
CBOT - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 05:59 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Yeah. But the top one's very light. The top one looks beautiful, doesn't it? It's very strange because the tahini is a-- it's quite strong. Hmm. It's a surprise. Yeah. But I quite like it. And the ginger and the lemon work really well together. You know as the two king flavours in there. Thank you, Marc. It is like a character that yousee all over the place in Japan. And it is very cute. I sort of feel you could've made the character look a little more like a pineapple. It's a bit uneven inside. It's an indication that it has concertina-ed, the weight of the fondant and everything on top has pushed all the ones down at the bottom. Tastes amazing, though. It's delicious. Oh yeah it's a happy cake. Citrusy yuzu. It's really strong. And the pineapple's there. Sponges are all light. Even the concertina-ed one's quite light as well. Flavour of that whole thing is very, very good. Thank you. Well done, Laura. [Exhales] I mean they're cute. A little bit scruffy. But they are cute. I love it. It's witty. It's charming. Just gotta taste good now. [Mark] Hope so. That's very neat, accurate layering. It's a bit tight that sponge. You've got the yuzu is it going through that? [Mark] Yeah yeah. You, you get that. And then that's it. The cake's very dry which you didn't expect it to be. The oil from the avocado should've kept that really silky smooth. And it hasn't. It's a shame. Yeah I don't know if the nine inch cake is a little bit better at the bottom I'm not sure. Let's have a look. Hmm, no? No. Probably worse. [Mark] Oh no. It's cruel to say it's inedible but it's getting that way. The biscuit is actually delicious but as that's only you know less than one per cent of the whole lot I don't think it'll save it. [tense] Well, bakers, I think we can all agree Japanese week was a joy. And the showstopper was fantastic. I've got the great job of announcing this week's star baker. And that person is... Lottie. [applause] Thanks, guys. Well done, Lottie. Which means it's time to tell you who will be leaving us this week, and it's somebody who always has a smile, somebody I've really bonded with, someone that I know we all adore and we're all really gonna miss. And I'm afraid the baker leaving us this week is... Mark L. [Mark] That's all right. Mate. Come here, Mark. [Mark] It's all right. Sorry, mate. [Mark] That's all right. When you know, you know, don't you? [theme]

>> Robyn: good evening. I'm robyn miller. Your local news starts right the with a is off to a slow start, break ground on new homes. >> We have ambitious goals. I think all three levels of government share the same goal and that's to build more homes in ottawa, especially more affordable homes. >> Robyn: numbers show it's weak in the province overall but worse here. >>> A hospital crisis across the river in west quebec. >> We're seeing at actually reducing the number of hours in a day where some lines are opened, but it could go -- the worst case scenario to close something sites where we do surgeries. >> Robyn: a staffing shortage is putting many services at risk. Plus, returning to roots. >> I should stop charging 5 glr. >> Robyn: a pair of ravens reconnect on the same street in orleans. Ot off to a slow start building new homes this year -- ottawa builders. New starts show a slowdown. The city will have a tough time catching up to meet housing targets, putting millions of dollars on the line. >> Reporter: these homes will soon be ready for families to move in, but there's fewer projects like this getting started. New canada and housing corporation data shows ontario housing starts down. And the city of ottawa numbers are worse. 64% fewer housing starts in the city last month, compared to april last year. This comes from a sharp downturn in new apartment projects. But developers don't seem to be panicking, at least not yet. >> Because ottawa is seeing more multifamily development, there's more apartment buildings. There's more towers. We're going to see more volatility on a month-to-month basis. So you see big drops, and you'll see bigeding starts. That whole 100 units counts as a start -- building starts. >> Reporter: he's worried the trend will last six months. It's already lasted a few. February lagged behind last year. March numbers lagged even more, and now april. Here's the trouble. Ottawa has the provincial housing targets. We're supposed to build about 12,500 homes each year, and in each region at least 80% of that to get funding. After this month, builders have started fewer than 1500 new homes. The numbers haven't helped the mayor's optimism. >> We have ambitious goals. I think all three levels of government share the same goal, and that's to build more homes in ottawa, especially more affordable homes and we're working towards that. So month to month, and year to year, there might be ups and downs in the numbers. Some of it may be timing of when new homes were initiated. But overall, I think we're headed in thes. >> Reporter: high interest rates are a key factor driving the slowdown. This could take time for the market to respond, especially with these new projects. But ontario's housing minister is confident the numbers will jump back. >> I'm very encouraged yesterday we saw inflation coming down. I'm encouraged because the developers and home builders I'm talking to is once we can bring that down, then we'll unleash thousands of homes. I remain very, very optimistic, recognizing it's a challenge right now, for sure. >> Reporter: cbc news, ottawa. >> Robyn: ontario has announced $9.5 million for supportive housing in ottawa. The funding will go to creating 100 units spread across three buildings. The housing minister and mayor gathered at a construction site on murray street where the shepherds of good hope is building a nearby 48 the apartment complex. The mayor says these buildings are absolutely critical to ending chronic homelessness. >> This isn't just about providing a roof over their heads. It's really about giving them a fresh start and an opportunity in life. A stable home environment is the foundation for a better future, allowing individuals to rebuild their lives with dignity and with hope. >> Robyn: two other buildings are already done. People are about to movinto the 46 apartments on ethyll street run by cornerstone housing for women, and eight units at an ottawa mission on rooming street are already occupied. People selected to live in affordable housing will have access to help 24 hours a day.

