
CFCN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 01:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

Beneath those silky, soft fingers, you can scarcely contain yourself, buddy. >> So, you had a good time, huh? >> Oh, yeah. >> Enjoyed yourself. >> Very much. >> Alright, now you listen and you listen good! (Audience laughter) >> What?! >> The massages are out! >> What are you-- >> Ah! They're out! (Audience laughter) >> Why?! >> Because if I can't get one, you're not getting one! >> Wait a minute, wait a minute! I need my massages! Can't you see I'm burned out?! (Audience laughter) (Audience applause) >> I'm sorry, Kramer. >> Why? Why? Look, I paid for her! (Audience laughter) >> Don't youevertalk about her like that! >> Yeah, but what-- >> That's final! >> Ah! (Audience laughter) >> Male Announcer:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Giants Stadium. >> Oh, you have photos in your wallet? >> Yeah. Why, is-- is that weird? >> No, it's normal. You're very normal. (Audience laughter) You're totally normal. (Chuckles) Who's this? >> That's my mother. >> Oh, yeah. I see the resemblance. >> No, there's no resemblance. >> Yeah, there is. Right here, you see-- >> Elaine, I was adopted. (Audience laughter) >> Oh. That's nice. (Audience laughter) >> Oh, the game's about to start. Yeah, I wonder where your friend Kramer is. (Audience cheering) >> Uh, yeah, uh, a ticket for Kramer. >> Here it is. I need some ID. >> Oh, yeah, yeah. (Snaps fingers) You know, I forgot my wallet. >> Well, I can't give it to you, then. >> Are you kidding me? >> I'm afraid not. >> Come on, just look at me, huh? Now, tell me I'm not Kramer. (Audience laughter) >> I'm sorry. I need proof. >> Look, I'll drive out here tomorrow and I'll show the ID. I got nothing to do all day! >> Neither do I. (Audience laughter) But without ID, I need confirmation from the person who left the ticket. >> Where's a phone? (Audience cheering) >> Announcer:Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? Would Joel Rifkin report to the stadium office? Joel Rifkin, telephone. (Audience laughter) >> Who would be calling me here? >> He's not the murderer. (Audience laughter) She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. Abel: Hi, I'm Abel. Mom: I often forget to mention that he's an amputee because Abel will try any activity he can. Abel: My arm helps me with basically everything! Mom: He doesn't see what he can't do, he sees what he can do. Abel: Yeah, this is helping. Mom: The War Amps has just given him the ability to do all the activities every kid can do. Abel: When youdonate to The War Amps, you help kidslike me. Thank you! Here's a fresh take. We think burgers taste better when they're made with Canadian beef. Fresh onto the grill. Fresh off the grill. Never frozen. Always juicy. ( ) We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. Opticom Optical Cameras Photography. Tamar. Tamar. I don't know. I got it, I got it, I don't have it. Optimized. -co-offensive Tamanoumi. “What is it anyway?” Optical Coherence Tomography or OCT. An advanced eye health scan that can help spot sight conditions early. At Specsavers we think it's so important we include it with every eye exam. Opical Turmgraphy. Not everyone can say it, but everyone can have it. And if you're an eligible senior you get eye exams at no cost to you. Plus 30% off lens upgrades for all seniors. Your new truck trade up has arrived at Capital Chev. Volume pricing is back as inventory levels go up prices come way down. And right now we have over 250 brand new GMC Sierra's to choose from Lease a crew cab 4x4 Pro edition for only 99 bucks weekly plus GST. Or work with our finance experts to get

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