
CFCN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 08:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

and egyptian mediators. >> Heather: children are among the at least 27 people kill the at a massive fire in an amusement park in western india. The bodies of victims pulled from the wreckage with the search now under way for more. The venue is privately owned and operated, and police say they will file a negligence case against the owner. >>> Canada's shelter system may be failing a growing number of seniors seeking safe refuge. Facilities are not designed to meet the physical or mental health needs of older adults, and studies show those experiencing homelessness age faster and are considered seniors as early as 50. Ctv's kathy le has more. >> Reporter: the mustard seed is a safe haven for vulnerable people, serving clients in three provinces. There's been an uptick in demand at its shelters in general, including adults over 50. >> About 8% of the individuals that stayed in our shelter were over the age of 65. We have individuals up to the age of 80. >> Reporter: the reality is reflected in a canadian medical association journal study that analyzed homelessness across canada. >> This is not just due to individuals who are ageing within circumstances of homelessness, but also a real rise in the number of individuals who are experiencing homelessness for the first time in late life. >> Reporter: the country's housing crisis and strain from inflation just some of the factors contributing to the troubling trend. >> Either they've experienced health emergency or they've experienced a sudden increase in rent, and they are unable to afford both food, shelter, and medication. >> Reporter: add to that obstacles older people face like fixed income or health issues, like mobility issues or dementia. >> I do see a number of individuals where it's been their dementia that has led to difficulty with maintaining their housing, such as not paying bills and getting evicted. >> Reporter: and the study finds most shelters aren't designed to help an older demographic with their physical and mental needs. Samantha lowe says their partners in their edmonton shelter does offer health services >> But we're not able to provide that in all our shelters. >> Reporter: while collaboration between health and long-term care and other social services is needed to address the issue, lowe says preventive measures like affordable housing is the ideal solution. Kathy le, ctv news, calgary. >> Heather: coming up, the resurgence of an almost eradicated disease. >> We're having troubles controlling those numbers. >> Heather: what's behind the skyrocketing cases of syphilis. Plus the tiny homes proving to be a big hit in B.C. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Loving the uncommon is a wonderful thing we have in common. ( ) I find it hard to believe you don't know I've gotta go, okay? Bye. The beauty you are Mom? ( ) -Thanks. -Yeah. ( ) 'Cause I see you ( ) I'll be your mirror You were made to dream about it for years. We were made to help you book it in minutes. ( ) There's “regular” cold.... and then there's the mountains are blue” cold. [swish] [psst] Coors Light. The Chill Choice. Are your gums bleeding and inflamed? New Colgate PerioGard toothpaste is clinically proven for healthier gums. It reduces bleeding and inflammation with its long-lasting Antibacterial activity. New Colgate PerioGard significantly reduces gum bleeding and inflammation. ( ) In here... you can expect to find... crystal clear audio... expansive display space... endless entertainment... and more comfort for everyone... But even with all that... we still left room... for all the unpredictability... spontaneity.. and unexpected things... you'll find out here... Jeep. Grand Cherokee. The most awarded suv ever.

>> Heather: an infection once thought to be a thing of the past is back with a vengeance. Syphilis cases are skyrocketing, and risk of transmission to some of the youngest patients is a growing concern. Ctv's allison bamford explains. >> Reporter: inside this regina clinic, nurses are screening patients for sexually transmitted infections. And a simple blood test can catch one of saskatchewan's most rampant sti's. >> It's like a really bad car crash that we're all just watching and knowing we can prevent it. >> Reporter: syphilis now a growing problem across north and south america. New data from the world health organization shows the continents make up 42% of new cases globally. Here in canada, saskatchewan posed the highest case rate among the provinces. >> It's not like we don't know how to identify or treat syphilis. It's that we're having trouble controlling those numbers, whether it's through not enough testing, barriers to access to testing or to care. >> Reporter: researchers say a rise in substance use, lack of awareness, and stigma also play a role in transmission. >> The most devastating effect of syphilis in adults is congenital syphilis, which is the transmission from the mother to the fetus. >> Reporter: transmission that could result in miscarriage or developmental problems for the baby. Canada's congenital syphilis cases jumped nearly 600% from 2018 to 2022. An alarming surge considering provinces like manitoba went decades without recording a single case. >> We didn't really see syphilis for decades, so there's a lot of physicians and health care providers who don't really know what congenital syphilis looks like, so it's important to educate them. >> Reporter: known as the great imitator, syphilis can look like other infections and sometimes show no symptoms at all. Why testing can be a top priority. Typically a simple penicillin treatment can clear it right up. Allison bamford, ctv news, regina. >> Heather: the professional golfing world is mourning the shocking death of a player. Grayson murray died one day after he withdrew from a tournament. There were no immediate details on the circumstances. Murray was just 30 years old.

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