
CBWT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:59 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

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would you do it? You have no idea what I am capable of. [ ] >> Brittany: good evening. Thanks for joining us. People in winnipeg's St. James neighborhood are frustrated cleaning up messes. It comes after a rain storm and sewage block flooded homes. More than a dozen people had sewage backups into their basements last week, and it's not over. >> That's the sewage drain right there, and it's still pooling, so it's not draining yet. >> Reporter: ben jones has been cleaning draining and sanitizing his basement since last week. >> Not happy. A lot harder than going to work. >> Reporter: his insurance is not able to cover everything that he's lost. Jones isn't alone. More than a dozen home on St. James' truro street had their homes flood, too. This man says he's outside a few thousand dollars from the damage. >> I've contacted 311 to ask about any sort of coverage for damages from the city and kind of heard mixed messages. >> Reporter: city crews have been on-site for the last few days, in days. In an e-mail statement, the city said it discovered a blockage in a nearby sewer pipe. Crews also found a manhole and another sewer pipe in bad shape. The city says the area is a combined sewer district, which is more prone to sewer back-ups in rainy weather. Councillor brian mayes isn't surprised that sewage is pooling in St. James. >> We're pouring more money in, and I'd like to see more. Hopefully the project next year will help with that, but yeah, we've got to speed up the pace. >> Reporter: last night's rain brought even more sewage and water. >> The city has been out here pumping the sewage since last week. >> Reporter: residents can file a claim against the city for the damage. Rosanna hempel, cbc news, winnipeg. >> Brittany: let's get right into that forecast. Weather specialist riley laychuk. Riley, we saw a lot of rain overnight. >> Riley: yeah, you can see especially with this colour contrasting the difference between the rain and the snow. West into brandon has been seeing some of this heavier snow as we move through the day. Expecting up to centimetres of snow in some places, and up to 15 millimetres of rain in others. We'll talk about that when we come back. >> Brittany: the controversy over a graduation speech around the university of manitoba has sparked discussion about donations to the school. As CBCs josh crabb reports, it's led to questions about academic freedom and free expression. >> Reporter: at the university of manitoba, graduate student jocelyn zambrano, who's from ecuador, is focused on completing her masters in psychology. She understands the university's decision but worries about the impact. >> During the may 16

graduation, valedictorin gem newman's speech was denounced as hate speech by earnest. U of m faculty association says they would have like the video to remain available for everyone. >> We are supportive of free speech and academic freedom. >> Reporter: she feels the administration takes care not to be influenced by money. Still, the more scrutiny, the better. >> The more people that have eyes on these kinds of things, the more they are able to point out any potential situations that might arise where there might be some undue influence. >> Reporter: the university says donors do not gain influence over the operations of a faculty or a university broadly no matter how significant their gift. Another major donor, dr. Gerald nisnick, told cbc news that newman's comments were unprofessional but it won't affect his donations. He says that he and his wife have pledged another $5 million to the university next year. >> Brittany: a recent assignment handed out to students in steinbach is being criticized. In it, students were asked to name two good things about residential schools. It comes despite the well documented abuses these schools inflicted upon indigenous students. The CBCs ian froese has more on the fallout. >> Reporter: it was in early april. Some grade two students at steinbach elementary schools were asked to name two good things about residential school. A family friend brought the question to this woman's attention. >> And I was like ooh, that's a bit cringe worthy. We should definitely see if we can pursue this and see if we can do something about it because it's obviously a problematic question. >> Reporter: she's familiar with the blowback around similar assignments elsewhere. She's shocked it's still happening because residential schools stripped indigenous children of their culture and language and some students never made it home. >> In general, residential schools were terrible, so why are we trying to makeup stories about they're positive and good things? No. >> Reporter: this week, the superintendent apologized saying the assignment was sourced by a teacher from a provincial course package that's no longer in use. Both the school and province say they've taken oversight steps to make sure this never happens again. Ian froese, cbc news, winnipeg. >> Brittany: a 51-year-old man from the ste. Anne is dead after he was shot by a steinbach rcmp officer. Police say the man refused officers' orders to drop a weapon he was holding as he was approaching them and he was shot dead at the scene. Manitoba's police watchdog is investigating the incident.

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