
CFCN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

>> Here are the 5 things you need to know for today. Some concerned calgarians after their vehicles were damaged by potholes. It has been a busy spring for road crews. They sold more than 6700 so far. This comes after a record. ,000 potholes filled last year. Israel's military this morning says it has recovered the bodies of 3 hostages in gaza. There are about 130 israeli hostages still being held in their families have been calling on their government to accept a cease-fire deal to bring them hauled later this morning, the world court will hand down a ruling on an emergency request for israel to stop its rafah offensive. The request comes from south africa, which is also calling for israeli forces to be ordered out of gas. U.S. senators are calling on canada to step up when it comes to nato spending. Canada is supposed to spend 2% of total gdp on the military as part of the nato membership. The letter was signed by 23 senators, both democrats and republicans and the U.S. department of justice is accusing ticketmaster and their parent company live nation of being an illegal monopoly. And along with 30 other states are suing live nation and ticketmaster merged in 2010. They now control 16% concert promotions across 260 5 north american factories. >> Well, discover your passion that she success is the motto of a new free public charter collegiate high school in calgary. Doctor mike boys with the university of calgary and the principal and co-founder of fusion collegiate, brady thompson join us this morning to tell us a little more about this opportunity. Thank you both for coming. And we sure appreciate it. Thank you so much for having us now. Worry, I will start with you. You've been working on getting this school open some time now fusion collegiate is opening up this fall. Can you tell us a little bit more about what it is, what does it offer? >> Absolutely, so we're one of 12 approved collegiate schools in the province and we work with students in grade 10 to 12 and returning great wells with planning their next step in their learning, so that that kind of gap between high school and what's next for hence the term fusion collegiate refuse the high school and post-secondary or skilled employment. >> Very at the university of calgary is one of the partners involved you're providing to a credit to students that are at fusion collegiate. Doctor boys, can you explain what is dual credit what are some of the courses that were the supply? Let me let me start with a little the, the transition from secondary and post-secondary as a development psychologist having studied this for quite a while. I can tell you is becoming more and well, there's a bunch of reasons for that. We see evidence with the well-being of our young people, not being where we would, anyone, you would like it to be >> One of the reasons that it's becoming increasingly difficult is because the targets are shifting and changing and the jobs they are aiming for are going to be the same when they get there. And so what we need to do is find ways to help them prepare themselves more effectively. Now that gap between high school completely high school and post-secondary is larger fog year and quite daunting and kind of work from both sides of that. I taught for sure courses of the russia coffin for 30 years and I'm still engaged in that, even though I'm retired now, i, my research was on identity development. How young people figure out who they are, what they want to do and more importantly, how they're going to get there. And then I also developed a dual credit course called so-called up everyday life. The tiktok. What I was thinking about working on in psychology and applied it in ways that would give students distance the things to think about to help them move forward and get some traction. You're a few. Calgary has this a model of start something and it's really meant to encourage students to dive in try could just by getting engaged, that they're going to be able to move forward most effectively. We're partnering with fusion collegiate to try and see if we can figure out some more effective ways to get students engaged in that process. Earlier. So they're more prepared for that jump and we'll check out a line in other countries where they do that with a sort of start to track is a little bit earlier. >> Brady, who are they ideal students for fusion collegiate. >> So beginning next year, if your student or a parent of a student who is leaving high school, maybe need some upgrading or know what you want to do, but you need help your, you're not sure what's next. Those are the students that we really want to work with next year. >> And how do students get involved, how did how to families and become part of this for around? Yes, if you go to our fusion collegiate dot ca, there's a link that contact us. We actually me with every single student and develop a specific plan to help them

wonderful. What we. >> I wish we had more time are already under time. Thank you both for coming in. And if folks are interested in learning more about the school in the program is a program offered head to fusion collegiate dot ca. Thank you so much and best of luck to both of you. Thanks so much for having us. Well, good morning from on top of our studio here at ctv calgary. This is our sky watch weather camera brought to by the original alberta carpet cleaning >> And alberta furnace cleaning best-value expert service and guaranteed results in as we take a look at our likelihood of rain for today, there's a pretty good chance that we'll see some isolated showers throughout the day in the calgary area in bath, they have a little bit lower risk in that in lethbridge, they're sort of splitting the difference between us. But what this means is that we do have instability. We're going to see some of the pop-up thunderstorms along the foothills today, especially down along the southern border and our daytime high is a little bit underwhelming, only 13 degrees. And so we're not getting the thunderstorms that we often see from that daytime heating. We're getting these thunderstorms based on that instability. We know we have that surface trough coming in from southern british columbia. And look at this in the contour the right hand side of your screen by manitoba. We have a pretty intense low-pressure system and it is bringing a lot of moisture into southern manitoba. It's also bringing with it some cooler air because as you know, is low, it counter clockwise circulation. So as it so moving this a complex low pressure systems, but especially that one as it's moving with that counter clockwise direction. It's grabbing some of the colder air in the north, pushing it back down into southern alberta. Our temperature will stay suppressed. It's not daytime heating that instability is these air masses are meeting up the also very light wind this morning. That's why we had some fog in some of our communities, because you will have your natural overnight evaporative process season without some wind to mix up your air closer to the surface. Your planetary boundary layer wind up with fog, often, especially in these transitional season, spring and fall, we will see more rain. So the ground is going to continue to be a getting saturated as we have rain that comes in over the next few days. And we've had a lot of days with rain, as you know, we're not really hitting those warm day time highs until we get to vote monday into tuesday, then we're dropping back off again. The other component to this is that our overnight temperatures are staying little bit elevated where they often aren't. So that helps out with us not getting frost right now, although in the overnight hours tonight, beware that we may see some frost to keep an eye out for those frost advisories. If you're trying to protect an easing, your growing calgary should be mostly safe from it. But outside of our city, not necessarily the case that do take a look before you head to bed. >> All right, if you're looking at for something to do this weekend, maybe with your dog, how about trying this, the latest trend or just someone and see one hand one hand does your dog do it. I want to try this guy doesn't. He's so these videos out there, >> Dogs do it. Yes, some just want to snuggle. Yeah, some ignore it. I would even murphy would do. I think he probably tackle us. Yeah, that's about to get up like a I think it's an opportunity to break things up and going for, you know, more attention, but it is they're smart reit. The thought process is like oh, from and or I totally want to try this. Yeah, it's going to see where my dogs at the start wrestling like it's an old timey saloon and the right to roll over top of each other. No, be the big test with 2 dogs. Yes, we'll both do it. There's no chance. I can tell you right now try, I'm going to want you like to submit for trending email them to ctv morning live calgary bellmedia dot ca or scan the qr code on your screen. >> The true story of the small town that welcomed the world broadway's comfortable way is at the southern alberta jubilee auditorium from september 17th 2.20 seconds for your chance to win a pair of tickets to this breathtaking musical enter online at ctv calgary dot ca visit broadway across canada. Dot ca for full show by ValentineVolvo in Calgary Southwest. [ upbeat music ]

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