
CBUT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 02:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

INFLATABLE ANIMAL INCIDENT ON MICHIGAN ROADS THIS WEEK. THERE WAS ALSO AN INFLATABLE ELEPHANT THAT A DRIVER FILMED IN DETROIT ROLLING AWAY. SOMETHING TO TAKE NOTE OF FOR PEOPLE POSSIBLY PLANNING A ROAD TRIP OUT THAT WAY. >>> THANK YOU FOR BEING WITH US. YOU CAN WATCH ANYWHERE, ANY TIME ON THE FREE CBC NEWS APP AND SUBSCRIBE TO "THE NATIONAL'S" YouTube CHANNEL. >>> I'M ASHA TOMLINSON. TAKE CARE. ( ) ( ) ( ) Ever wonder what's around the next corner? ( ) ( ) Past the trees. ( ) Over the mountains? ( ) That's where adventure lives... ( ) Take a Nissan SUV and go find it. ( ) Did you know you waste200 hoursa year hand washing dishes? Switch to your dishwasherand Cascade Platinum Plus. All you have to do isScrape Load, and you're done! Cascade. No prewash, no rewash,or your money back “Don't Let Go” by Terrace Martin, Mr Talkbox, PJ Morton Don't let me go No Don't let me go No Don't let me go No, no, no don't let me go Don't let me go No don't you ever let me go Don't you ever let me go Don't you ever let me go Are your floors as clean as you think? Try Swiffer Sweeper Wet. It gives me the cleaning power of a mop and the convenience of a wipe. These cloths trap dirt and grime. Even hidden dirt you can't see. So it doesn't get pushed around. Swiffer Sweeper Wet. Love It or Your Money Back. Introducing Madri Excepcional, inspired by the soul of Madrid. ( ) A new crisp, and smooth, Spanish style lager, now available in Canada. Your best defense against erosion and cavities? Is strong enamel. Nothing beats it. New Pronamel Active Shield actively strengthens the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. I think that this product is a game changer for my patients. It really works. Looking at these scenes, no one wants to imagine a wildfire. However, extreme weather and wildfires threaten the places we love. The Government of B.C. is working with communities, indigenous partners and experts, taking action to help lessen risks. You may ask, how can I help? Take steps to protect your home and community, make a safety plan and check local bans and alerts. Let's come together and be wildfire ready. Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and TV packages. Last chance to spring into savings. (Wind) Ready to build some money muscle? At Coast Capital, we're finding ways to help you get paid more! Our new Elevate Checking account has the banking features you want... comes with free access to Coursera's online training, that could help advance your career. Ash is studying negotiation. ( ) And Cody's... coding. The potential outcome? More income! Switch to Elevate Chequing today C'mon team, feel the earn! It's time, for zero. Zero at the pumps. Zero compromises. Zero emissions. And Zero regrets. It's time for great offers on the bZ4X during Red Tag Days Visit

newtown this is cbc vancouver news. >> I would tell them to take this very, very seriously. >> Tanya: the son of a man accused in the 1985 air india bombing officially warned by police that his life may be a danger. How this is affecting b.c.'s sikh community. Plus... >> A lot of confusion, concern, and a level of panic. >> Harrison hot springs declaring a local state of emergency and then quickly rescinded it. What conflict between elected officials has to do with it. >> Vancouver's coach rick tocchet named coach of the year after a playoff run that reignited hope in the franchise. >>> Hello, I'm jessica chung. We begin tonight with the ongoing drama over policing in surrey. The province confirmed that a court decision will be released tomorrow regarding a judicial review filed bildt city. The city is trying to over turn a decision by the public safety minister mike farnworth in which he mandated the city transition from the R.C.M.P. to the municipally run surrey police policement he also introduced legislation to essentially force the issue. Mayor brenda locke claims the police transition will cost taxpayers millions of dollars. B.C. supreme court judge kevin llu will weigh in on the city's application tomorrow. >> A duty to warn has been issued to the son of ripudaman singh malik. He was convicted in the air india bombing that killed 231 people. Two year ago he was gun down outside his office many surrey. In this exclusive cbc story evan dire looks at possible links to-in as investigators looks into the role government may have played in other targeted killings. >>> The bombing of an air india passenger jet, canada's worst-ever mass murder, with 329 killed. >> Ripudaman singh malik was accused of being one of the conspirators. The prosecutors failed to make their case and malick was acquitted. Years later malick was hospital and killed outside his office in surrey. Now cbc news has learn the R.C.M.P. is investigating whether the indian government was behind that shooting and has warned his son his life could be under threat. By 2018 india's where his brother tank the head of india's foreign intelligence service for making the trip happen. G-o-l was recently identified as a defigure in a U.S. indictment alleging an indian government plot to kill a close collaborator of hardeep singh nijjer, the sikh activist who was also gunned down in surrey last year. Canada lass accused india of being responsible. Then arming legitimate singh of independent's consulate in vancouver who helped mali. K get his name off the black list who an exchange of whatsapp message in the early-morning about four hours before malik was shot. In malick's agenda, a trip particular entry at the hour he died, arm legitimate, lunch. At the school hardest-hit deep stepped into his father's shoes as a board member. Last week he received a warning police are required to give when they have solid intelligence. >> How easy it is to find a gun for hire, I would tell them to take this seriously and look at possibly relocating for a period of time. >> We don't know specifically what prompted this warning to hardeep singh mall blue generally we're told the duty to warn letters letters are issued when a confidentialal informant or wiretap tips police off to a actual plan or actual conspiracy. Vague rumours would not be enough. It also suggests the reconciliation between the government of and the mall ic family may not have been as genuine as the family had hoped and some of the dangers that hung over the father may have been inherited by the son. Some in the community simply believe this is the government of india trying to sew discart in the community.

