridge Our bedroom safety products including hospital beds and Pride lift chairs, are designed to provide peace of mind, and optimal comfort. Visit us today at 705 2nd Ave s in downtown Lethbridge. Thousands stranded on 9/11,a small town in Newfoundland that opened their homes. The Broadway musical Come From Away, September 17th to 22nd. Tickets on sale now at with a vision, to design and create custom jewellery from imagination and ours. Apprenticing his family he has made this multi-generational business that specializes in repair and custom design.

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