
CFCN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 01:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

the new amazon warehouse opening calgary today is the largest in canada. Massive build is set to bring jobs and innovation to our city. Timm bruch has more. >> Situated in the e shepard industrial area. It's a massive facility. 2.8 million square feet to be exact. You might recognize the logo. Amazon's new as warehouses focused in on robotics. That means storage and retrieval of orders are done automatically. Don't worry, that hasn't completely cut out humans. >> In alberta, where all of the have grown from about 4,000 employees of which were with amazon in 2019 to about 6,000 people quarantine flight. >> Amazon reps say that 6,000 person workforce will soon become 7500 once this warehouse is full. We have had no issues so far in getting those world. >> Politicians in canada's fastest growing city have some work to do. >> I think the most important things that council has to keep its eye on right now is housing, public safety and public transit. >> Infrastructure supports and services will need to keep up with a booming workforce. They're getting needs. >> Schools are going to need health care and that's going to require all 3 orders of government working together. >> The online retail giant promises it's calgary employees will be compensated fairly and be given growth opportunities. Both the mayor and the premier say they're already looking forward to its. It also offers. >> Businesses can grow and thrive. >> Timm bruch, ctv news calgary. >> A popular hobby for many calgarians could be facing some issues as our city grows more and more people are burning. But without some changes to urban design, birdwatchers are worried about the past times future. And brooke explains. >> Andrew hearts hobby once extremely niche is now taking I just enjoy. >> Being out and about in the country and and the fresh air. >> The birding community is growing, aided by the pandemic in the activities. Extreme accessibility. What heart is doing will help keep the hobby going. That one there with the red we need to or a tween black that this is the nature. Alberta bird counts orders across the province, spent a week in may, tracking the population for a global database for species are in decline. What species are doing well, types of goods. Contrivance of a changing over time. >> That's because many species are being threatened by modern society for late at night. Have a variety of problems. >> You create for birds, light pollution can confuse and throw off internal migration clocks. Cities will be light domes from the birds perspective and they will be. >> Veering off. They're not for migration pathways into the city areas and modern infrastructure is also contributing to the problem. Volunteers with the urban species response team conduct regular surveys to find window strike problem areas. The goal is to gather as much data as we can and then use that to provide education and guidelines for buildings and retrofitting for homes and businesses as well. Enthusiast point out the problems facing migrating species are serious. >> But also seriously easy to remedy. They're hoping calgarians take note to help with the next wave of birders in our city. Timm bruch, ctv news, calgary. >> Just ahead on ctv news, the province and municipalities continue to bicker over bill 20. The premier says they listened and made some changes. But local leaders ctv News brought to you by Diamond & Diamond Lawyers. There's nothing tougher than a diamond. A refocused healthcare system in Alberta means... Some of the people in this waiting room won't have to be here. This family could have a practitioner to call their own. These patients could have more continuing care options. This person could be accessing mental health treatment. Leaving fewer people in Urgent Care who can now access more timely acute care. Giving every Albertan the care you need, when and where you need it. Learn more at a message from the Government of Alberta. Opticom Optical Cameras Photography. Tamar. Tamar. I don't know. I got it, I got it, I don't have it. Optimized. -co-offensive Tamanoumi. “What is it anyway?” Optical Coherence Tomography or oct. An advanced eye health scan that can help spot sight conditions early. At Specsavers we think it's so important we include it with every eye exam. Opical Turmgraphy. Not everyone can say it, but everyone can have it. And if you're an eligible senior you get eye exams at no cost to you. Plus 30% off lens upgrades for all seniors. Narrator: Communication is the representation of who we are. But are we all represented in media? At ami, we strive to be a voice for Canadians with disabilities.

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and 710 million in expenses. We are stretching those dollars as best we can. >> And I think that the fact that we're down to 1.5% of savings certainly says that we're spending all of the money that we're receiving on students. >> Calgary's public school board recently polled 2.6 million dollars from its reserves to cover its budget. Also blaming provincial underfunding. Daniel's up next to the sky watch forecast. As we head into the weekend, we're still going to see some of those showers popping up some rain, but also some sunshine and warmer The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpotis a massive$54 million! Every morning is a chance to start fresh... With Wendy's new Sausage Bacon Deluxe And our fan favorite crispy seasoned potatoes Get both for just five dollars. Made fresh to order. ( ) - From rinkboards... surfboards. Scoring goals to scoring deals. - nuuuuuge! - Yay! - Penalties to pints. From breakaways to getaways. There's a shot! Ryan Nugent-Hopkins! - Childhood dreams to making dreams come true. - My wem, my way. You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) When you begin your retirement journey your financial needs become more complex. Whether or not you have security in your retirement still depends on how you structure your wealth. We've retired hundreds of times with our clients using our strategies to protect their income, grow their wealth and minimize tax allowing them to enjoy the retirement that they want. Retirement is all we do. Find out more about our strategies by attending our next seminar. Register today at gordon ramsay finds his next food star Top food entrepreneurs are fighting for a 250 thousand dollar prize but this time Buckle up, big boy gordon faces his biggest rival ever. Who wants to be on team Vanderpump? It's team lisa The more worried you are, the happier I am vs I hate you!!! Team gordon She can Vanderpump off. We're done on ctv stream on all your favorite devices The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. Ctv News brought to you by Diamond & Diamond Lawyers. There's nothing tougher than a diamond. >> Well, today was a little bit warmer than yesterday. Yesterday's high was 11 today. 13, as you can see right here. So we were similar with regards to temperature to victoria and vancouver. And when you check out out east. Well, yeah, some communities in those 20's, mid 20's. In fact, toronto fredericton halifax. Now fast forward to tomorrow and we'll get even a couple degrees warmer for tomorrow. In fact, for the weekend in calgary, 15 degrees. And then when you look out east that stretch, really. Toronto, ottawa, montreal, quebec city, fredericton, halifax into the 20's. Now for us here in calgary, we're going to have to wait till monday to get into those 20 sunny and 20 by that, we've certainly had some activity out there today. We had thunderstorms, we had some of them in calgary as well. Some pop-up showers, some non severe thunderstorms as and and just to show you a picture, this what it looked like awesome picture from ritchie had a but sent this in from bridlewood looking towards the city. And you can see, yes, we certainly had some thunderstorm activity and some showers today. The grass looks green now, so that's been helping. Alright, when we look at the futurecast, what we can expect for tomorrow, specifically, there will be sunny breaks out there, but there will also be cloudy periods. We should see a little more sunshine tomorrow compared to say, which is why we should get a couple degrees warmer by the afternoon hours. But then again as we get closer to the supper hours beef after 4:00pm, we get into the chance of those pop-up showers and thunderstorms and that will

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