
CBWT - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 01:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> Minister of foreign affairs of norway in oslo. >>> Israel's military granted permission for jewish settlers to return to three former west bank settlements that were shut down in 2005 as part of a so-called disengagement plan that included withdrawing security forces from gaza. The settlements are located around the palestinian cities of genine and nablas. Israel faced significant international pressure to curb settlement expansion in the west bank but has been doing the opposite in recent years. Both canada and the U.S. have levied sanctions meant to curb israeli settler violence. The settlements are considered illegal by palestinians and under international law. Palestinians see the land alongside gaza as part of a future independent state. >>> A deadly brawl in montreal last night resulted in the deaths of three people, including a 15-year-old. We're in montreal and have more. What can you tell us, jennifer, about the altercation and the events that followed? >> Reporter: jacqueline, it happened right here. Police say they came around 7:00 to respond to a brawl. They found three people, as you said, 15, 23, 25, young people in critical condition. They were rushed to the hospital where they were declared dead. I want to zoom out and show you the scene. It's a residential neighbourhood. On a hot day, it's busy with people going to the nearby parks. And we've spoken to some of the people in that particular building that you see right there. That red brick building. They told us about what they witnessed. They told us that they were going about their day. They heard loud noises. They went to the balcony and looked down and saw young people on the ground. Blood on the ground. You could see bloodstains in the parking lot there. Police say that they have not made any arrests yet. They have identified some suspects. They're at the point they're gathering information. Police say there were 15-16 people who were present last night. And they're still identifying exactly who those people are. They also say that some of the suspects are not being cooperative, which makes the process a little bit longer. But ultimately think this is a personal conflict that escalated. And the suspects knew each other. >> Jennifer, this is a string of deadly events that have taken place in montreal recently. What can you tell us about the number of homicides? >> Reporter: there have been seven homicides in ten days in montreal. Police say while it's true that number is higher now than it usually is, they're trying to reassure the public that montreal is still a safe city. I want you to listen to what they had to say earlier today. >> Montreal is safe when you compare it with the big towns in canada, in the united states, it's pretty safe. Like we're 2 million peoples. And we're around like 25, 30, 35 murders. It's too much. But when you compare with other cities, it's pretty safe. >> Reporter: and also to that point, police say they don't think this is gang-related. This is not a turf war. This is what they're calling a chance event. It's not clear if that would make it easier or more difficult for investigators to get to the bottom of what happened here. We'll have to watch and see. Jacqueline. >> Thanks so much. That's jennifer yoon in montreal. >> Andrew: the 10 downing street opened and the british prime minister strolled out to announce the country is going to polls this summer. >> Today, I spoke with the king to request the dissolution of parliament. We'll have the general election the 4th of july. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it's been since the end of the cold war. Putin's russia is waging a brutal war in ukraine. And will not stop there if he skits. That war is also made it all too clear the risk to our security. In had the middle east, the forces of extremism threaten regional and global stability. These tensions were exploited by extremists who undermine our values and defy society at home. China is looking to dominate the 21st century by stealing a lead in technology. And migration is being weaponized by hostile states to threaten the integrity of our borders. >> Andrew: the cbc's julia chapman joins me live from our london bureau. Julia, what does this reyn for rishi sunak and connecticutservative party? >> Reporter: it's an uphill party for the conservatives

