
CFCN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 07:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> STILL AHEAD HERE ON THE SHOW... A GAME-CHANGER IN THE FIGHT AGAINST ALS. SPEAKING OF "GOOD NEWS!" WE WILL SPEAK TO THE RESEARCHERS WHO SAY THEY MAY HAVE FOUND A POTENTIAL CURE FOR THE Make your morning extraordinary. Lost a bet. Nutty... and sweet. Latte macchiato. Okay George, this one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. Sweet. Don't forget to recycle. Bye. Unforgettable. [engine sputters] Nespresso, what else? Announcer: For over 100 yearsJamieson has been here for you,putting quality And we're here for 100 more. Soil is where it all begins, find out where it goes from there with Fields to Forks The stories straight from our community. The farmers, the manufacturers & the distributers who love what they do, and do it right here. Fields to Forks, the process the people, the passion. Learn more at For many families just like theirs, the dream of home seems out of reach. At Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta we envision a future where every family has a safe and decent place to live. When you donate to Habitat, you are helping families build strength, stability and independence through affordable home ownership. Together we can build lasting change Donate today at The experts at Jamieson are herefor your health and wellness. Our Essentials lineup has products that support immune function, gut health, heart health, and the maintenance of good health. Jamieson is herefor your health.

on ctv >> Well, as rain continues to fall, there is hope that it will be enough to address drought concerns. Basement. The details in a moment, but first, let's talk about that rainfall. >> Well, we are looking more rain today and not a lot there not compared to yesterday, but we do not for the calgary region. We are looking at our temperature, though, a little bit below seasonal once again today, 6 degrees in corner brook and again, not that the starting temperatures that far off its that we're not warming up that much at our school day forecast presented by webber academy, learn more about the webber academy debate and leadership summer camp for students aged 11 to 17 at webber academy dot ca. And we have 6 degrees right now with our afternoon temperatures similar to yesterday at 10 at a chance of rain. Wind will also be similar to yesterday. I'll have more details in just a moment. >> He showed us have a look at traffic. Calgary transit is reporting mechanical issues on the red line. There are no trains moving between somerset and anderson. But bus shuttles are running in their place elsewhere in the city, 3 us eastbound lanes on 5th avenue between 3rd and second street southwest will be closed with no northbound traffic at second street until june 10th. This is due to utility relocations for the green line. Here's a live shot of deerfoot trail at 22nd avenue may showers. The city's been getting is paying off when it comes to drought concerns, at least in the short term. Mason depatie joins us now. Mason talk about the impact it's having. >> Jefferson environment and climate change canada says it's rain. 16 of 22 days this month. What has moisture levels trending in the right direction with moderate to extreme drought predicted the southern alberta precipitation is helping tow most levels down slightly right now, but more moisture will still be needed to get the province through the summer. The garment can us as these may showers might improve the situation by a category that would bring us to a normally dry. But we're still looking at significant potential for drought. The rain does have its benefits, though it's creating high soil moisture, which is good news for dryland farmers. River water used for cities and irrigation is has improved as well since the mountains have been getting precipitation to sticking concerningly low snowpack levels up to about average. >> That snow pack in the in the mount just starting to help fix a little bit more and that will get delayed release of some of that moisture, which will help us moving forward. So it's not just the rainfall that helps that snowpack in the mountains can make a tremendous difference. >> And jefferson as that snow starts to melt in the mountains. The city is monitoring the river for flooding right now. There is no heightened risk, but it really comes down to major rain events that happen in the next month or so. Those are pretty hard to predict. Okay. Thanks mason. >> Police are asking for help to identify a suspect in a hit and run. It's believed he was driving a minivan, which ran over a pedestrian and a bridgeland parking lot last month. Investigators say the victim was likely impaired fell and was lying on the pavement. The driver of the minivan had just backed out of a parking stall and he's pulling forward when the pedestrian was run over. Police would like to hear from anyone who recognizes the suspect. A letter for more than 600 faculty staff, students and alumni to university of calgary administration condemns its response to a pro-palestinian protest. Police broke up protests on may, 9th after telling demonstrators they could not set up camp officers used rubber bullets, tear gas and flash bangs. Police say 4 people were charged with trespassing. The letter writers call it a, quote, brutal action against peaceful protesters. Calls for an independent investigation and for charges to be dropped. Alberta health services shut down a calgary halal butcher again law meet on 36 street northeast reopen this month along with several other businesses following an rcmp investigation involving illegal livestock slaughter. A re inspection of the business last week found blurry inspections stamps to be legitimate on may. 17th was ordered closed for failing to comply with conditions that prohibit uninspected meat. Anyone who has bought me or related products from out a halal meat is being told to dispose of it. Latest figures from statscan show calgary's population is surging. Jacqueline wilson is in this morning with more jacqueline. Yes, jefferson. The population estimate for july, first of last year for the calgary census metropolitan area was nearly 1.7 million people that is. >> According to statistics, canada, that is up 6% from the year before it's the biggest one-year increase of this century. Edmonton's population estimate was nearly 1.6 million. That one's a jump of 2 or 4.2 excuse me, percent. The majority of the population growth in both city was from permanent immigrants and temporary international residents. But a quarter of the

