
CFCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 07:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

shorts, if to the school will explain more on that in a moment. >> Thanks, tony. Let's have a look at traffic 11th street southeast now open after police resolve an incident at deerfoot meadows. Also centre street north between beddington boulevard and getting to drive reduced to one lane in each direction from 93 for transit construction. Also various lane closures on 7th avenue between 33 a street and 35, a street northwest for water main replacement. Here is a live shot of macleod trail at lake fraser gate in the southeast. The groundbreaking pilot project looking transform how we treat cancer surgery in alberta. Mason depatie. Cold the sent to make project uses specialized make is to drastically improve cancer surgery in the patient experience. >> The magnetic seed about the size of a grain of rice is inserted at the tumour site and marks where it is for doctors. This allows for less urgent, uncomplicated scheduling, fury, imaging appointments and invasive procedures. The new tech replaces traditional hook wires to mark tumours, which in getting comfortable or be dislodged. It also gets rid of painful radioactive injection app lyft notes often quoted as being worse and that surgery itself. Oncologists leading the project hopes this pilot will show the benefits of they get markers leans to its use across the province. The goal is to eventually be able to leave them a seat at the time of biopsy, allowing patients to go directly to surgery or chemotherapy. The calgary health foundation and alberta council foundation will be here later this morning at 10 to announce funding for the pilot pilot. A total of 5.7 million dollars. Back to you. Thank space in a city composting facility expansion is breaking ground today. Jacqueline wilson is in this morning at the details. Jacqueline. >> Yes, service in the calgary compost facility is one of the largest of its kind in canada. And this morning, it is breaking ground on construction expansion to increase the processing capacity to meet the city's growing needs. Now the city started building the compost facility in 2015 at the shepherd waste management site. And then the green cart collection program began in 2017. The facility processes upwards of 145,000 metric tons of residential food and yard waste and do water bio solids every single year. And so this expansion we'll provide an additional 60,000 times per year of capacity for the city and on top of that, the expansion will include an anaerobic digestion launch will that turned food and yard waste into some renewable natural gas and jefferson construction is expected to be completed on the expansion in late 2025. But the groundbreaking event this morning starts at 9.30. Okay. Thanks, jacqueline. One person was taken to hospital in stable condition after a two-vehicle collision last night. It happened. >> But 11 on northbound deerfoot trail just south c boulevard. The road reopened at about 3.30 this morning. No word yet on what caused the crash. >> Calgary police taking one driver into custody after a single-vehicle collision. Officers say they responded about 7.30 last night, too. 7th avenue and 5th street southwest. They say a suspected impaired driver failed to stop and they had to box the car in to stop it. About 500 people rallied at city hall on saturday in opposition to provincial government policies. This was one of several protests in cities and towns across the province. Protesters say the ucp is a listening to albertans and they are demanding accountability and transparency. The issues >> Include the alberta pension plan, coal mining on the eastern slopes of the rockies. And what protesters say are a tax on education, health care and vulnerable albertans. >> We've had enough of the lies we've had enough of the deception, the gas lighting and a lot of the decisions that the ucp and people inside the party are promoting and supporting have nothing to do with evidence or science or expertise. It's all fear and pandering. >> The campaign to some water, it and I came through was a far right wing person who supports people like david parker far-right wing people in alberta. >> In a statement on friday, the ucp change jets and said the party supports the right to peaceful and lawful protest. A special memorial was held at the stampeders game over the weekend to remember one of their own. Bruce covington was a tackle for the stab selected first overall in the 1992 college draft. He was part of the grey cup championship teams in 92 98. His friends focused on his support of charities and they started the search. Covington memorial fund. >> We're already over 20,000 raised, we can provide you with the link. We would love to keep fundraising for that. We're hoping to to our for our goal of 40,000 for an endowment that get last in bruises on her to get do scholarships to student athletes. >> The company asked to weigh in january at the age of 57. Well, it was an infection once thought to be a thing of the past, but syphilis cases are on the rise across canada. Here's

allison bamford. >> Inside this regina clinic nurses are screening patients for sexually transmitted infections and a simple blood test can catch one of saskatchewan's most rampant st eyes. >> It's like a really bad car crash that we're all just watching and knowing that we can prevent it. >> Syphilis now a growing problem across north and south america. New data from the world health organization shows the continent's make up 42% of new cases globally here in canada. Saskatchewan posts the highest case rate among the provinces. It's not like we don't know how to identify or treat syphilis. >> It's that we're having trouble controlling those numbers, whether it's through not enough testing barriers to access to testing or to care. >> Researchers say a rise in substance use lack of awareness and stigma also play a role in transmission. The most devastating effect of syphilis. An adult is congenital syphilis, which is the transmission. >> From the mother to the fetus transmission that could result in miscarriage or developmental problems for the baby candidates. Congenital syphilis cases jumped nearly 600% from 2018 to 2022 and alarming surge considering provinces like manitoba went decades without recording a single case. We didn't really see. Seth was for him for decades. >> And so there's a lot of orange physicians and health care providers to really know what the general staff was. Looks like. And so it's important to educate them. >> Known as the great imitator syphilis can look like other infections and sometimes show no symptoms at all. Which is why experts say prenatal care and routine testing should be a top priority because if caught early typically a simple penicillin treatment can clear it right up. Allison bamford, ctv news, regina. >> Some experts say too much screen time can have a negative impact on a child's development, including their cognitive and emotional speaks on to write reports. >> Ctv at the nighttime like. >> Really late. And some experts say too much screen time can have a negative impact on a child's development, including their cognitive and emotional capabilities. Psychology professor doctor william bukowski says that limiting screen time is a balancing act for parents who don't want to be too invasive. You don't want to be interest to intrusive at the same you're supposed to, I think source of guidance and support. >> To get into this space where they cannot function on their own to help them through that. >> Developmental psychology expert doctor victoria. Tall war says that's why some parents should spend less time worrying about their kids screen time and instead focus on there's we have to book about. >> What we're telling our children were actually modelling. Are we also doing that? They that we don't like them to do when we're talking to them, we do that we can do these things unconsciously and not think about them. So we all saw could become more mindful of what we're doing. It's something that can be challenging of times, says. >> This montreal that we do tend to kind of spend a lot of time, a dollar forms and everything. >> We know we live in that kind era where we kind of depend of phone died. Some about work depends on, you being on the phone, checking emails. Makowsky says parents should most of all avoid becoming tuned out. >> Sometimes your presence is needed more than it is at other times. And if that tip at that moment, you're distracted by something, then you it's a lost opportunity. It also might inform someone something about how important my to that person my less important than the screen. >> His advice screen time should always be about quality over quantity, no space. On july ctv news. >> Students got to show off their maker skills at peg. A science olympics every year. Students from grades one to 12 can and 2 projects and participate and challenges. To explore engineering and geoscience is the end of the day. Awards were handed out for the best designs. Organizers say it's valuable for the students to try at news stands >> Exploring what engineers and geoscientists to we program dolphin 3 designed >> More than 900 students from 54 calgary schools test. Coming-up get business news. Plus, we've got your must see here at the Veterans Association. Our veterans fought for our freedom. We will remember them. Right Super Keeley? Woof Woof Woof Woof Help us help our veterans and call us for a quote

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