
CBWT - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 01:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

premier's personal account. The premier of new brunswick posted that he is furious with what he saw when someone sent him a pick. , kind of a snap of a presentation that was happening in a new brunswick school. On one slide there were questions, things like do girls masturbate, is it going to hurt when I do it for the first time? Questions that my typically come up during a sexual education class or a sex ed workshop that would be -- they would be questions like this. Perhaps when the presentation was being done by a group called cherry, hpv global action. They were there to talk about sexually transmitted infections. The premier says the topic on the slide being discussed in the presentation went far beyond the scope of what this group was there to present about. The premier says that they revoked their opportunity, their future dates to go and present in front of schools, to share information about hpv and sexually transmitted infections and sexual information generally to students, and that the province is reviewing its policies around third-party presentations like this in new brunswick schools. At the end of the note from the premier, there was a link to the P.C. party website where people can answer how concerned they are about this issue, about this topic it also signed up to volunteer for the party if they so choose. Perhaps some public feedback being collected as to how much new brunswick people care about this issue. As for the cherry, they are left scratching their heads. They say they have been doing presentations like this for years in new brunswick schools. They have been presenting a four different new brunswick schools. All of the material and contents that they present fall within the new brunswick curriculum and that material is approved in advance by the schools themselves. They are left with no longer the opportunity to share their messaging around sexually transmitted infections and the work that they were doing. Cbc new brunswick colleagues have asked the premier's office for more details about this decision and what it might mean going forward. We will get to receive a response -- we are yet to receive a response from them. >> Andrew: coming up, officials in papua new guinea say more than 2,000 people could be buried under friday's terrible landslide. Time and treacherous terrain are dashing the hope of finding survivors. We will bring you the latest just ahead on cbc news Michael j. Fox:When we see Team Canada on the world stage, we're witnessing pure greatness. What we don't see is their struggle. We don't see Maude Charron being forced to change weight classes after she wonOlympicgold. Hugo Houle persevering through the tragic loss of his brother. Or Andre de Grasse dealing with all the doubters. Including himself. What we don't see makes us who we are. We're all bravely facing the odds in our lives. Now bravery is our victory. - -[crowd cheers] To the left. "Ay What Up (Lemme Vibe)" by Ark Woods Woke up feeling like the city boys up one Fade away, full court, Steph's stepson Influencer: I love this jacket. You'll never find it. Yeah Umm Get in, I don't know her name but she fit in With the other bad women in my section Way I provided direction Straight face gang, got me feeling like a henchman Ay, lemme vibe for a minute Ay, way too high when I'm in it Ay, lemme vibe, lemme vibe, lemme vibe Ay, lemme vibe, lemme vibe, lemme vibe [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is her why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at Two for five dollarWhopper Junior deal? Oh, just one's for me. [Car Accelerates] I lied! Stretch your dollarat Burger King when you mix n' match2 Whopper Juniors or Chicken Juniorsfor 5 bucks. In the truck world, there's only one. Only one that's led the way. One that delivers both performance and efficiency. Tough this smart can only be called f-150. Right now, get this f-150 for $228 bi-weekly at 1.99% apr. [muffled noise] ( ) When my hearing changed, HearingLife understood. ( ) I don't just want to keep hearing my customers. I want to keep being me. Book a free hearing test with one of our hearing professionals and see how our personalized care can help you - keep being you.

Love your ears at HearingLife. [music on tv] Even if it's one or two[music on tv] you know what to do...plan a safe ride home. Who writes this stuff?? [singing under breath] Plan a safe ride home.. [singing] Even if its one or two [singing] you know what to do, plan a safe ride home! Girls night! I'll be late. [singing] Well, even if it's one or two, you know what to do... Plan a safe ride home. I have a ride home planned. Don't you worry. I'll text you later. Have fun. [music] Plan a safe ride home. [ ] >> Natasha: police in québec have issued an amber alert for two children. Police say the toddlers were abducted this morning. About 30 kilometres east of québec city. Officers say that the children were taken by a 40-year-old man. He is listed as 5 feet 7 inches tall, wayne 185 pounds. The public is asked to be on the lookout for a 2013 white honda civic. The vehicle has a black hood. It has the québec license plate 53 vac the. Anyone who spots the vehicle should call 911. >>> Officials in papua new guinea say more than 2,000 people may have been buried by friday's landslide. Tons of debris covered homes in the middle of the night. The most -- when most villagers were sleeping. Rescue attempt subbing hampered by the isolated location and the lack of heavy equipment. Dominic valitis is tracking the story. >> Reporter: one official at the national disaster centre centre is saying this landslide a well have killed more than 2,000 people. That is much higher than the united nations suggested over the weekend. It said 670 people were killed. It is, of course, a very difficult to establish the exact figure. That probably won't be known for quite some time. Certainly we are looking at a huge loss of life. Here is a local resident. Like [Speaking Alternate Language ] >> Reporter: you saw it there. At least 18 of his family members are feared dead as a result of the landslide which actually crashed through six villages in the district in the early hours of friday morning. Many people in those communities would have been sleeping in their homes at the time. Days have now passed since that terrible moment, and still, residents on the ground are you doing this using spades, sticks and even their bare hands to shift through the deep debris in terms -- and trying to reach for any survivors. So far, all they are finding are dead bodies. There is a wider rescue and recovery efforts going on here but it is facing significant challenges. Tribal warfare in the area has forced rescue and aid workers to travel in armed convoys and return to the provincial capital every night because it is simply not safe than. Even when they can get to the site, the conditions are extremely treacherous. Here is the u.n.'s international organization for migration. >> The problem is is it is so deep it is very difficult to recover bodies from underneath the heavy debris and the land is still sliding. Rocks are continuing to fall. >> Reporter: the actual disaster response is being handled bipap when new guinea's emergency authorities. The international community is also now responding. Australia has announced an initial $2.5 million aid package and is sending experts to help with the rescue and recovery operation and today china too said it would be providing assistance. >> Andrew: coming up, taking canada's biggest bookstore private. Shareholders of indigo books and music have voted in favor of doing just that. We will tell you what that means and have reaction just ahead on cbc news network. ( ) They say it lives way out there, deep in the city. I heard it wanders the streets at night in search of food. I hear it can carry two kayaks right on its back. It made this big loud sound... ( ) You know how nobody can find parking on gameday?

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