
CFCN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

far this year that comes after a record. 33,000 potholes were filled last year city of calgary prioritizes pothole repairs based on several factors, including safety, impact, severity and location. The city says high-priority locations are paired within 5 business days of inspections will media priority spots along with alleys and lower priority roads will have their pot hills build within one to 2 months of inspections for the people that end up hitting on, though, it's an upsetting experience. >> Under the overpass and then I hear this and in my car. And I jumped and my partner's beside me and we both looked at each other and were like, oh, my gosh. And then we pulled off. And there's 5 other cars parked up there. I parked there right out of my car because I thought i. Blew my, I'm bumper out and I look at my tire. >> And jefferson, we've reached out to the city to see how many possible still need filling as of their last update, the say they've received 4,000 requests so far this year. That's a full 50% from last year. Okay, thanks mason. >> A deportation hearing is set to be held in calgary today for the truck driver who caused the humboldt broncos bus crash. A lawyer for jaskirat singh sidhu says he expects the hearing to be short because the rules are clear with little flexibility. Sidhu, a rookie truck driver from calgary ran a stop sign into the path of the junior hockey team bus at an intersection in saskatchewan in 2018. 16 people were killed and 13 others injured. Sidhu was sentenced to 8 years in prison and granted full parole last year. Several rallies planned this weekend to protest the provincial government. Jacqueline wilson is in this morning with more jacqueline. >> Yes, certain organizers are calling it the enough is enough. Ucp protest and they have organized a province-wide day of action for tomorrow. Protest will take place in 8 cities in towns including calgary, edmonton, red deer, medicine hat, lethbridge. So unlike vermilion and grande prairie, now calgary's protest is going to be at city hall. It runs from 02:00pm to 4:00pm. Organizers say that their mission is to address the policies and actions of the united conservative party. Some of the policies at issue is bill 20, the alberta pension plan coal-mining in the eastern rockies, unquote, attacks on education, health care and vulnerable albertans. Now organizers say they want to keep the protests peaceful while expressing their discontent with the government. >> I'm an rn and I'm seeing I've seen the effects of these years of ucp government has had on the health service and now it's going to be even worse than that bill 22, they're planning to completely implode. It. >> Now jeff tonight have reached out to the premier's office for their response to all of this. But haven't heard back quite yet. Okay. Thanks, jacqueline. >> University of toronto is giving protesters 24 hours to accept its latest offer. Kamil karamali joining us this morning. Kamala, what is the university offering its protesting students? Yes, so the time is ticking for the, pro-palestinian protesters as part of this u of t that was set up may 2nd at the university, giving. >> 24 hours starting yesterday to its offer the university says it you know, tear down the encampment through what they say is a notice of trespass pursue any legal steps necessary. Have a little bit of a listen to what the university president had to say yesterday. >> Should an agreement not be reached? We will issue a notice of trespass and pursue any subsequent legal steps. >> The trespass notice lies that they spread about us hate speech. They continue to talk about lay the groundwork for a violence clearing. >> The university also says it will not end any partnership with israeli universities, but it did say it was willing to form a group that would consider options for disclosing ensuring more transparency of its investments. Once again, this ultimatum proposed by the university saying if the students don't accept it once again, they will issue a notice of trespass, jefferson and pursue any legal steps said that they deem necessary. Okay, what is the student reaction been? Yeah, we saw a little bit of that. They're, they're obviously very unhappy with it, saying they came to the negotiating you know, with said the best intent to a possible, but to. >> They're saying that the university consistently abuse their trust and that they're upset the university's offer. >> Came quote, under threat of a trespass notice. So they're not happy that this is sort of being presented as a except this offer or, you know, we'll take any legal steps necessary, seeing it more jefferson as a threat as so they have not responded to this offer. But once again, they have until later this afternoon. Until that 24 hour deadline expires. Okay, so what

