
CFCN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 07:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

daniel o'donnell. In concert june 1st at the grey eagle event centre tickets available at >> Welcome back, checking in with faisal karmali, portfolio manager of the popowich karmali advisory group. Let's move the markets. Faisal. >> Well, a fizzle from the sizzle. What we saw with the videos numbers coming out. We saw pop in the markets. Well, they're slowly going backwards right now. We're down negative territory on both sides of the border. >> Okay, let's talk td topping earnings estimates. Yeah. So we're all keeping our eyes on tv, mainly because of what they're going through in the united states with their issues. >> When the guard the U.S. law enforcement or investigations and laundering funds for illegal drug sales. They're hoping to hear some more clarity about what's going on on that that never came out, but they did deliver some really good earned about $2.4 a analysts were expecting a $1.85. That being said there it's been the entire capital markets division has a really help the bottom line for td bank. And that being said, there's an overall sentiment saying we're still waiting to hear what's happening with this whole law enforcement issue in the united 6 td bank shares down a half percent right now. 76 43 a share. Okay. Then finally canada's bank regulator says there is a red flag on upcoming mortgage renewals. Yeah, so we look at the office of the superintendent of financial institution. They're waving a red flag on what's happening right now. Just to give you a bit of an idea of some of their concerns. 76% of all mortgages that are outstanding will be coming up for renewal by 2026. And they're warning that canadian homeowners renewing their mortgage during this period may face a payment shock about 15% of mortgages out there on our own, a variable rate mortgage that cause another shock. Then you add on the commercial real estate office vacancy issues that we're having so the financial institutions have a lot to think about. Also got a lot to prepare. And those who are having their mortgages come up for maturity or renewal in the next 3 years. Get ready to prepare yourself. We're probably much higher interest rates when you first got your mortgage because this is a big change in a big shock for many canadians, right? Okay, thanks, faisal. Let's faisal karmali portfolio manager of the popowich karmali advisory group. It is 8 o'clock. You're watching ctv morning loss. Well, as rain continues to fall, there is hope that it will be enough to address trout concerns. Mason with those details in a moment. But first, let's talk about that rainfall. We are seeing more today. We could see some. >> Thunderstorms later on. I know that folks are wondering, still playing the ball games or soccer games and the chances of lightning our but we will likely see a little bit of light, scattered rain, 7 degrees right now in corner brook, our daytime high today will be a bit cooler store school day forecast presented by webber academy. Learn more about the webber academy debated leadership summer camp for students aged 11 to 17 at webber academy dot ca and a chance of rain will be off and on throughout the day today. And are daytime high about 6 or 7 degrees below seasonal. Have more details on when we will hit seasonal temperatures coming up. >> I showed you let's have a look at traffic. There is a road closure on 10th street and 12th avenue southeast for construction that will last until june. But construction on 10th avenue macleod trail has 2 way. Traffic set up on the south side of 10th avenue until tomorrow and the 4th avenue flyover course undergoing that bridge rehabilitation, only one lane open here is a live shot of the collision on westbound 16th avenue at 11th street northwest. It is blocking the left lane and traffic is being detoured to the right. Emergency crews are on scene. The may showers the city's been getting is paying off and it comes to drought concerns, at least in the short term. Mason depatie joins us now. Mason talk about the impact it >> Well, jefferson environment and climate change canada says it's rain. 16 of 22 days so far this month, but has moisture levels trending in the right direction. Southern alberta is predicted to get moderate to extreme drought. This precipitation is helping told those levels down slightly more moisture will still be needed to get to the root of summer environment. Canada says these may showers may improve the situation by category, potentially moving us up to normally dry. We're still looking at significant potential for drought strain does have its benefits, though it's creating high soil moisture, which is good news for dryland farmers. River water used for cities in irrigation is has improved as well since the mountains have been getting precipitation too. It's taking concerningly low snowpack levels up to about average. >> That snow pack in the in the mount just starting to help fix a little bit more and that will