>>> What's next for london drugs after the company fell victim to a ransomware attack that closed their stores across the pun country for a week. The retailer says it won't pay the sum being demanded bill cybercriminals even if employee data is in jeopardy. Michelle ghossoub tells us why. >> Reporter: the cybersecurity breach thatted london drugs stores to close across canada now confirmed as a ransomware attack, the cybercriminals threatening to leak leak steel files on the dark web if the ransom isn't received. But lon drugs doesn't plan on paying up saying in a statement, london drugs is sun willing and unable pay ron some to these cybercriminals. They play leak london drugs corporate files some of which may feign employee information on the dark web. This is deeply distressing. An. >> London drugs has made sleet absolutely the right decision in not to pay. If nobody paid ransoms, there would be no ransomware. >> Last jeer a billion dollars was paid to ransomware conditions. >> The cybercriminals don't really care if the organize is big or st. Paul, they just care if they have a budget that they can use to potentially pay ransom attacks. >> Reporter: london drugs says is aso far there's no information patient or employee data was leak. >> The good news is there's no evidence that ransomware groups routinely (indiscernible) identity fraud. >> They're more interested in the multi-million dollar payouts and move on to the next victim than they are in make much (indiscernible). >> Reporter: london drugs coo previously told cbc news he believed international threat actors were behind the attack which forced nearly 80 locations to shut down. Michelle ghossoub, cbc news, vancouver. >> Jessica: the province confirming the facebooks health authority was hit by a cybersecurity attack last week. But it's not related to the other recent data breaches in B.C. >> It is different from what the province faced, it's also different different from what the london drugs incident was. >> It's not clear if private information was compromised. >> Now to harrison haute springs where a local state of emergency was suddenly declared even though there was no immonen danger too the community. But not even 24 hours later that state of emergency has been cancelled. Chad pawson has mr. On the latest in a series of interm conflicts plaguing local council. >> Harrison hot springs, four councillors and mayor at a special meeting at the village office, where the mayor declared a state of local emergency, and approved spending over wildfire mitigation even though there is no immonen danger. >> You can't do that. That is an expenditure on council that needs to be (indiscernible). >> Excuse me -- >> Stop it, managerial less than, you do not have the floor. (interjecs) >> Reporter: outbursts and conflict like this have defined in council. Mayor ed wood claims three councillors are conspiring against him trying to limit his role but he argues the local state of emergency is very much needed to keep the village's 1500 residents save along with tens of thousands of tourists who come each year. >> We're an extremely disfunctional council. Last night's council meeting was an example of how everything can go wrong. It's extremely embarrassing, disappointing, disrespectful, if we are going to protect the people of this village, then action needs to be taken now. >> Reporter: an opposing councillor doesn't disagree with action, but says the state of local emergency was an over reach, especially with no imminent danger. Mick surreyy I v I want del says it's been creating confusions and she's been responding to it. >> Fielding calls and texts and e-mails from residents and our business community, what the actions that mayor wood took have caused a lot of confusion, concern, and a leaptor level of panic. >> Reporter: in the enthe state of lomb emergency in harrison was only in place for one day. Mayor ed wood says the province didn't cp24 it, so he was forced to take down. Now he'll have to go back to his council and try to work with them. It's something the province has been asking for since last fall. The minister of municipal affairs has no plan to further

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