
CBWT - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 01:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

representing one of the women charged and had her charges dropped and was critical how slowly the cases have been moving through the courts. And saying it would not be in the public interest. That's one. Other tests the crown uses to decide whether to proceed with charges. It's not in the public interest to proceed with other charges. The outstanding ones the crown is pursuing. According to this lawyer, he thinks it would be a waste of the court's time to move ahead with those charges. >> Jacqueline: what is the crown saying? >> Reporter: this was a complex investigate with 11 people accused and 30 charges laid. It was complex to gather evidence, including cell phone extraction, body-worn cameras. Surveillance, they said. It's taken a lot of time to analyze the evidence. And give careful consideration to whether there would be a reasonable prospect of conviction and whether there was a public interest in pursuing the charges. They said dropping the charges against four of the individuals shouldn't be taken as a criticism of these police arresting them in the first place. And the charges being laid. They say they're committed to ensuring the allegations received the resources and attention they deserve. The decision to proceed in this manner will permit a focused and efficient prosecution on the cases with the strongest evidence. We also have a statement from the toronto police. They've said something similar. That dropping charges against four people shouldn't be considered a criticism of the charges laid in the first place. And also, jacqueline, we've reached out to indigo for comment and hasn't heard back. >> Jacqueline: thanks. That's the cbc's megan fitz patrick in toronto. >>> We'll take you to washington where white house officials are speaking to reporters on a daily briefing. >> Reporter: do you see a two-state solution? << Answer: I have to. [indiscernible] the israeli government about their future for the palestinian question. I can state to you what the U.S. position is. It's long standing. President biden believes a two-state solution that guarantees israel's security and future of dignity and security for the palestinian people is the best way to bring about long-term security and stability for everyone in the region. Israelis, palestinians and arabs. He's talked about a regional vision of israel being integrated with the modern arab states in an architecture that delivers regional stability. I was in saudi arabia talking to the crown prince about that vision this weekend. You saw public statements about what is possible if israel moves down that path. That's a conversation we'll continue to have with the israeli government. In the meantime, we'll work to ensure the enduring defeat of hamas and day after in gaza that involves governance and security not provided by hamas but alternative that ultimately gets us on a credible pathway to that two-state solution that president biden talked about. >> Question: [inaudible] is the U.S. concerned that this is just a tip of the iceberg that we're now at a point where other nations over U.S. objections will recognise palestine? << Answer: each country is entitled to make its own determinations but the U.S. position is clear. President biden as I just said, is on the record supporting a two-straight two-state solution and emphatic the two-state solution should be brought about through the coaxed negotiations of the parties. The principle position will communicate that to our partners around the world and we'll see what unfolds. >> Question: a quick follow-up. How concern are you israel's growing in diplomatic isolation? Do you view it that way? What does it mean for any deal, saudi deal to recognise israel going forward? [inaudible] << Answer: I think it's a fair question. It's a country that stands strong in defence of israel and international forums like the united nations. We've seen a growing chorus of voices, including voices previously in approximate support of israel drift in other direction. That's of concern to us, because we don't believe that contributes to israel's long-term security or vitality. And so, that's something that we discussed with the israeli government. And something that we believe that a strategic approach to defeating hamas, protecting civilian, surging humanitarian assistance and pursuing vision of regional integration I talked about will put israel in the best stead to engage countries around the world and revitalize a lot of partnerships and friendships that have been a source of great strength for israel over time and can be again. Yeah. >> Question: thank you. >> Jacqueline: we've been listening to jake sullivan, the

