
CBWT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:59 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

[ ] >> Brittany: it was a day of canadian sports history. The first day in the story of toronto's next profranchise. The women's national basketball association officially announced its expansion to the city. For its first team outside of the U.S. the CBCs chris glover reports. >> Reporter: it took a lot of hands to make this work, but today more sports history was made in toronto. >> I am honoured to officially announce that we have awarded the city of toronto the 14 wnba franchise. [Cheers and Applause] >> Reporter: the women's probasketball team, the wnba, is expanding outside the U.S. for the first time. The director says she picked toronto after a game at scotiabank arena last may. >> A lot of people came up to me and said thank you for making my dreams come true and having a wnba team here. >> Reporter: about 30 years ago, the nba chose toronto. Many credited larry tanenbaum in making that happen, and now, decade later, the history maker strikes again. >> This is all due to larry tanenbaum. >> Reporter: he says home will be the coca-cola coliseum, but the goal will be to influence girls all over the world with games in edmonton and montreal. >> When we get to go coast to coast to coast in canada and play these games, we can't wait to see everybody show up. >> Reporter: several of basketball's most celebrated icons were in the audience, including wnba champion and two-time all-star tammy sutton brown, who grew up in the G.T.A. >> I always wished I could play on canadian soil. I wasn't able to, but the canadians that are playing in the w right now will have that opportunity, and the future canadians will have that opportunity, so this willis a really, really special day. >> Reporter: and it wasn't just athletes tapping into this special day. >> Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: this is a special day. >> We hear by declare may 23 as wnba day in the city of toronto. >> Reporter: the mayor already putting the city of toronto in the history books. >> And I'll work with city councillor to make sure we're ready for another huge championship parade. >> Reporter: and a fan base that every team in toronto has to get used to. Chris glover, cbc news, toronto. >> Brittany: hurricane season officially starts next week on june 1 and runs until november. The national oceanic and atmospheric association, or noaa, says this season is set to be historic. Near record warm ocean temperatures will power some fierce storms in the atlantic. 25 storms, the most ever, are forecast. Somewhere between 18 to 20 hurricanes are forecast with four to eight major. Here at home, the canadian hurricane centre is predicting an active storm season off the country's east coast. [ ] >> Brittany: riley laychuk is back, and while there are certainly no hurricanes in our forecast, we've got some wet weather. >> Riley: no hurricanes but certainly some wet weather. Not ideal for a dog walk any time tomorrow. If you do have to go out with the dog, full booties and an umbrella. I would love to see your

pictures at If you haven't sent your pictures in, please do because I would love to see some more. We're looking at temperatures in the single digits, so starting at 5° first thing in the morning, up to 9° in the afternoon. Here's the other picture that I wanted to show you. Not related to the rain, but darla sent this picture of her backyard. What a difference a day makes with the rain and really green grass. is where I want to see your pictures. I want to step back to the morning hours because we did see some seasonal temperatures. 3° for swan lake, even fort francis getting down to - 1 overnight tonight, so we're looking at a couple more days where we'll see some below seasonal overnight lows. Today we did get to 18 in steinbach and some cooler area through northeastern manitoba. 5 the high in island lake through the afternoon hours. Cloud cover as we get through the overnight hours. We'll start to see the rain moving in from manitoba. We start to see that rain about 12:00, 1:00 in the morning in the winnipeg region. Lows between 2° and 5° for the most part in southern manitoba. Around the freezing part in the northern part -- freezing level in the northern part of the province. We're looking at a pretty sunny sky for the north tomorrow. We're looking at rainy conditions continuing as we get through the afternoon here in southern manitoba, and temperatures staying about 2° or 3° in northern manitoba. >> Brittany: a manitoban has punched her ticket to paris and is hoping for a big finish to [surfer rock plays] [giggling] Ahh! Adult Mark Critch: I was a Grade Nine. [upbeat rock] Mr. Critch, you need glasses. Glasses? No! I just think the chalk is just a little soft. One of these days we're going to have to grow up, but today is not that day. I don't want us to get older either. Announcer: Son of a Critch. Watch free onCBC Gem. Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. [muffled noise] ( ) When my hearing changed, HearingLife understood. ( ) I don't just want to keep hearing my customers. I want to keep being me. Book a free hearing test with one of our hearing professionals and see how our personalized care can help you - keep being you. Love your ears at HearingLife. It's coming. Check for anyone who needs help! Will do! [scream] They found another body. Recognize him? Never seen him before. The obvious theory is that our killer used the flood to cover their tracks. I'd be careful if I were you. Stay safe near dams. Hydroelectric generating station can be a dangerous place. Water levels around dams can change quickly. Obey all warning signs and barriers. They are there to protect you! Safety, it's in your hands. Eating should feel as good as laughter.

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