does happen next? Kamil? Yes. What we're waiting for is hearing a response from them were hoping to update the story as the day continues. Really what said the university has said is that that promise the students that they'll have the opportunity to present their demands on divestment during a meeting on june 19th once and once those demands are delivered, the university will review the divestment request. They also promised that they will form an advisory committee on divestment where students can recommend who can sit as part of that advisory committee. Once again, all of this contention to jefferson the encampment coming down. And once again, also worth noting that these are all sort of as the university has put no guarantees here for anything in terms of what the students are promising a rather with the university's promising the students right. Okay, thanks kyle. The calgary philharmonic is taking action after controversial online comments by 2 orchestra members last month. The cpo said it was made aware of quote. >> Deeply troubling comments posted online that do not represent the views of the calgary philharmonic. Now it says following an independent third-party investigation and he's taken action. >> It won't comment further, but the globe and mail is reporting clarinetist slide co popovich in oboist, alex klein have been fired. Both musicians biographies have been removed from the cpo website with the calgary stampeders season set to kick off. There is a push to get more fans to the stadium, including a campaign in the women. >> Steps are trying to get 100 women to commit to 2 season tickets each before the home opener on june 7th as part of the 200 club season tickets for one person or offered at a discounted rate of $995 for the 10 games. 11. If the team makes the playoffs. >> They'll also get unique benefits, including a speaker series to sidelines experiences and the possibility of flying with the team charter for an away game. It's right behind the visitors bench. So people in section 2, we have an important job to do. We have to cheer on our team. >> And you know, rattle up the opponent and it's a short season, it's for everybody and it's affordable. You know, I think this opportune to be part of the 200 club. If you have an arctic that your tickets, you should join us. >> If you want to do things first, there's a chance for saturday afternoon when the stamps preseason check-off are. Let's check in with jody in the weather. >> Always a good time. Jefferson that we are looking interesting weekend, if you have outdoor activities planned, definitely have a rain jacket handy or an umbrella because we are looking at that risk of of intermittent showers and maybe even some thunderstorms. And of course, you hear thunder, you need to get out of the outdoors and to protect yourself. But 3 degrees in bragg creek and 4 degrees in okotoks for an airdrie or in corner brook. Multigenerational homes now selling in corner brook. So let's take a look at the why when we go into for patterns, we have that cold low complex. It's been a part of our weather story all week. We're still seeing at into parts of central saskatchewan in the upper levels. We have the very strong low at the surface. It also being backed by the low in the upper levels. And so this low, especially, is producing a lot of moisture into manitoba. But all of this is combining to create that up. Sloping effects of pushing back against the foothills at the same time that we have a trough coming in from southeastern british columbia. The 2 riding the instability, providing that wind shear. Those can create though the rotation needed for a funnel cloud development. We talk will funnel clouds. We talk about thunderstorms, they become severe in nature and have that rotation. It's because of daytime heating will daytime heating is a part of this. It's about that instability as we look at these colliding airmass is and you can see it on our contra map with why they're such severe weather going into areas into the central and northeastern united states. Very warm air mass coming up from the gulf meeting up with that colder air masking pulled around that low. So you have severe situation with some major thunderstorms and tornado warnings in the overnight hours. And then snow on the north edge of that low into areas throughout the eastern prairies. But that will dissipate. We're looking at a moving off, losing its energy will end up with 13 degrees here. 15 on saturday, sunday was a risk of thunderstorms on saturday, an 18 for monday with sunshine tuesday, but 23 and our friends stance into beautiful photo form from canmore for rcr realty viewer photo making real estate easy to see all of the green there. And if you do have to fuel up this morning, are cheapest gas brought to you by its avenue volkswagen. One 41.9 is the cheapest in the southeast compared to the calgary average. I'm more than what you're looking for. The all-new 5th avenue looks like and >> Ctv morning live on location. >> And a golden acre home and garden in the perennial section under drought tolerant ali. And I'm joined by colin out what we are showing our viewers

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