
CFCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 05:55 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

supplies. They are being told to be patient because there will be heavy traffic on the roads leading into the community. The parker lake wildfire is still burning out of control and people in fort nelson have to be ready to leave again at a moment's notice. >> In the u.s., 18 people are now confirmed dead after severe storms and tornadoes across parts of the south and central U.S. over the weekend. >> It hit so fast. The only thing I would say is pay attention to your weather alerts. Lindsey the worst of the damage is reported in texas, oklahoma, arkansas. Look at the damage. In texas, the governor says more than a third of the counties in his state are under a disaster declaration. Indianapolis 500 event was delayed because of the severe weather. And na nasty weather is ongoing. It is shifting east today. Severe storms expected from alabama up to new york city on this memorial day holiday >> Papua new guinea's government asked for more help after the landslide -- they are doing whatever they can. Digging spades. Agriculture forks. >> Lindsey: png's government figures far more than the u.n.'s estimate of 670 people. Officials say people in the region have been reluctant to bring in heavy machinery to remove debris. They have been taking on the heart wrenching task of looking for bodies by hand. One woman said she lost 18 family members in the disaster. Water slowing beneath the debris could lead to another landslide. >> I have not had any instance where any canadian official has told me they will not get there, but I don't have any sign that there is a plan in place to get to that 2% mark. >> Lindsey: in an exclusive interview with ctv's question period, ambassador julian smith said canada is the only member without a plan. Defence minister bill blair maintains canada will be "ready and capable". >> Hundreds of people from around the world have applied for a job that promises to be an adventure. >> We are looking for people to hike every single trail up at marinema rain lake. They want two social media savvy people to create content about their journey in every area. The chosen candidate will have to document everything they do between june 15th and august 15th of this year. The salary is $8,000, plus as possible $2,000 bonus. >> Anne-Marie: what a great job. >> Kelsey: my summer camp job paid similar. That would have been a lot of fun and no children. No late-night wake-ups with children being home sick. All of the trails through there are spectacular. >> Anne-Marie: I would have to shift the kids off west in summer. Maybe we could offer a three for one. >> Kelsey: this morning we are going to go north to tim minutes. Right across parts of ontario and québec. We have very active weather. Lindsey was-speaking about in the newscast. That is the same weather system moving through two of our provinces today bringing significant thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, sizable hail. Damaging winds all in the forecast for today. With that is coming mild air. It is warm in toronto. 19°. Much cooler as you are heading over to atlantic canada and northern ontario. Thunder bay sitting at 6. 9 in winnipeg. 6 for regina. 5 for edmonton and 11 for vancouver. Generally we are seeing a pattern shift in the early half of this week. Western canada entering into warmer weather in compareison to what you had last week. And central canada is seeing a cooler start to the week. The cold front associated with

more severe storms. That is well south. But for us, in the north, we have had heavy rain overnight through the gtha. That is moving up toward the ottawa area with showers. Peterborough, you got blasted with that same rain. This precipitation pushing now into southwest ontario, this will just gather steam as it moves over lake erie and lake ontario. Hitting the toronto area sometime late morning and bringing with it very heavy rainfall for a period of 3 or 4 hours. Temperature-wise, after today, with the passage of this weather system, there is a dip. We drop down into the teens across many communities that will sit in the low 20s today. That includes windsor, london, kingston, ottawa and montréal. All dropping from the low 20s to the high teens after today. There is likely going to be embedded thunderstorms in that. The forecasted rainfall totals with this are 10 to 20 millimeters except if those thunderstorms fire up, it's possible we could see that total amplified. Anticipate winds to be incredibly strong. It's possible we will see some hail development as well. This is outlook for 1 p.m. You can start to see it clearing the west end of the gta. This will move its way up toward ottawa just in time for school pick-up. This is where we will see the storms increase with intensity. We will likely see hail. Hail will be 2 to 7 centimetres in diameter. This takes its time departing. By tomorrow morning, the front sits over the maritime provinces. The St. Lawrence, the gaspe peninsula and up toward labrador itself. In behind that, there will be more steady state rainfall for tuesday. More showery for some in the south right across the shores of erie and central ontario. That clears and we set up for a very dry wednesday, thursday and friday. That lasts as we head toward the end of the weekend. Coming up, we will take you through atlantic canada. You are set to see that same front move its way in toward tomorrow morning. It will be very wet on tuesday. What you have today, we will talk about that in the next half hour. For now, here is your local forecast. >> Anne-Marie: after the break, are you an eREADER person or a physical book person. Do you it's spring time in paris and the kings and queens of clay have come out to play Tennis played on another planet That is a piece of art right there Ooo lala! Roland garros on tsn and tsn+ Power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your family's comfort and safety. When the power goes out, you have no lights, no refrigeration, no heating or air conditioning. The winds are notletting up at all here. We're going to seesome power outages. Number one thing to preparefor is extended power outages. Are you prepared? You can be with a GeneracHome Standby Generator. When a power outage occurs, your Generac Home StandbyGenerator automatically powers up, using your home's existingnatural gas or propane, so your life goes on,without disruption. You and your family arecomfortable, safe, and secure. Stay tuned, to get overa $700 value free, on the most popular homestandby generator in the world. With the Generac,we don't have to worry about whetherwe lose power or not. If the utility company does not come through,our Generac does. Having the Generac generator, I felt secure thatif there was a power outage, I didn't have to worryabout it, that there would be heatin the home. There wouldn't bebusted pipes. After the hurricane happened, we just want to beprepared for anything. Generac generatorsare designed, engineered and built for the purposeof generating power. 8 out of 10 homegenerators are Generac, and have thousandsof satisfied customers. How many timeshave you heard people say, I never want to gothrough that again? Well, the next timeyou go through it, don't make itso hard on yourself. Have a Generac HomeStandby Generator. Call or go online now to requestyour free quote with one of Generacsnationwide dealers.

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