growth was people moving from other provinces. And albert actually overtook bc is a region that is recording the biggest gains from inter-provincial moves in jefferson is population cers certainly has ripple effects. It's creating higher demand on the city's housing markets. The schools, hospitals, jobs, that's just to name a few. Okay. Thanks, jacqueline. >> Into queen elizabeth high school took in a special presentation on canada's human rights history yesterday, the presentation was the first from the friends of simon wiesenthal centre's tour for humanity bus covers are really ties to slavery, residential schools. The chinese head tax. >> Japanese canadian internment camps and the rejection of jewish women and children fleeing europe on the eve of the second world war ii, or will continue and other alberta schools this week, including a stop in high river before going on to bc. Ucp government is backing off portions of bill 28 controversial piece of legislation that gives the province increased power over municipalities. >> Amendments to the bill were expect to be tabled yesterday, but the government ran out of time. Just put fares. Minister rick mckiver said there are 2 changes, but offered no further details. Municipal leaders believe the first change focuses on when or why a local by-law were city councillor can be removed. The second concerns about you for someone without id at polling stations. >> The amendments are very as a result of conversations with the municipal leaders. So I'm hoping that they'll either be more unhappy or less and happy. >> Bill 20 was introduced about a month ago, the president of the rural municipalities of alberta called the bill, quote, complete garbage. Others have described it as a deeply flawed power grab. Canada has one of the highest costs for air travel globally. And westjet says it's trying to find ways to lower the fair, but it comes at a cost less comfort. Here's tyson fedor. >> Westjet is continuing to expand, looking to add 8 more aircraft to its fleet this year. Despite delays from aircraft producer boeing, the company ceo is now lobbying the federal government to scrap additional charges to airfare tickets, such as airport improvement fees and security costs and the country that >> Now travel as an essential mode of transportation. I actually think it's wrong. Funding the federal budget for general purposes. The airline will bring in an ultra low-cost fare option in the next couple of weeks for the majority of its flights, it's usually pay. >> You a model that >> Has run its course. And then my my answer that says yes, some of the larger planes will be reconfigured to add one rower 6 more seats at the back of the plane by slimming down others. They actually have. >> The space that you can will come to that in with seats and then sit at another world. >> It's an effort to offer low-cost those seeking the best price instead of comfort. You will not be allowed to courtesy carry on. >> You know, if people are aware of what they're getting for the money. And if if this sheep, the seats are ce shorter, smaller and so be a vacancy for people to have like a lot of throughout the country. And they got to go visit all of them that my hope to not have to pay those fees him, especially just like backpack in the visiting family for a weekend. I support businesses trying to find ways to solve problems. Saint worked with the clients that they're trying to serve. >> Westjet also want to see additional fair fee scrapped by the federal government along with rent prices for airports. >> That are put to the consumer. The company says it equates to about $88 for $300 flight. >> We've got 3.3 billion of that. We had 300 million of that during covid. These are these are difficult hurdles to touch across. Calgary spent 51 million dollars in rent to ottawa last year. >> Somebody has to pay for the year summers that pay for the runway. Summer's rfa for parking lots and expansion of the terminal. Tyson fedor, ctv news, calgary. >> Westjet says it does have plans to expand its calgary hub later today. The city of calgary is announcing inglewood aquatic centre will be permanently closed back in 2019, both in inglewood centre and beltline pools were scheduled to be closed. >> Due to rising maintenance costs that was delayed due to a public outpouring of support in 2021. The beltline pools were closed. A massive sculpture has been unveiled outside the redeveloped bmo centre public art piece called spirit of water was created by artist jerry jeudy. It stands about 20 metres tall and 25 metres wide. It's comprised of >> 211 vertical steel tubes. The pieces in front of the newly expanded bmo centre, which officially opens june seth canada's all-time greatest soccer star has her own barbie. >> When I first side of psych. >> Only bully. That's me. >> Christine sinclair is among 9 athletes announce for new line of dolls, shining a light on women sport ahead of the olympic games in paris this summer. Other athletes getting their own barbie include french bucs are still mostly and tennis star venus. Let's check in with jody and the weather.

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