
CFCN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings. This Thursday. Ow, it's so hot! You saw nothing. If you're not a cat person, How is that even possible? don't worry. We have a dog. You've got mad skills. The Garfield Movie Thursday. Tickets on sale now. What does Joy mean to you? To kids like Cedric, It means living life as a happy, healthy toddler after receiving critical care from the Alberta Children's Hospital. Born three months premature, Cedric was so tiny he needed a ventilator to breathe. This year, your tickets from the Children's Hospital Lottery support the technology that helped save Cedric's life. Buy yours today and make a big difference in the lives of Southern Alberta's smallest patients. Homeowners should have their furnace and vents cleaned every year. What does Breathe Clean Alberta offer you? We offer one package for your furnace, your vents, your bathroom vents, and dryer vent, which means no upselling in your home. Call today for your complimentary quote. I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehe ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. Ctv Morning Live. Spotlight on Golden Welcome back to Golden, b.c.. Spring is on its way, and it's time to start planning your trip. I'm standing here in one of the many accommodations that we have here in Golden. We have something for everyone here. Anything from hotels, motels, accessible cabins, luxury homes, and traditional bed and breakfast. And the amenities are amazing. You can have a private hot tub, an electric vehicle charging station, a full kitchen or a waterslide for the kids. Find a place in town or something that is a little bit outside of town, but still close to all of the amenities. The summer is going to be great. We can't wait to have you here. You can learn more by scanning the qr code to download the Golden B.C. app, or you can visit Tourism Want ctv to spotlight your business? Email Spotlight yyc at Bell Media dot ca. [narrator]: near hope... Keep coming. [narrator]: ...colin's back on the controls... Watch those lines! [narrator]: a loaded car carrier... [jamie]: that's heavy pulling. [narrator]: ...tilts towards trouble. Whoa stop it, stop it, stop it. [narrator]: jamie's crew... Whoop! Hold it! [narrator]: ...discovers a weak spot... Hold it! [narrator]: ...on the carrier's metal frame. Is it buckling? [narrator]: colin and rick investigate. Yeah, we're pulling that brace out of the trailer. We can't pull too hard on that, eh? [rick]: if we pull the carrier too hard, we could tear the trailer apart. Try and get it out a bit more. Let's start to change this angle. [narrator]: jamie's wreckers pull forward... This thing has to go out at a nice long angle, not this way. [narrator]: try and ease the fragile trailer back onto the road. It's the hardest part of the pull just as you get it up over the edge, so we have to be mindful of that. You good to go? To your trucks, boys. Okay, you ready? [narrator]: with steve and rick back on the controls... Keep this one tight. [narrator]: ...and colin leading the crew... More, more, more. This is a moment where it's make or break. Straight back. Keep going. [narrator]: ...jamie's team... Okay, bring your boom down a bit. [narrator]: ...carefully maneuvers the back end of the trailer... Keep goin', keep goin', keep goin'. [narrator]: ...up onto the road... Winches down, down.

definitely a "decent, jimmy" moment for sure. [narrator]: ...but the job's not over. All right. [narrator]: the front end of the wreck is still deep in the ditch. Suck 'er up! Okay. Crank on it, buddy. Little more. [narrator]: finally, the million-dollar load... Stop. [narrator]: on safe ground. Decent, jimmy, decent! These high-end cars didn't receive any more damage. We'll take this one right to the yard, and then you can come and get it. Amazing job, guys. Perfect. Thanks for your help, colin. I really appreciate it. [laughing] [jamie]: the crew had a good day working, and this was a good job. Thanks. [narrator]: but for jamie... These are your shovels, eh? [narrator]: ...the win is bittersweet. What are you doin'? Well, it's 4:00, man, I gotta... What are you, union? Being here with these guys today was a lot of fun. Ever since you left, I've been losing weight. Only 'cause you probably gotta work. One puts it on, the other takes it off. Okay. Thanks, colin. [colin]: it's good to know that I still have it. It's part of me, for sure. Jamie would obviously love to have me back, but I'm not really too sure yet. Anything's possible. [narrator]: 400 kilometres north, at the lakeside recovery... [narrator]: ...the last pieces of the logging wreck refuse to pull apart. [al]: here I thought we were pulling on chicken wings, and it turns out we got chicken dinner. [laughs] [narrator]: al and local operator ken archer... What's stringing us up here into this trailer? [narrator]: ...look for clues... This cable... [narrator]: unlock the two-piece trailer. ...seems to go right to... Right to the reach. So that's why we're hung together. Okay, I understand now. In the array of broken hoses, there's a cable there that I didn't happen to spot at the start of the recovery. Gonna cut the cable? Yup. [narrator]: still up top... Sledgehammer! [narrator]: ...gord retrieves the right tool for the job... Hammers can solve all kinds of problems. [al]: watch your head. I'll go crank on that bad boy. [narrator]: ...but with every blow... Watch out, things are gonna fly here, maybe. [narrator]: ...thousands of pounds of torque and pressure... Everybody got an escape route? [narrator]: ...could break free at any moment. You gotta be a little bit like a cat, be ready to jump. [creaking] solved the problem. [narrator]: the two sections are safely detached... Things are looking up. [chains rattling] [al]: just to give us a little extra muscle. [narrator]: ...but as al starts to rig onto the twisted trailer... [ken]: oop, look out! [al]: no, no, no, no, no! A refocused healthcare system in Alberta means... Some of the people in this waiting room won't have to be here. This family could have a practitioner to call their own. These patients could have more continuing care options. This person could be accessing mental health treatment. Leaving fewer people in Urgent Care who can now access more timely acute care. Giving every Albertan the care you need, when and where you need it. Learn more at a message from the Government of Alberta. (gentle music) I wonder how my portfolio is doing? What if aging at home is too expensive? I can't imagine doing this alone. Retirement is complex. Let's get started. (gentle music) Are you searching for the perfect family vehicle? The 2024 Mitsubishi Outlander combines affordability, comfort and intuitive functionality with ample legroom. Plus, with our ten year warranty It makes the Outlander the perfect choice for all of life's adventures. Come in today and test drive the lowest priced seven passenger vehicle in Canada

