
CFCN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 01:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

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maze soggy forecast. >> If you look prairie precipitation, it's up to 150% of normal. >> Helps ease short-term drought concerns addressing calgary's housing shortage. It's going to keep getting >> We actually funded completed push forward to more of these actions. >> City hall makes it easier for people to build secondary suites and westjet trimming costs on big planes. That's one roe v at the expense of your leg room. >> With camilla di giuseppe. >> Good evening. More rain is on the way this week. A welcome sight for many after a very dry winter. But is it enough to improve the drought situation into summer and quell some serious concerns from water conservation in the city to parched farmland in rural communities. Alesia fieldberg reports. >> The plant's love the rain, the garden centres, not so much. The long weekend was about half as busy as we would normally be if it was nice. >> Mid-may to mid-june is when they get 80% of their business. You can't make up for what you lose in may and june in july. It just doesn't happen. >> But better selection and no crowds is the silver lining for shoppers. Despite the moisture. It's good for us, we need it. >> But it could stop and let us plan to >> Precipitation is delivering a much different story than one month ago. In april, the city asked calgarians to conserve water, concerned that dry winter could require city water restrictions as early as may. >> We've seen measurable precipitation and 16 of those 22 days so far this month, which is astounding, really when you consider how dry it was earlier in the year. It's helping to move us in a good direction. >> High soil moisture is good news for dry land. Farmers, it's up to 150% of normal from calgary's south into a. >> Into southern alberta. >> River water used for cities and irrigation has improved as well since the mountains of beginning precipitation taking concerning los snowpack levels up to about average. >> And it looks we will be a a out of the severe hydrological drought that we had. >> As that snow in the mountains starts to melt to the city is now monitoring for flooding when river levels rise, some city pathways typically closed. But there is currently no heightened risk for flooding in calgary. >> But snow melt alone doesn't drive river flooding. So what we're really watching for are the big rain systems and those can be challenging to predict in advance. >> In 2013, the city was facing drought conditions before a three-day rain storm led to flooding from may. 15th to july. 15th is the time we can get those really big rains. And so that's why the city is on high alert during that season. >> Alesia fieldberg, ctv news, calgary. >> And if you are looking for water wise chips and flood watch information, you can find a link on our website. >> Daniel is in with our first look at the weather and there's more rain on the way. >> Yeah, rain tonight, rain through tomorrow as well. The difference for tomorrow compared to today. >> Israel looking at less rain, less pockets and for the most part, less intensity with it. So there will be on and off showers, but we shouldn't see as much rainfall tomorrow. It will be a cool gloomy day, which is a high of 9. And we do run into the chance of these heavier pockets of rain and the risk of a thunderstorm closer to the supper hours now we will get warmer, but we'll still remain below normal as we head through the rest of this week to show you what that means not long-range forecast in just a little while. Daniel. Thank you. The latest figures from statscan show calgary's population is surging. >> The population estimate for july first last year for the calgary census metropolitan area was nearly 1.7 million people that's up 6% from the year before the biggest one-year increase of this century. Edmonton's population estimate was nearly 1.6 million a jump of 4.2%. The majority of the population growth in both cities was from permanent immigrants and temporary international residents. About a quarter of the growth was people moving from other provinces. Calgary's housing situation continues to get worse as the city starts to implement dozens of actions from its housing strategy. The city update shows the uphill battle the city is facing as housing costs climb. There are also new efforts to boost secondary suites to provide more affordable units. Here's jordan kanygin. >> The city of calgary says 80% of its efforts to combat the housing crisis will be started by the end of this year. But the housing situation isn't getting any better. Costs are office since the city passed its plan to tackle affordability. Councillors say a fix takes time. >> Have to always be self-aware

about the time it takes to create a problem is almost the equivalent of time it will take to solve that. So it's going to it's going to take some time to get their. According to an update wednesday, home prices in calgary are up 11% since september. >> Average rent has jumped 12%. Some councillors question whether the right strategy is being prioritized. Lake, the blanket of sort you seem to be. >> Accelerating growth and building. Multiplexes in their established communities was the same time slow walking, maybe more affordable homes that we could building in our outlying communities. >> A new way to city is trying to increase supply was endorsed by committee wednesday. If passed by council, the secondary suite incentive program, but allow people to be reimbursed up to $10,000 for safety items, including separate heat or air conditioning units or connected smoke alarms, missing middle housing and secondary streets are part of the equation. And your people off to say, well. >> Okay, that goes, I may be needed. The mortgage shoppers a secondary street. The program will be capped at 3,000 suites in the first 12 months. >> It could be launched as early as next month. It's already happened. >> So this incentive is key because this incentive means that since we know what's happening, we'll have more safe units for those people to live. >> Jordan kanygin, ctv news, calgary. >> The council has committed 225 million dollars in city money to the housing strategy for this budget cycle with ottawa pledging 228 million dollars. Canada has one of the highest cost air travel globally. And westjet is trying to find ways to lower the fair. But it comes at a cost less comfort airline will soon retrofit its larger aircraft to accommodate more slim down seats for ultra-low price. President fedor reports. >> Westjet is continuing to expand, looking to add 8 more aircraft to its fleet this year. Despite delays from aircraft producer boeing, the company ceo is now lobbying the federal government to scrap additional charges to airfare tickets, such as airport improvement fees and security costs and the country that >> Travel has an essential to transportation. I actually think it's wrong. What have the past, just funding the federal budget for general purposes. The airline will bring in an ultra low-cost fare option in the next couple of weeks for the majority of its flights, it's usually pay. >> You a model that >> Has run its course. And then my my answer that says yes, some of the larger planes will be reconfigured to add one rower 6 more seats at the back of the plane by slimming down others. They actually have. >> The space that you can will come to that in with the most seats. And that's it at another world. >> It's an effort to offer low-cost those seeking the best price instead of comfort. You will not be allowed to courtesy carry on. >> You know, if people are aware of what they're getting for the money. And if if this sheet, the seats are ce shorter, smaller and so be a jacket. See for people to have like a lot of throughout the country and they got to go visit all of them that my hope to not have to pay those fees and especially just backpack in the visiting family for a weekend. I support businesses trying to find ways to solve problems. Sen. >> Worked with the plants that they're trying to serve. Westjet also want to see additional fair fee scrapped by the federal government along with rent prices for airports that are put to the consumer. >> The company says it equates to about $88 for $300 flight. >> We've got 3.3 billion of that. We had 300 million of that during covid. These are these are difficult hurdles to cross. Calgary spent 51 million dollars in rent to ottawa last year. >> Somebody has to pay for the year summers that pay for the runway. Summer's rfa for parking lots and expansion of the terminal. Tyson fedor, ctv news, calgary. Westjet, as you heard, has plans to expand its calgary hub, including an order of 80 new aircraft until 2028. >> 75% is already confirmed. The ucp government is backing off portions of bill 20. A controversial piece of legislation that gives the province increased power over municipalities, including the ability to repeal bylaws and the city councillors amendments to the bill were expected to be table today, but due to other scheduled debates. >> The government ran out of time. Municipal affairs minister ric mciver said there were 2 changes but offered no further details. Municipal leaders believe the first change focuses on when or why a local by-law or city councillor can be removed. The second is around of vouching for someone with out id at polling stations. Bill 20 as initially written would disallow that practice. Mckiver says he met with local leaders to help shape the changes. >> The amendments are very as a result of conversations with the municipal leaders. So I'm hoping that they'll either be more unhappy or less and happy.

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