
CBWT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:59 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> Progressive conservatives have picked a leader to take over from former leader and premier heather stefanson. Lawrence pinsky, who's jewish, says the rising tide of antisemitism drove him to run. >> Should be a driver for every good right thinking manitoban. It's unacceptable. People used to come to canada, to manitoba to escape conflict, not to bring their wars over here. >> Brittany: the n.d.p., liberals, and greens have also lined up their candidates for the bielection. The vote is scheduled june 18. >>> Border and customs officers could go on strike as early as next month. Workers with the canada border service agency voted 96% in favour of job action. They want to address issues surrounding wages, remote work, and retirement benefits among other things. A strike date hasn't been set, but the union anticipates being in a strike position in early june. 95% of workers are considered essential and can't walk off the job. Three years ago, job action resulted in major delays at airports and borders nationwide. An agreement was reached after a 36-hour bargaining session. >>> Work has already begun to transform the former hudson's bay building. Today, the project got a funding boost from the federal government. At CBCs cameron McLEAN reports, the project still has a long way to go. Wehwehneh bahgahkinahgohn. The name means, "it is visible." the project is still in the early stages, but when it's finished, the former flagship store of the hudson's bay company will be transformed into a hub. >> It's a tough project. This is a heavy, heavy project for an organization as young as 25 years. That's a young age for an organization. >> Reporter: today, senior manitoba M.P. announced the government is giving another $31 million to the project on top of $65 million already committed. >> We are moving beyond promises to do better as governments and as a society. People who come here will be able to see reconciliation in action. >> Reporter: the plans call for 350 affordable housing units as well as cultural space, a healing centre, child care and assisted living facilities, and businesses including restaurants. It will also serve as a headquarters for the southern chiefs organization. The funding announced today brings the total money raised for the project to about $140 million. S.C.O. estimates the total cost is about $200 million, leaving about $60 million unfunded. It's still unclear where the remainder of the funds is going to come from. >> We may have to borrow the funds. Obviously, we're looking at all avenues. >> Reporter: it's hoped to have a soft opening in 2026, the 100 anniversary of the opening of the bay building. >> Brittany: a winnipeg nonprofit that helps refugees and immigrants opened its new offices today. CBCs zubina ahmed was there. >> So this was a place that came to us. We thought we needed to have the space to not just process not just, like, the refugee claim but also english classes. Many come with very low english flunt fluency and they need english to find jobs. >> Some of these learners are basic english, so some of these are how you talk about your family, introduce the weather, small talk, but then there are the advanced students, and for

them, it's job skill readiness, being able to explain their skills. >> There are services that they need because they are sometimes coming from very conflict zones, they have been through trauma, but they don't get the mental health. We start the mental health sessions for them. >> Refugee claimants specifically, they had to leave their countries of origin to take on a very unknown journey, and that journey brings lots of stress, emotional -- takes emotional toll and require lots of support, so I think it's very relevant for them to have a place, a place that's culturally responsive, culturally safe, where they process all of these emotions. >> After I attend that programme, now I able to manage many problems, like, depressions, like worries. >> They help me regarding financial assistance, like, taxes filing and many many other things I get benefit from. [ ] >> Brittany: in less than 90 minutes, the winnipeg sea bears will be hitting the court for their game. Tonight, they will yet again play in front of a sold-out crowd. Cbc's gavin axelrod is at canada life centre for us tonight, and gavin, how are people feeling? >> Well, . >> Reporter: well, brittany, I can tell you that people are hyped for the homeowner. One question people are asking, though, are the sea bears a winning team? We went to their practise to find out. >> I have some winnipeg-based opinion and trivia questions for you. Are you game? >> Reporter: sounds good. I'm in. >> Is winnipeg a basketball city, but we kind of want to turn that on its head and ask are the sea bears a winnipeg team team? >> Reporter: I think you can take a look at the sold-out crowd three weeks ago already, and that answers its questions. >> Someone you really want to impress. Where are you taking them in winnipeg? >> Oh, maybe cafe carlo or passero. Pretty good establishments. >> Name one reason why you think that winnipeg is underrated? >> Oh, the food. The food. There's a lot of underrated places here. I just think people don't expec or 10:00 this

morning, but this is an overnight total from thursday into friday morning. 10 to 15 millimetres before the transition to snow in southern manitoba. Here's the rain, and you can see some heavier pockets of that in the portage la prairie region, and here's the snow that's encompassing most of west man, and we've been here in that through most of the afternoon. The rain for now at least tapering off to some showers for winnipeg, but you can see as we moved through the day, some heavier pockets moving through the city. I wanted to show you that real defining line between the rain and the snow. Look at the temperatures. Look at carman at 6° and just down the road, at zero. You can see on future cast this will start to move a little bit further to the north and to the east as we get through the overnight period tonight. Still some lingering rain showers and flurries through the west man region, in the duck and riding mountains in the dauphin region. We really don't start to see a little bit of clearing until we get to even 6:00, 7:00 in the evening. More clearing back to the west, so areas like brandon getting to a little bit of sunshine when we get to the 4:00 or 5:00 hour, but we're waiting until about 7:00 P.M. tomorrow before we see a little bit of clearing. Maybe a little more instability moving in on monday. 10 to 20 millimetres through the interlake region, and a little bit more in the way of snow coming yet to western manitoba. We're looking at 5° overnight with showers continuing in winnipeg. Tapering off into the morning hours, and 10° by the time we hit the afternoon hours tomorrow. Then we're looking at temperatures heading up to more seasonal values toward the end of next week. >> Brittany: we've had barbecue, sea bears, and now we're going to talk about something else: puppies. As we told you, 60 puppies brought to the winnipeg humane society from a hoarding situation have been getting care. >> Riley: earlier today, we sat down with the humane society's manager of adoptions to find out how they're doing. >> Brittany: daphne, who do we have today? >> Well, we have two girls here. >> Brittany: this is two of the 79 that you have at the shelter. >> Yes. We had 11 pups born over the weekend. >> Brittany: so tell us a little bit how they're doing since they were brought into your care. >> We have the grooming and bathing services right away. We recruited quite a lot of groomers who volunteered to have them. We have five, and animal services have 15, so we were able to get them cleaned up right away. Next was the physical exams. Cruella and minnie, we don't see any physical problems, so they're up for adoption. >> Riley: what do you anticipate for the rest of them that aren't ready for adoption and for their forever homes? >> We're doing it batch by batch so we can control the incoming enquiries, but I think in the next month or two we would slowly have them up for adoption. Obviously, the babies that were

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