
CFCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 07:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

health foundation, alberta cancer foundation and the medical director of the calgary health program will make the announcement today. Search and rescue efforts are happening now in rafah after idf attacks on a refugee camp sunday night. Officials in gaza say 35 people have been killed. The idf says they targeted and killed 2 senior hamas figures. Pro-palestinian protesters at the university of toronto are being told to clear out this morning our risk potential fines and arrest. The protesters gave university there counteroffer yesterday, but the 2 sides were unable to reach an agreement. 18 people are now confirmed dead after severe storms and tornadoes across the south and central U.S. over the weekend in texas, the governor says more than a rd of counties are now under disaster declarations. For the 2 weeks after they were forced out by wildfire. People from fort nelson bc can go home today. The evacuation order will be lifted at 8:00am local time. A lot about 4700 people head home. >> Welcome inside the sportscentre newsroom. Niki russ with your must-see moment from sunday. Heading to sunrise, florida game 3 between the rangers. A select lafreniere already with a beautiful breakaway goal earlier in the game on the rush down the left wing, the flawless toe drag around dimitri cool ca. Thank goes off the post and in to beat sergei bobrovsky, a brilliant individual effort from the 20 21st overall pick. That is your must-see moment from sunday, monday and tsn round robin. Coverage of the memorial cup continues on the london knights take on the moose jaw warriors coverage starts at 6:00pm central time. That's often the sports centre newsroom. Have a Pace Kids programs every child deserves to thrive. I think we can just get the team back on this. And, you know, we just. Hearts and lungs and liver too! Pancreas tissue! Yes, tissue. Your mom would like to donate these when she dies. Make sure of this, please! You seem tied up. Congrats to your mom. Ctv Morning Live. Spotlight on Golden Welcome back to Golden, b.c.. I'm standing here on the patio of White Tooth Brewing Company, Golden's local spot for craft beer. Spring is on its way, and it's time to start planning your trip. These patios are the place to be after a day out adventuring. We've got over a dozen of them here in town. Many have spectacular views, so you can get the mountains everywhere you go. Golden has a variety of dining options, anything from Rocky Mountain inspired cuisine to relaxing cafes and social hubs. We want you to come down off the highway and enjoy Golden's dining experience. We can't wait to see you! The summer is going to be great! You can learn more by scanning the qr code to download the Golden bc app or visit Tourism Want ctv to spotlight your business? Email Spotlight yyc at Bell Media dot ca. (Song in French) ( ) ( ) Oh ( ) ( ) Get a head start with Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra and Canada's fastest 5g+ network. (gentle music) I wonder how my portfolio is doing? What if aging at home is too expensive? I can't imagine doing this alone. Retirement is complex. Let's get started. (gentle music) Red hot summer four farmers one mission true love I'm super excited to find the love of my life. A new crop of daters plunge into rural life I'm not a farm girl yet, but I'm farm-curious. On the show with real life romance I feel really special. Real connections I'm all in. Real heartbreak who will find their happily ever after? I did fall in love. You're a person I can see a future with. I choose you. Farming for love on ctv

>> In morning, we're looking at downtown calgary. Look at that beautiful blue sky and the greene. Oh, my gosh, is this city green? And also it's tricky now the kids are grass has been so wet. This is our sky watch weather camera brought to by the original alberta carpet cleaning and alberta furnace cleaning best-value expert service and guaranteed results and as we take a look at more rain was pretty definitive over the next 24 hours. Don't expect rain today. We are looking at that through calgary, bad for lethbridge, 10 degrees right now in medicine hat 5 degrees in brooks and then 8 degrees in portions of southern alberta to in bath. And then 5 degrees in the other side of the rockies. We are going to experience a bit of a cool down by the middle of the week as our weather patterns are changing. Look at this. We have that high pressure west to east influence. And so this is a pretty consistent and stable pattern for the next to 36 hours. And then after that, we will start to see a breakdown and that's where we could get that rain into the calgary area and into southern alberta. If we do get the again, we're not looking at a accumulation are great total. This is an era in areas. It is now starting to see a lot of grass that soil, it is quite moistened. So it's hard to get a hold of when you get that yard work done. The pause on the pups are still quite muggy, but it's a good problem to have. We need it. 20 degrees, our daytime high today. And then 23 for tomorrow, 15 on wednesday and 14 on thursday. And that's that chance of rain with 8 to 11 degrees over the next couple of days. Now, we did have some pretty active weather over the weekend, including some thunderstorms. We had this shot sent into us from cynthia. It's from drumheller. It's rcr realty viewer photo making real estate easy. >> Checking in with the day and phys you very cold world record was broken over the weekend. >> This is crazy as an extreme athlete from switzerland, his name is andre belly. He actually has been training in calgary for this over the last little while. And finally did the attempts to have the world's longest ice bath. >> Sounds like he did break the record for hours and 5 minutes in this like chili chili chili like frozen cave, essentially. Yeah, look at the major leagues, shovel those guy out of there. That's crazy. The, the idea that that people put themselves through this on a regular basis. Jefferson blows my mind. >> Yeah, you wouldn't do it. >> No how. No. I would try and break a record for I don't know. Most ribs eat I individual french fries. >> Haha, I with this guy to is somebody broke the record in like finland. >> Week ago. Okay. Yeah. So initially if you hit the hours and hours and find out if if you just hit the 4 hours you broken in this town. It been like a week before he does, it goes and does like 4 hours and one minute >> Look at that, he's got to pause and electrodes everything off. This isn't a good thing. It's no for the you you have done a cold plunge. It sat on and never get never, never, never it's good for your body and all that nonsense, but you naha, it's good doesn't it about like not only the 4 hours, but no, we had to hang on the last extra 5 minutes to break the new record. How long those 5 minutes would have felt. I'm not, I'm in a hot tub Brought to you by Flooring Superstores. Calgary's best selection of in-stock flooring. Know a super kid doing amazing things for others in their community? Nominate them at ctv Calgary dot c-a for recognition with me on ctv Morning Live. Calgary Kids Take Action brought to you by Action Furnace. Home of the fixed right or it's free guarantee. When you're hurt in an auto accident that wasn't your fault, you need someone on your side. Call Preszler Injury Lawyers. We've recovered millions of dollars for our clients, and we can help you too. After an accident, call 1—800—Justice. Abel: Hi, I'm Abel. Mom: I often forget to mention that he's an amputee because Abel will try any activity he can. Abel: My arm helps me with basically everything! Mom: He doesn't see what he can't do, he sees what he can do. Abel: Yeah, this is helping. Mom: The War Amps has just given him the ability to do all the activities every kid can do. Abel: When youdonate to The War Amps, you help kidslike me. Thank you! Lightning Lotto! Hey, what's that? Oh that's Lightning Lotto,

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