
CBUT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

kind of -- now somebody has your e-mail or personal details and now they can go after your e-mail. >> Amy: what would, you know, sort of be some simple guidelines for staying safe, or even just, you know, your top guidelines that people can easily do. It's known as two-factor identification. It's basically something you have, something you know. So you know your password. You have your phone. So that's when you get a text message to your phone asking you to put that code in a box. Maybe you have it pop up on your phone. The other thing you can do is use some password manager. You'll want unique passwords for every site. >> Amy: when we're discussing this story yesterday, you know, amongst our producers, more than one of us sort of said, oh, I forget all my pass words. I'm tired now. I just use the same e-mail or same password for everything. Is that just asking for trouble? >> Yes. What ends up happening is one of these sites that isn't particularly trust worthy, that will get breached and then they'll get the password and e-mail from that and they'll tray it everywhere they can try. People will have password 1, password 2 and just do variations on the same. Malicious actors have caught on to that and that's not a good defence just changing it by one or two letters. You really need to have distinct passwords. >> Amy: all right. I'm writing this down. In the wake of the london drugs attack, the reretailers actually offered it employees 24 month of credit monitoring and identity theft protection services. But, you know, is this something that we all should be doing, regardless of there potentially being a leak or a hack? >> Absolutely. You can never really rely on a company to notice they've been hacked. Usually by the time they he do it might be a bit late. So by the time someone that you've offered something like this, monitoring of your credit and stuff like that, it usually means we've realized there's a problem. You're more concerned about things you haven't realized. Simply keeping an eye on that can be enough to mean when something pops up you can deal with it then and there instead of having it drag on for month and month. >> Amy: okay. I mentioned obviously earlier that london drugs has been facing a ransom. So if you're an employee right now, what should you do in that kind of situation where you have reason to think that you might have been comprised? >> In this kind of ransom case, it really depends on whether it gets out or not. But it best to assume it is. Whenever this happens, you want to assume that it's out there. There's nothing else you can do. Really what you want to make sure is that anything related to anything you would have used with london drugs in this case gets changed. So if you have an e-mail you've used there, maybe change that password on that e-mail. If you have a credit card or something else you've used there or you have anything that would be connected to it, maybe you have your banking details and your banking deals are there, I would just make sure you're mondayoring that. If you can change a password or put a hold on stuff that might be helpful, but you have no guarantee it's going to get out there, it might be more sustenance worth. Really you want to be watching and making sure you know every transaction that goes through. You know that it yours and every single thing that gets signed up in your name. You want to make sure it actually you. >> Amy: thank you so much for joining us today. All very good tips. >> Thank you very much. Thanks for having me. >> Amy: that was kalen dryer, a solutions architect here in vancouver. Coming up later on our show, at 8:10, we will be talking with provincial green party mla adam olson about that first nations health authority cyber attack. Charlie cho has been keeping an eye on traffic and weather duties this week. How are we looking rite now? >> Well, some good news in port coquitlum now. That crash on the mary hill bypass at pitt privilege has been cleared. There's still heavy volume from kingsway avenue to shaughnessy street but speed is picking up. In delta northbound volume on highway 91 particularly heavy from 64th towards nordel way. If I tilt my head to the right I can see the sunshine right into my eyes. Around noon those skies will shift to a mix of sun and cloud. Temperatures are forecast to hit a high of 18. Then cool to a low of 10. If you see thing we should know about text us 236-330-2623. >> Amy: thank you, charlie. >> Good morning, amy, belle puri

here. Well talk about groceries today. Have you ever brought something home and when you get home you find it smaller than you were expecting? A local shopper found a frozen food package was supposed to be 750 grams. When he weighed it himself it was just a little over 400 grams. He's going to tell us his story. Our guide to finance will be here, mark ting. He also teaches personal finance courses. And not all that long ago he used to see students ask questions about investing in real estate and even investment properties properties. He says these days there's a shift. People are investing in other places more and more. He'll tell us about that. On the coles starts 3:00. Talk to you then. >> Thank you, belle. The civil war in sudan has been an ongoing battle since april of 2023. Since then, it's estimated that between 13,000 to 15,000 people have been killed with more than 30,000 injured. The united nations says sudan is in the world's largest displacement crisis with millions trapped in what they describe as a "inferno he of brutal violence". Roughly 18 million people, more than a third of the population, are going hungry and at least 5 million people are now on the brink of famine. Amal lives in burnaby but still has family and friends in sudan. Thank you so much for joining us. >> Last time we spoke with you in march you were trying to bring members of your family to canada. From sudan. Can you tell us about your family members and where they are? >> Some of them are in cairo, egypt. And I still have one brother, and his family that are in sudan still. And in different parts of sudan. His wife and kids are in a different city. He's also still in the capital city. >> Amy: and are you in contact with your brother? >> Not at all since december. That was my last time. When I heard his voice. Up to now, I haven't talked to him. There's no communication at all. >> Amy: that must be so difficult. I'm so sorry to hear that. >> Thank you. >> Amy: what's your sense right now of what the current situation is for people in sudan? I knoll -- I know we're sort of at the start of the lean season where food will be even more scarce right through until the fall. What is happening right now? >> What is happening, first of all, the communication, there's no network at all. You cannot get to talk to your own people. The second thing that even within the country, people are not able to communicate to each other. Because of what is going on. And the displace of employment that is happening also within the country, people are moving from one part of the country to another. Settling for a few days or weeks again something else happens and they move from that city to another. And many of them have fled the country. They are in a neighbouring country, and many of them are also on the border. But the situation right now, there's no health care at all. Medication, people are suffering really. Food is not there. We're talking about those who are within the country can. And those who left. They're not able to get proper support that they're supposed to have given to them. Whether it's humanitarian or any sort of support that they need as human beings. Kids are not going to school. A lot of things that are not at all in place. Because if there is no stability, nothing from whatever that human being is seeking is not available for them. Yeah. I don't hear any voice ss. It seems like sudan is forgotten. >> Amy: well, I was going to

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