>>> Station is back open today but riders will notice some changes. Bypassing station left friday, staff noticed that the platforms were discoloured. Found corrosion caused by leaking water, and concrete had to be scaled off. For now, those ceiling tiles will not be replaced. Riders will also see a thin mesh every parts of the concrete ceiling to guard against falling debris. There will be a full internal inspection of the tunnels this year, the first since 2020. >>> Health authorities in western quebec are preparing for what could be a very difficult summer ahead. The health unit has put contingency plans in place to address possible worst case scenarios, due to critically low staffing levels at hospitals. Celeste decaire explains. >> Reporter: the social services centre says they are hoping for the best but preparing for the worst this summer, which could mean closing some hospital services over the next few months. >> What we're looking at basically, closing surgical liness operating rooms, if you will. We're looking at potentially reducing the number of hours in a day where some lines are opened. It could go -- the worst case scenario to closing some sites where we do surgeries. >> Celeste: the goal is not to let it get to that point. The main issue comes down to staffing shortages, which has bogged down the region's hospitals for several years now, often resulting in er closures. >> We're -- E.R. closures. >> We're looking at the numbers and we've seen attrition, prepandemic where it's a certain level and slowly goes down. Obviously, it is a level now where we have to do something, because this is not sustainable. >> Celeste: they contain contingency plans. In french, it describes the worst-case scenario completely closing imaging in gatineau and transfering employees. It goes on to operating feeders in gatineau, the yak, with the exception of urgent surgeries. The nurse's union is critical of the plan. >> It will dangerously be compromised for sure. Forcing professionals to go work some elsewhere will cause even more. That's formidable. We'll be paying for collateral damage for sure caused by this for many years to come. >> Reporter: the union has put forward their own recommendation last week, but haven't heard back. Daniel mackinnon is also responding today, calling the plan an implosion of the region's health system. Adding that it's a situation that will require the highest levels of quebec government. He also expressed concern that people will suffer as a result. In a statement, quebec health minister called the situation worrying, and one they are monitoring closely. Celeste decaire, cbc news, the. >> Robyn: a -- ottawa. >> Robyn: a couple from gatineau is speak out of alearning they will be discharged from their family doctor, at the family medical clinton irhere in ottawa. The couple received a letter -- clinic in ottawa. The couple received a letter that providing care to other province patients has become difficult with issues around referral, results and communications between provinces. This woman and her family have been with the clinic for eight years. Now she worries about finding a new doctor. >> I have friends who live in the area and still don't have a family doctor. Same with the neighbours. So we're not very hopeful that we'll have a family doctor for any of us in the next few years, which is a scary prospect, because we don't know what the future will hold. >> Robyn: the clinic wouldn't say how many would be affected. In a statement, it says doctors will be reviewing its practises and decisions around discharging patients.

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