and see how well it fits your growing family. What does Joy mean to you? To kids like Cedric, it means living life as a healthy toddler after receiving critical care from the Alberta Children's Hospital. Your lottery tickets support neonatal ventilators like the ones that saved Cedric's life. Buy your tickets today. Town Sports. Step into 25,000 square feet of gear for over 13 team sports. Located at Market Mall and Heritage Gate, there's gear and apparel for women, men and kids from beginner to elite. Gear up, game on, at Team Town Sports - From rinkboards... surfboards. Scoring goals to scoring deals. - nuuuuuge! - Yay! - Penalties to pints. From breakaways to getaways. There's a shot! Ryan Nugent-Hopkins! - Childhood dreams to making dreams come true. - My wem, my way. (Upbeat instrumental music) [narrator]: near gold bridge, b.c... [al]: just to give us a little extra muscle. -oop, look out! -no, no, no, no, no! [al chuckles] [narrator]: escapes the last troublesome piece... [al]: she's a [bleep] fighter. [narrator]: ...of the logging truck wreck. [al]: that's recovery. Keep your eyes on the fries. [chuckles] go right through the hole here, ken. [narrator]: to separate the two sections of the trailer, al and local operator ken... I'm pretty sure we'll bust out of there now. [narrator]: ...add a second line. Hopefully everything's gonna go as planned. [narrator]: back at the top... I'll tighten up. [narrator]: al and gord... [cables creaking] ...start the pull. Put 'er in high gear. [narrator]: this time, the front of the trailer is free to move... ...a light passenger for the 50-ton wreckers. It's like using a big gun to shoot a mouse. [cable slipping] [narrator]: cresting the bank... [narrator]: ...gord... [gord]: this ain't gonna be pretty, but it'll work. [narrator]: ...tows the unit up the road. [gord]: bang, bang, tumble, tumble. [narrator]: five hours into the recovery... [al]: okay, here we go, one more time. [narrator]: and ken run a snatch block... Just hook it right on the top of that flange there. Yup, got 'er. [narrator]: haul up the final piece of the trailer. Okay, I'm satisfied. Let's proceed. I wanna get this job done. Come on, baby. [narrator]: but as al starts to winch... Come on. [narrator]: ...the logging truck wreck saves its toughest battle... [cracking and slipping] ...for last. [al]: it's not really a heavy object... ...but it's got a lot of spots where that square edge can get behind something... ...and then all of a sudden, it gets real heavy. [narrator]: the trailer... [al]: we're hung up down there. [narrator]: ...has hit a snag. [al]: very high risk here. Yeah, don't stand too close to that line. [al]: okay, I'm gonna back off. [narrator]: now the wreck won't budge. Just come in real tight, gord, we'll run a line down. Yep. [narrator]: needing more muscle, al reaches for another line. [gord]: we're just gonna add some more pull to it and get it outta there. We're getting tired of this. [al]: oh, that's what we're hanging up on. [narrator]: al discovers the culprit... Oh! [al]: turns out there's a big old-fashioned rock

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