get delayed release of some of that moisture, which will help us moving forward. So it's not just the rainfall that helps that snowpack in the mountains can make a tremendous difference. >> And jefferson as the snow begins to melt in the mountains. The city is monitoring the river levels right now. There is no high risk of flooding, but it really comes down to large rainstorms that happened over the next month or so, which can be very hard to predict. Okay. >> Thanks mason. Later today, the city of calgary is announcing inglewood aquatic central be permanently closed back in 2019. Both inglewood aquatic centre and beltline pools were scheduled to be closed due to rising maintenance costs that was delayed due to a public outpouring of support. But in 2021, the beltline pools were closed. Latest figures from statscan show calgary's population is surging population estimate for july 1st last year for calgary census metropolitan area was nearly 1.7 million people up 6% from the year before the biggest one-year increase of this century. Edmonton's population estimate was nearly 1.6 million a jump of 4.2%. Majority of the population growth in both cities was from permanent immigrants and temporary international residents. About a quarter of the growth was people moving from other provinces. Ucp government is backing off portions of bill 20. A controversial piece of legislation that gives the province increased power over municipalities. Amendments to the bill were expected to be tabled yesterday, but the government ran out of time. Municipal affairs minister ric mciver said there are 2 changes, but offered no further details. >> Municipal leaders believe the first change focuses on when or why a local by-law were city councillor can be removed. The second concerns about ching for someone without id at polling stations. >> The amendments are very as a result of conversations with the municipal leaders. So I'm hoping that they'll either be more unhappy or less and happy. >> Bill 20 was introduced about a month ago, the president of the rural municipalities of alberta called the bill, quote, complete garbage. Others have described it as a deeply flawed power grab. Be prepared for even less leg room carry on bags. If you want a cheaper ticket on future westjet flights here line announcing it will bring in an ultra low-cost fare option the next couple weeks. A majority of its flights, some of westjet's larger planes will be reconfigured add one more row of seats back of the plane by slimming down others. It is in an effort to offer low-cost to those seeking the best price instead of comfort. Westjet also wants to see additional fair. Few scrapped by the federal government. >> And the country that needs it. Travel has an essential mode of transportation. I actually think it's wrong. What have the past just funding the federal budget for general purposes today, our high ticket prices in a time where our affordability is actually a problem in the country. >> Both westjet and calgary airport authority suggest rather than spending the rent money under to ottawa and be better used for airport sustainability and infrastructure upgrades. Kerry paid nearly 51 million dollars in rent last year. The children's hospital of eastern ontario using ai to diagnose a patient. Renee rodgers joins us now. Renee, tell us more details about the patient and the research. >> I jefferson that will. This is all happening in a hospital in ottawa, but there's very good reason to believe this could be coming to calgary next. And also other areas in alberta. So basically what's happening is researchers at the children's hospital of eastern ontario, cheo have harnessed the power of a eye to help diagnose rare diseases in children and youth. There are approximately 6 1000 rare does genetic diseases and some people go years without being diagnosed. Some people are never diagnosed. Well, now these researchers have developed what they say is an algorithm is called think rare. So this al gore is a algorithm part of scours the medical records in cheo, in that hospital. And from there, it can identify kids who potentially have an undiagnosed rare genetic disease. That child is then referred to genetic testing. And now one of these children, 10 year-old anthony with staff. He spent his entire life in and out of hospital with various behavioural and health challenges, all without a clear diagnosis. But after he was flagged by think rare genetic testing revealed that he does have a rare disorder called chung jansen syndrome. And his father says they now have the answers that they've spent a decade trying to find. Take a listen. >> It is a rare disease that does about only 400 people in them world known with this disease right now as we speak. And he's actually the first one diagnosed with this disease and north america. And all that thanks to cheo. And now we can actually. For the rest. Your questions and no, the exact the what. And to the has.

>> And with that diagnosis, anthony's school was actually able to apply 4 and get more funding to be able to address and to these unique needs. So very interesting and promising technology happening. Jefferson yen, renee. What could it mean for the future of diagnosing patients? Well, right now cheo says that it won't replace doctors, but it's calling it extremely promising because essentially it allows doctors to diagnose the children with a rare disease early, rather than spending time being, you know, ping pong to cross the medical system in the hope of finding a diagnosis and it could be soon a new set. Other pediatric hospitals in canada and even in alberta and that is because this team wants to give away the algorithm for free. So health care teams can more quickly identify genetic disorders in children. They have no plans on monetizing this bay simply just want to get the technology out there to help as many people as possible. So don't be surprised if you see something like that's coming to alberta and the near future. Yeah, it is a okay. Thanks, renee. >> Okay, robotics company is giving children with mobility issues a chance to walk on their own feet. Seven-year-old your job will is a cerebral palsy and has spent most of his life using a wheelchair. But he got a chance to walk using a device called the gait trainer. It's an exoskeleton tailored to fit the children who use it once they strap in, all they need to do is press go to start walking. It has developed an ontario-based company called robotics, which is touring the country with the exoskeleton. All right, let's check in with jody in the weather. >> It is remarkable. I jefferson. We are looking at a cloudy start to the day and we'll see some showers as throughout, maybe some isolated but we know we're not hitting a seasonal temperature for a little while. As mason was talking about, we've had a lot of rain over the month. Now normally may is our 4th wettest month when you factor in any type of precipitation. 56.8 millimetres and just shy of august, which is 3rd wettest at 57. So we're not quite there yet. We're at 45.5. We're continuing to add to that total and we still have a while to go before the end of the month. 6 degrees right now in okotoks. It is or in cochrane and airdrie 7 degrees in corner brook. Multigenerational homes now selling in corner brook, 2 degrees in bath, 5 degrees in pincher creek and looking at 4 degrees in medicine, hat 7 in lethbridge and brooks. And we certainly do have that rain that has been moving through, are seeing a track from the northwest toward the southeast. And we have 2 situations on the go that are impacting us that are are whether drivers, our weather makers. One is that montana low and that's pretty intense. It's in toward the midwest will bring probably some very severe storms in the next 36 hours. The other is that old familiar cold low complex. We've been talking about from saskatchewan. So as we look at what's main white, it's a really that low that came in from northern british columbia. Now down in toward the montana. We have that northwesterly flow as opposed to more of that up sloping. But there will continue to be some up sloping today and that's where we might see the lift. As we look at our wind direction, when we get into the latter part of the afternoon and evening notice. Our wind is coming in from the south and the southwest. Normally our pattern goes west to east. And so that is abnormal. We're looking at some uplift that could produce that our premier up sloping could produce to lift needed for some convective activity. Some under storms should be non severe in nature here might see some light and small hail, but our daytime highs will remain just shy of seasonal. Our overnight lows are a bit better on that trend of seasonal or not, but not really warm. Getting up to 6 or 8 degrees for the weekend. And as I said, we could see some rain for the next few days. Our viewer photo right to buy cr realty making real estate. You see a little our let, if you will. Rj derosa captured this incredible photo. And if you have to fuel up this morning, the cheapest price that we're finding is in the south. East won 41.9 that was just posted its compared to the canadian average of one 65.3 cheapest gas right to buy 5th avenue volkswagen find more than what you are looking for at the all-new 5th avenue. Volkswagen. >> Canada is the bild awards partner of the year. This morning. I'm joined by stephanie with march canada. Hi, stephanie ty, good morning. Now, not only did you win partner of the year, you also want professional service provider award multiple times in the past. What do you think it is that drives the success behind bars canada. >> I think we have a very collaborative approach where we like to listen to what is going on in the industry. Will listen

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