
CFCN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

The experts at Jamieson are herefor your health and wellness. Our Essentials lineup has products that support immune function, gut health, heart health, and the maintenance of good health. Jamieson is herefor your health. >> Here are the 5 things you need to know for today. Some concerned calgarians after their vehicles were damaged by potholes. It has been a busy spring for road crews. They sold more than 6700 so far. This comes after a record. 33,000 potholes filled last year. Israel's military this morning says it has recovered the bodies of 3 hostages in gaza. There are about 130 israeli hostages still being held in their families have been calling on their government to accept a cease-fire deal to bring them hauled later this morning, the world court will hand down a ruling on an emergency request for israel to stop its rafah offensive. The request comes from south africa, which is also calling for israeli forces to be ordered out of gas. U.S. senators are calling on canada to step up when it comes to nato spending. Canada is supposed to spend 2% of total gdp on the military as part of the nato membership. The letter was signed by 23 senators, both democrats and republicans and the U.S. department of justice is accusing ticketmaster and their parent company live nation of being an illegal monopoly. And along with 30 other states are suing live nation and ticketmaster merged in 2010. They now control 16% concert promotions across 265 >> The 60th anniversary of the servus credit union, calgary marathon is sold out and set to go this weekend. Executive director kristen fleming joining us this morning. Probably one of the busiest people in the city, I would guess to data. So thanks for doing this. We appreciate it. Christine. Let's just talk about the interest. It's also about back to pre-pandemic levels. >> We're here people are moving there again, not the coach in their community and out on the pathways that were so excited that we get to be a part of their journey. This event with a big victory lap after months of training. >> And you're giving them some extra options this some new races talk about that. >> We always like to keep it interesting jeffers them so we've got our kids race. The 5 k the 10 k the half marathon marathon, the usual slate. But we've added the diaper dash for the 24 months and younger and the 60 k for people, you know, who a marathon just isn't enough. >> 60 k so talk about that, talk about that course. >> That's a 60 k for 60 years. They're starting extra early. I-15 that they go out to beautiful route on the pathways of north of town of telus spark. And then we're folding them into the marathon route because the hardest part of the and so we figured well, let them do their beginning a long years, but 250 and then no-bake themselves right into or sent to the marathon and half marathon and finished with everyone off the stampede what an accomplishment to get that let's talk about 3 guinness records are going to be set this weekend. >> Yeah, there you see him. Megan on the screen from last year are a couple of ground handcuffed together writer record unfortunately, didn't sound long. That's the thing with these record, you do them one day and the next day, someone breaking at somewhere in the globe. So andrea, today starting at 1 o'clock is going to be fined up to his neck in ice. He was aiming for about a 4 hour. But then a couple of weeks ago, someone in poland did a four-hour response. So now he's got to go at least 4 hours and one minute on sunday. We have 2 guinness world records. We have them 8, 0, canada team back I think there's 12 of them and are linked together with medical tubing and they're going for a summit when 20 half marathon, that is not easy to do for one percent of all people together. And then of course, the by high, who is going to be going for a new record and he's going to be in his wheelchair with these ski poles that his uncle made here. And it's a new record for fastest mobility device using steeples again. This is all over. So we're really excited to see that and come together to, I love that. For all these people looking to set records and their own personal best, they can drink beer this year. Yeah, this is so exciting. Okay. When you have a local crafter of the calls, their beer one for the road. You've got to put it off working with graham and his team one for the road brewing and at kilometre 18 in the half-marathon were 36 on the marathon route, which would also be for that. That's 60 k runners. You can have a symbol of non-alcoholic beer before you hit your final stretch through east village right on into and that's part of the finish line. So good. And then before we let you go, you have to talk about the diamonds. >> Yes, a diamond anniversary. 60 years brought to you by calgary jewelry be partnered with them and we're giving away one diamond facto earrings and

a necklace to one lucky participant on sunday everybody is getting I want is I like to call them in encrusted in their medals. So kind of thing that I feel brad like you get a direct getting died and one person >> That's so it's always such an amazing event. An example of calgary spirit will be again this weekend. The weather looks perfect for people looking to set their personal records. I'm sure it will be amazing. Thank you for doing this this morning. Again, it you're so busy. So we do appreciate the time. N q ok, executive director of the servus credit union, calgary marathon, kirsten. >> Well, good morning. We are taking a look at downtown calgary right now with our sky watch weather camera brought to by the original alberta carpet cleaning and alberta furnace cleaning best-value expert service and guaranteed result cent. Indeed, we are seeing our temperature a little bit cooler than we would like for this time of the year. But I'm calling today the buffet of whether we have some fog. We're looking at rain, some thunderstorms, maybe some funnel clouds and then some frost overnight. So really, there's a bit of and then that sunshine too. And almost 16 hours between sunrise and sunset. And we're certainly not touching record temperatures. We could be getting closer to frost or those temperatures that are a bit cooler in the overnight hours. And I'll show you watch visibility right now. Looks pretty good, a little bit limited around red deer as we take a look at that radar and satellite, we are seeing some moisture moving into the southeast corner of our province. And if you look to the right of your screen, you're probably noticing some and more dense cloud. This is part of that low that is around north dakota into manitoba, creating some very active weather there and intense wind notice. We don't have a lot of wind right now. This is why we are seeing some fog because we have that overnight of after to process a moisture-laden soil. And as that evaporation happens and you don't have wind, your air become saturated with these cooler temperatures. So we've had some fog as we look at our wind forecast that low that's and the dakota is actually part of why we're looking at that potential for some instability and for some funnel cloud development along the trans-canada highway has we have a trough that's in southeastern british columbia moving over the rockies and that will provide some of the instability. You'll see that sheer to have the rotation for those funnel clouds to develop this, this up sloping that southeasterly direction is going to help with says that potential funnel cloud development. And so we're not looking at tornadic risk, but we could see the funnel cloud side is always concerning for folks. And then for tomorrow, watch for some scattered and at times isolated thunderstorms throughout southern alberta. We may see 5 to 10 millimetres tomorrow, so probably a little more rain tomorrow. The areas that do get a 15 degrees for those highs, at least not this because this is a long forecast you know, very classic alberta, not necessarily the cap weekend. Everyone loves its rcr realty viewer photo making real estate easy. Okay. We've talked before about her dogs can sometimes outsmarted us. And it's always interesting to be when you try to set up barriers, something for your dog and they are determined to not listen to it or obey at, which is exactly what this husky did. A proud he sits on the chairs on the deck in the moncton love it. The human mom and so tried to stop him. Well, look at how successful she was. It's like dealing with toddlers, sometimes. Yeah, but quite pleased with himself. And now he has a longer spacey even better bet. So it's quite. >> Lovely, I think this work out for everybody. I don't know why you want to monitor looking at me, loves it. I know I we have a chair in the back in on our deck for for phoebe. Yeah, it's your own reclining chair. And so every summer she just sits there and dog place to set and melts it everywhere. But no, no, she loves it. You actually can't sit on it. You, it's sort of way. Yeah. Have videos you'd like to submit for trending email them to ctv morning live calgary, bellmedia dot ca or scan the qr code on your screen. >> The true story of the small town that welcomed the world broadway's comfortable way is at the southern alberta jubilee auditorium from september 17th 2.20 seconds for your chance to win a pair of tickets to this breathtaking musical enter online at ctv calgary dot ca visit broadway acr Calgary Kids Take Action brought to you by Action Furnace. Home of the Fixed Right or It's Free Guarantee.

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