U.S. national security adviser, following the position of several countries, ireland, spain, norway, to recognise the state of palestine. So, some questions from reporters there about what the u.s.'s position is. He says it remains the same. That a two-state solution is what the U.S. sees as the best way to bring about long-term stability in the region. He said that each country is entitled to make its own decisions around what it wants to do in terms of whether it chooses to recognise a state of palestine. >> Andrew: scenes of devastation in a small iowa town. It's the day after a deadly tornado ripped through greenfield, southwest of des moines. Authorities say at least one woman was killed. We'll have details coming up on cbc news network. Arena Announcer: She's gonna get the gold! Announcer: Chasing a world record... Man: Whenever [in discernable] Announcer: ..or charting a new course away from a dangerous past. Woman: Oh my goodness. Announcer: Facing your fears. Woman:Paris is going to be my redemption story. Announcer:Powerful stories of athletes writing new chapters as they live their Olympic and Paralympic dreams. Woman 2:Like, I know I'm gonna make it and it's a yes until it's like a no. Announcer: Toyota Breakthrough, stories of athletes starting their impossible. (VO)Take an indulgent moment foryourselfwith wholesome whole grain oats in Nature Valley CrunchyDipped granola squares or with real nuts and darkchocolate in Nature Valley Sweet & Salty bars. Treat yourself with NatureValley. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims Let's maximize those dreams. That's right. The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! She's dreaming to the max! Get your lotto MAXtickets today! [ ] [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance >> Jacqueline: elvis fans can safely plan their pilgrimages to see where the king lived and died. A court has blocked the sale of the estate in memphis. How and why the presley family at risk of losing the iconic property? It is quite the story. Can you tell us more of what is happening here? >> Reporter: a lot of twists and turns like elvis's dance moves, right? A ton of money, made, lost, made back and lost again. So lot of intriguing factors. Behind the motion is an intriguing figure herself. The granddaughter of elvis, riley kehoe known as a model, musician and actress. Now fighting in court to prove there's a fraudulent scheme to steal graceland. Which is the relatively modest home that elvis bought back in 1957 for his mother grace. It's where he died in the upstairs bathroom, 20 years later. It's a mecca for elvis fans. Preserved time capsule. Look at that decor. People go there and just spend a lot of time. A lot of money, too. Graceland still generates $12 million a year for riley kehoe. You see why she's fighting for it. And here's what the case is

about. There's a company which has no website and little online presence. I could not get a phone number easily to phone them up and say what's up. It claims six years ago, it loaned $3.8 million to riley kehoe's mom, lisa marie presley, the daughter of elvis. Graceland was put up as collateral, it says. It filed a document in court because of course lisa marie presley died last year and did not pay that money back, says that company. And so, it scheduled an option tomorrow to sell the house and recoup the unpaid loan. But today, the tennessee court chancellor ruled to block the sale for now and to order a hearing to decide who owns what and if the company is real here. If what is real here is a fraud that may have been perpetrated, jacqueline. >> Jacqueline: that's quite the - I'm going to grab us some cold foam... coffee...? Wait... Cold foam coffee... at home! - It's International Delight Cold Foam - We're foaming baristas! Foam and cream your coffee with International Delight Cold Foam. It's foaming delicious. ( ) Ever wonder what's around the next corner? ( ) ( ) Past the trees. ( ) Over the mountains? ( ) That's where adventure lives... ( ) Take a Nissan suv and go find it. ( ) Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. Welcome to Canmore, Alberta. This will be your toughest day yet. -Get back up! Boom! -Don't eavesdrop. -i can't shut my ears off. Well then shut your mouth off. Announcer: Canada's Ultimate Challenge. Watch free onCBC Gem. >> Andrew Chang: So you want to watchCBC News Explore, a new kind of news channel. Here's how to find us. We're on theCBC Newsapp, onCBC Gem, and on your smart tv. Stream any time. It's always free. Cbc News Explore. >> Andrew: that is storm chaser video from deadly and devastating tornados that spun across iowa. The U.S. weather service said it's part of a wider storm system that swept over the U.S. midwest. The cbc's richard madan has the latest. >> Reporter: the extreme damage from that deadly tornado made the small town of greenfield, iowa, almost unrecognizable. People in that tight-knit community are not only mourning the loss of neighbors, they're facing a daunting recovery and rebuilding effort. Governor kim reynolds describing the central part of her state as being flattened by the tornado's widespread devastation. >> It's gut wrenching. I was there three and a half weeks ago. It's horrific. There's more debris and impacted here. So it is just horrific. It's hard to describe until you can see it, the devastation. And at the same time, I can't begin to tell you how heartwarming it is to see everybody out there helping each other. >> Reporter: this drone video shows the aftermath in greenfield, about an hour from des moines. You could see the tornado's path of destruction, ripping through homes, upending cars and snapping trees. Entire neighborhoods gone. Dozens injured. Authorities confirmed fatalities but won't give an exact figure since recovery is under way. >> It's still search-and-rescue. We are going to continue to do everything we can to monitor the area. Do you have any? >> With it willing abeing a coordinated search, that's the methodology who is allowed in at the time. It is still a search mission as far as we're looking to make sure all residents are accounted for when we have this many homes destroyed and just fully demolished. We want to make sure every resident and person is accounted for. >> Reporter: adding to plea indication, the tornado knocked out the town's main hospital, forcing paramedics to take victims to other treatment centres. Iowa's governor declared a state of emergency in the region which unlocks state resource to help in the recovery and rebuilding. Today, recovery crews were still working to restore power to the thousands affected. Lifelong residents say they've lost everything. >> I was in the furnace room and heard like a train. A train. And then, insulation came from the basement. One of the basement windows and came in. I heard it, and I knew it was

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