
CBOT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:59 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>> She has been such a great support, and knowing there is an organization like that for other families and kids means a lot to me. Because I think this is more than me just running the race. This is, for me -- I just want people to know more about what grief really looks like. I really wish there were more resources out there for families, kids, to support them through their journeys of loss. >> Robyn: you have an instagram account where you kind of reach out to people in that way, to share your story, share your journey. >> I do. >> Robyn: why did you want to start something like that? Is because you noticed that kind of lack? >> You know, I started it as a secret account. So it hasn't always had my name on it or my picture. I wanted an outlet to write because I found it to be therapeutic. But I didn't want people to worry about me, my family and friends. So I started this secret account and started writing. And I would write and post it. I wouldn't read it again. It just came out. I wrote from the heart, and I'll often go back and go, oh, I wrote that? I don't even remember. Beand so then I realized I wasn't alone. I would get messages from other widowers and widows, people saying "oh, my gosh, I felt like this, too." and some started as virtual friends and have become real-life friends. It is just in the last year that I put my name on there. I don't know if my family knows knows -- >> Robyn: well, they do now. >> Yeah, it has been such a therapeutic outlet for my. >> Robyn: obviously, you've been a roller coaster here. Is there anything you have learned along the way that you want to share with other people that could maybe help them through their own loss? >> Yeah, for sure. Grief doesn't end. And I remember in the early days feeling like I was waiting for this moment. Like, there is a day where I'm going to wake up and I'm going to feel better. But I don't think that that day comes. And I think it is important that we talk more about that because if we don't feel our feelings, if we don't talk about our loss and, you know, some of the trauma that comes with that, it will come out in other ways. Like, the trauma sits in our body. >> Robyn: they say time heals everything -- >> Yeah. It doesn't resonate with me. I mean, you learn to live with the loss, but it doesn't ever feel easier. >> Robyn: how are you preparing -- besides doing all of these interviews -- how are you preparing yourself to, you know, do the race this weekend? >> I don't know. I'm just hoping for some -- a couple of good nights' sleep. I know I have a lot of support from my friends and family around, so leaning into that when I can. And then just hope for the best on sunday morning, hope that it is not too hot. I hope the weather is on our side. And just take it as it comes, and try to take in that day without too much pressure of how long it takes me or how I feel that day. >> Robyn: and what about your children, do they know sort of the significance of this for you? Do they understand? >> My oldest does a little bit. My youngest, you know, she woke up this morning and said, did you do your race today? She doesn't really get it yet. But I do want them to -- for me, it is about keeping their dad's memory alive because that's what is most important. He was such an incredible man, an incredible father, an incredible husband. And in whatever way I can, I want them to always know that and feel that. >> Robyn: will they be at the finish line? >> Yes, they will. >> Robyn: what are you anticipating that moment is going to be like? >> I hope it is a feeling of, um, emotional release for me, excitement seeing my girls, and a sense of accomplishment in actually setting my mind to something and finishing it. >> Robyn: well, good luck. Nice to meet you. >> Nice to meet you, too. Thank you.

