
CFCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 07:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

we treat cancer surgery in alberta. Members of the calgary health foundation, alberta cancer foundation and the medical director of the calgary health program will make the announcement today. Search and rescue efforts are happening now in rafah after idf attacks on a refugee camp sunday night. Officials in gaza say 35 people have been killed. The idf says they targeted and killed 2 senior hamas figures. Pro-palestinian protesters at the university of toronto are being told to clear out this morning our risk potential fines and arrest. The protesters gave university there counteroffer yesterday, but the 2 sides were unable to reach an agreement. 18 people are now confirmed dead after severe storms and tornadoes across the south and central U.S. over the weekend in texas, the governor says more than a 3rd of counties are now under disaster declarations. For the 2 weeks after they were forced out by wildfire. People from fort nelson bc can go home today. The evacuation order will be lifted at 8:00am local time. A lot about 4700 people head home. >> If you're an office or retail space now might be a great time to negotiate your lease. Stephen de mic with a team of law joins us this morning with advice on things to keep in mind and why you might want to have a commercial or a corporate lawyer to help us something like this. Good morning, steve. Thank you so much for being with us. >> Good morning, thank you so much for having me here again. >> Now you're telling us. So we're checking off the air with that number of options available right now for commercial space. And the first thing that you say people should keep in mind has to do its financial obligations. What do you mean by that? >> So what people are looking at office space, it's important that they understand the total cost that's involved for don't want a month-to-month basis. You know, sometimes it might be very clear to them that it's just there's space trent within the lease. And that's what they're obligated to pay. But there's also terms like double net triple net which complicates the potential business tenant. 2 other expenses, operating costs, utilities per and property taxes and operating costs are the big >> I can imagine now you also want to address the issue of base rent payments and those operating costs that you're talking about. So. Talk to you. What you mean was operating costs. Pacific lee. >> So typically the way it works with a lot of these landlords, commercial landlords, stairs, a commercial space, more of a multiple commercial spaces, let's say within a plaza aurora district. And yet tenants within that space are responsible for operating cost recovery for the year, which could be significant. That includes usage of common areas within that. Plus our district. So it's important for businesses. Take a look at be there on their again, are intelligent and very proactive when it comes to this or higher. Somebody like them a call on the corporate commercial side to go through at least cent. Really understand what it is operating costs, what every be charged by the landlord and his dis reasonable. >> And I think that's key because it's one of the things you don't want to be stuck with after wishing you had of has gone for that legal advice. Your next one is really important in terms of staying ahead of the competition. Its exclusive a tease to talk just about how you can ensure this. >> That's very especially for a first-time businesses, somebody new to it to an area and landlords understand this as well. But he did businesses the to make sure that we see some sort of exclusive use clause exclusivity clause to ensure that competitors are not able to enter the same area and let landlords are very cognizant of that U.S. well, and they do want to want to essentially clashing businesses. It's not good for the clientele mix within that area and it's also not good for the revenue generation of that business. That was their first so specially if they're hoping they might grow at one point was in that space exactly. >> Now, what should somebody keep in mind when it comes to the term of the lease? >> Again, it's, it's very important to balance those 2 things out. I mean, there are again, first time businesses, sometimes, especially during covid, we've seen they want to understand, want to undertake short or term leases. They just don't know how their business is going to work, which is fine. During covid people were karen teeth less of a piece and operating costs. Trent. But when it comes to that renewal, now we're seeing increase pricing, especially bet retail market. So somebody might want to consider more of a longer term 10 to alleviate or 2 surrey to mitigate those

risks. >> Make sense. Well, steve, thank you for your time today. We always appreciate your advice. Thank you for having me here. And if you need help 3 like some more information on anything we spoke you can head to dim o'clock dot ca. >> Brought to you by dan o'clock, your trusted legal partners. >> Good morning from on top of our studio here at ctv calgary. This is our sky watch weather camera brought to by the original alberta carpet cleaning and alberta furnace cleaning best-value expert service and guaranteed results. And we are expecting more of that to greening. And if fortunately a bit of a dry period for at least 2 days. So if you have not had a chance to talk a lot on yet, this might be your day. 20 degrees is our forecast. Higher current temperature is 10. The normal is around 18. So we are exceeding our normal temperature. Well, outside of that range the record low is, but this time of year, we can see those temperatures drop below seasonal and below freezing. And that's why everybody gets very concerned about 16 hours and 6 minutes between our sunrise and our sunset. And this helps to determine how much heat will be able to be absorbed into the surface into the earth's and generates at oakland long way radiation, which we need to help warm everything up. And so the longer period you have with exposure to sunlight at a certain angle, that is helpful that hockey was that omega block. So we have our 2 anchoring lows and our ridge of high pressure. Now, if you remember back to when we had that today heat dome over top of alberta and into much of the prairie provinces. Our our make a block was little more balance in much more even low pressure systems. We don't have the same even this to this. This is really more of a ridge situation as this ridge while it is a bit stagnant right now as that ridge that you're seeing extended to the territory starts to track to the east in its reds out a little bit. We're going to allow for some of that warmer air to move into our region. But after that, that trough, that anchoring trough that's in the pacific is going to move into bc. And as you know, it's counter clockwise circulation. You can pick up some of that colder air, that colder air will be moving into alberta by the time we get into wednesday. And so this is where temperature drops. We see that instability is is air mass. These air masses clash once again, we could see some more active weather. And speaking of there may be some convective activity into northern alberta today. As far as those temperatures go, our peak temperature for today will be around the supper hour. You noticed how much warmer does tomorrow and then look at that cooler air in bc. It's going to move into our region on wednesday. So the peak temperatures and heading to the east and that's where they could have pretty active weather by midweek. We do drop down and then recover nicely back to those above seasonal temperatures for saturday and sunday. We're looking at a chance of rain starting up again late tuesday into wednesday. >> All right, we often tackle the question of nature versus nurture a in people. Have a look at this in puppies. And I would say that the question is put to this is like his second time during the joy. I think I think he seen as dad do it once or twice. Oh, and look at him, get to work. >> Are far heard or I know it's not, you know, I did see, you know, as a swimmer. Yeah, that's right. He's a yes, he's a swimmer. I kind of border collie cross and I expected this to happen. Yeah, this is not what happened. That didn't do it for, you isn't he a sale look? There's kind are I >> Yeah, we need to watch this little pup. She's going for the cure. All right. Yeah. Videos like this. It for trending email them to ctv morning live calgary, bellmedia dot ca or scan the qr code on your screen. >> The top golf event of the summer is coming to calgary, the cpkc women's open taking place at earl grey golf club from july 23rd to 28 for your chance to win a pair of four-day tournament crown passes enter online at ctv Pace Kids programs every child deserves to thrive. I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehe ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. Me, Debbie and John. They're selling their house and ready to move on to their next chapter. But in today's real estate market, finding the right home can be challenging. Thankfully, the Justin Havre real estate team has nearly two decades of experience in our local market, and we know what it takes to get your house sold for top dollar. Now is a great time

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