
CFCN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

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I don't wanna drive crazy. You never ownaappen. [narrator]: so sonny leaves the first call to the competition, but as he heads onto highway 400, he spots another crash scene. Is that opp on scene there? Merging onto the 400, this car appeared and spun itself around right in front of me. Looks like this truck is okay, t I'm gonna go talk to them. [narrator]: the truck only suffered a bent bumper, but it's rubbing the tire. [sonny]: this bumper is pushed in right now. So I'm just gonna pull the bumper, and then he can go on his way. Lucky he has no big damage, but still he needs my help. I'm gonna help himut [narrator]: even though it's too small to be a paying job, sonny won't leave the driver s tuck. [sonny]: can yohold this like this? Yeah, yeah. Make sure it's not going down. I'm going to suck it in, okay? He doesn't need a tow, he just need a hand. [narrator]: it's a good deed, but for sonny, also an investment. It's coming out? Pull? I'm so happy to help the guy. He's gonna be my customer in the future. Watch out! I'll give you my business card. In he c c?u knt I'm adding one customer. Exactly. [sonny]: whenever I help people, they come to know, "oh, sonny from prompt towing helped me out." karma, it will come back to you. [narrator]: 200 kilometres southwest at the ross services yard... Westbound, westbound straight, the mill road. [narrator]: ...mike ross is rolling out. [mike]: we're headed out the 401, west of london. There's a, uh, tractor-trailer rolled over. It's supposed to be sideways across the highway. [narrator]: the opp and fire department are already on scene as traffic fights to squeeze past. [opp officer]: driver says he was affected by a gust of wind that forced him onto the shoulder of the roadway, and caused the tractor-trailer to roll on the right side, slide for about 150 metres before coming to a rest where you see it now. [narrator]: the backup is growing by the minute. I'm gonna take the shoulder and work our way down towards the scene. [narrator]: the best scenario for mike... A quick upright to get traffic moving. [mike]: we'll have a good look at it. Yeah, that doesn't look good, eh? Oh, the trailer's hurt pretty bad. Like, this is part of the structure of the trailer here, and the roof's pushed out of it. Top rail must be separated at the wall. Not a good sign. [narrator]: inside, 500 cases of whisky, toing 30,000 pou cardboard boxes, right to the roof. The structural integrity of the trailer is just gone. If you put that trailer up loaded, it would break right in half. [narrator]: mike can already see, rery will be anything but quick. So, yeah, we definitely got it's gonna be... A long one, yeah. Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen and Eggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days!

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