>> Robyn: national and international news is coming up next, and we'll begin with the world court. It has just ordered israel to stop its offensive against rafah. We'll have the very latest, next. Welcome to Canmore, Alberta. This will be your toughest day yet. -Get back up! Boom! -Don't eavesdrop. -i can't shut my ears off. Well then shut your mouth off. Announcer: Canada's Ultimate Challenge. Watch free onCBC Gem. Announcer:News you can trust,when you want,where you want. Download the freeCBC Newsapp. (Opening Mnemonic) (music throughout) ( ) ( ) Sometimes a sub comes along and hits just so right. And then we show it like this and you think: "That can't be $4.99." Guess what? The Subway 6 inch Turkey Breast sub is only $4.99. Not forever. Offer ends June 23rd. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. Ladies and gentlemen, out there, it's a beast, its hunger for adventure insatiable. Behold the Subaru Crosstrek Wilderness! (Mixed gasps) ( ) We all need fibre for our digestive health, but most Canadians only get about 50% of the fibre they need. Good thing Metamucil Gummies are an easy way to get plantbased fibre. Three gummies have the same amount of fibre as 2 cups of broccoli. Metamucil Gummies. The easy way to get your daily fibre. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at Dreamer on line 1. Lotto max Dream Hotline, Maxine speaking. How can we maximize your dream today? The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! What if we get one for the whole neighbourhood!? Quadruple that dream! Good start, now give that dream the ol' lotto max overhaul. Got another dreamer! The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated$70 million, plus an estimated12 maxmillions. [olg sting] Announcer:Closed captioning ofthis program is brought to youin part byDesjar Insurance with a heartso big, it shows. Visit,today. >> Robyn: the international court of justice has ordered israel to halt its offensive against the southern gaza city of rafah. It is the latest order from the court, and the most serious since it agreed in january to hear a case brought by south africa alleging genocide in israel's gaza campaign. The CBS's julia chapman reports. >> Under the genocide convention, israel must immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in the rafah area. >> Reporter: as well as ordering israel to cease operations in rafah, the international court of justice called for the rafah border crossing to be reopened. It has been closed since coming under israeli control earlier this month, sparking warnings from aid groups that the main route for supplies has been cut off. And israel has also been ordered to allow access for investigators to enter gaza and make their assessments. New measures were necessary because the situation in gaza had deteriorated, describeing it as disasterous. The united nations said at

least 800,000 people have been displaced from rafah since those orders were made. Living in temporary shelters, many of them don't have access to clean water or sanitation. South africa, which brought the case against israel, has welcomed the ruling, calling it groundbreaking. It says it will urge the U.N. security council to take measures to uphold it, although any such efforts are likely to be vetoed by the united states. The palestinian authority, which governors the west bank, says the judgment represents an international consensus to end the war in gaza. Hamas says the ruling should have gone further, but it has promised to cooperate with any investigators that enter gaza. Israeli officials have reacted strongly to the news, with david menzer saying stopping the war against hamas would be suicide. Israel has already vowed to ignore any international court orders that call for an end against fighting. Julia chapman, cbc news london. >> Robyn: the israeli military today announced it had recovered three more bodies in gaza, of the victims of the october 7th attacks. >> Their bodies were retrieved during a special operation in the area of gaza. >> Robyn: all three were killed in israel and then taken to gaza. Two were among the hundreds killed at the nova music festival. Israel's military vowed to again that all of the hostages, the living and the dead, will be brought back. >>> The truck driver who caused the deadly crash involvely the how humboldt hockey team -- >> Today's news was not a surprise for singh or his legal team. The deportation order issued today, more process than anything else. And his lawyer says his client isn't done fighting to stay in canada. Sedu was behind the wheel of the truck that ran into the humboldt bronco's teams bus, killing 16 people. Sedu, a permanent resident, was convicted of dangerous driving causing death, sentenced to eight years in prison. Those two facts, sedu not being a canadian citizen and his conviction for a serious crime, made today's deportation order mandatory and one that can't be appealed. >> It doesn't matter if they're a career criminal, or they had one momentary laps,lapse, like my client. It doesn't matter if they arrived yesterday or have been here 10 years. My client has a canadian wife and a canadian child. >> Reporter: he will now reapply for permanent residency status on humanitarian grounds because sedu would be separated from his wife and child if deported. >> I think there are very, very compelling, compassionate considerations here. We would hope we get that kind of consideration. I'd like to see compassion triumph here. >> Reporter: families of the people who died in the humboldt bronco's crash are divided on the issue. Some want to see sedu removed from canada; others say they're okay if he stays. It is unclear how long that permanent residency application will take. It could be months, or even years, and sedu could be deported before a decision is even made. Aaron colin, cbc news calgary. Riot the rcmp has added a traditional ribbon skirt to its aramos. Uniform. The move is meant to demonstrate the force's commitment to reconciliation and diversity, and inclusion. >> Reporter: as canadian symbol as it gets, this week the dress uniform got an addition: a ribbon skirt featuring four colors representing four directions, after a push by female indigenous members and elders, including judy pelly. >> It really signifies how we have pride in our womanhood, in our being matriarchs of our community. >> Reporter: ribbon skirts are seen by many indigenous nations as a symbol of identity. For the rcmp to adopt it is upset to some. At this march in winnipeg for residential school survivors, strong feelings.

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