trailing the labour party by 20 points in most polls. Rishi sunak nevertheless decided this is the moment to declare an election in six-weeks' time. He's looking at economic data on the up. He's pointing to his success getting through a policy to deport migrants coming to this country unofficially to rwanda. He's hoping those political victories as he sees them will be enough to convince the british public to give the conservative party another chance. It's been in power 14 years. He's the fifth conservative party leader to rule, to be the prime minister of this country in that time. As you say, the british public seems hung gather for change. The polls suggesting labour will win also there's a major prettical earthquake. In his speech, acknowledging the starting of the campaign, keir starmer, the labour party leader spoke about the time for change. He said it's the moment the public had been waiting for. The labour party has been pushing for it to happen as early as possible. He put himself forward as a candidate to put britain on a different path. >> We have a long-term plan to rebuild britain. A plan to be costed and fully funded. Most importantly of all, we do all this with a new spirit of service. Country first. Party second. A rejection of the gesture politics you will see in this campaign, I have no doubt, from the tories and S.M.P.s. >> Andrew: so, julia, what are the main issues for voters? >> Reporter: undoubtedly the economy is going to be at the forefront of many voters' minds. Rishi sunak is hoping economic growth and falling inflation will work in his favour. Migration is also a popular subject, particularly for already conservative voters. It may not be one that swings many voters on either side but the state of the healthcare system is in the U.K. is also a concern to many people. Waiting times for appointments have gone up in this country. There have been people waiting in hospitals for many, many hours. To be treated. So that will be another topic that people will be voting on. When it comes to the labour party's policies, the party has put forward a manifesto of sorts. Six main pledges that the labour leader has made. The party has been criticized for being light on detail. It's got six weeks to make its case to the voting public. And trying to convince people that change is needed. And that they should not be voting for the conservative party once again and put their trust in labour. >> Andrew: julia, thank you. The cbc's julia chapman.

>>> The ceo of quebecor wants the federal government to stop a deal between loblaws and company owned by rogers bell saying the deal would take consumers hostage. Details after the break. You're watching cbc news network. Don't pay to haul awayyour old working fridge or freezer. Efficiency Manitoba will pick up recycle, and pay you 30 dollars for it. Book your pick up at today For 60 years, you've come to our home. A home for all who are handy. A home that's always ready to lend a hand. A home that speaks your language. And a home to offer friendly advice. For as long as we can remember, we've been helping Canadians turn houses into homes. Here's to 60 years at Home. Bladder leak underwearhas one job. I just want to feel protected! Especially for those sudden gush moments Always Discreet protects like no other. With a rapid dry core thatlocks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. Always Discreet— the protection we deserve! I play with myself. I just started playing with myself. I still play with myself. I'm playing with myself right now. Casino Days - register for free today. Yes yes yes! [rock] we're legendary Man: You don't scare me. Look out! [explosion] Ain't nobody gonna stop me. Stadium announcer: We have a new world record. Arena announcer: She scores! Both: Oh my God. Woman: We're a team. [woman yells indiscernibly] we're legendary We fight the best we can. Stadium announcer: Unbelievable. >> If you shopped in a loblaw-owned store, you may have seen mobile shop kiosks. They are independent. They market themselves as not affiliated with any telecom company selling products from seven different carriers saying they don't pick favorites. They work for consumers. Some of their promotional materials. And as you say, they're located across canada. But they are now accused by the head of quebecor of engaging in some behaviour to try to shutout certain carriers from those shops. Pierre carl palado's letter to the minister champaign, has become aware of a new deal that would see these stores in grocery stores, only carry products from rogers and bell. They have worked on a joint venture called glen tell. In the future, it will have a supply contract so the mobile shop only includes fair products and their services. We remember, of course, freedom mobile, the quebecor kind of brand of cell service. It has only been a part of the quebecor for the last year. It was previously part of shaw communications. Shaw had to divest and sell it off as part of its merger with rogers. The intent was for quebecor to run a forced national cell phone carrier that made a equipment to keep prices low in western canada, ontario, to expand 5g infrastructure. To give consumers more choice. But if they're going to be shutout of certain shops, palado's point, will the choice come to pass? Kate it accounts for 5% of the phones and cell phone plans in canada and says because it only has a limited market presence, it doesn't think decisions it might make about its suppliers affects competition in the sector on a national scale. It says it continues to offer a range of options to its customers. But the concern here is that that range has shrunk with this new deal. What are the minister's powers here and what are his limitations? He was stopped on his way to the

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