
CBLT - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

thunderstorm watch. Vikta paulo joins us now with a look at how long this stormy weather is expected to last. Vikta, how's it looking? >> Vikta: the rain we're anticipating into the overnight we're expecting thunderstorms to last to about 3 o'clock, 10 o'clock. By the time our late show will be beginning, that's when we're expecting that rain to fizzle out and expected to get ourselfs into a cool night. Turn on fans and crank open a window. Much relief from the warm temperatures. If you're a fan of sprinkler weather, the high pressure system over toronto is going to be breaking out a lot of good cause to bust out the sprinklers. We have got to beat that heat. Average temperatures this time of year, 21.8 is our average high. 10.8 is our average low. Our three and five-day forecast, we're closer to well above seasonal temperatures. The high pressure system which we're going to be under is not bringing us much cloud cover or any precipitation for the next 48 hours. When it comes to 6 a.m. And you're a fan of golf looking to tee off. Across the majority of the region t mid teens. 16° in toronto, 16 in peterborough as well as 18° in st. Catharines. Get out there. Beat that heat nice and early and get 18 holes out the way. We're looking ahead for the overnight temperatures. Similar to the temperatures around 6 o'clock in the morning from oshawa to markham, mississauga as well. 15 to 16°. Taking a look at our three and five-day forecast, here's what we're looking at. Thursday is a high of 25° with a low of 12, a nice change from that warm day for a nice cool overnight. Friday a high of 24° and a low of 13. Rain on saturday. Temperatures start to drop. We see 22 with a low of 13 on sunday. When it comes to monday, a high of 18° and a low of 13. I know people who aren't fans of the warmer weather enjoy that change for cooler temperatures. Have a great Announcer:Who cries more, winners or losers? Cry if you want to cry. Announcer:How far will champions go to win? I was just curious. Announcer:Does it matter if they have nothing to lose? Is that a yes? Announcer:When you get curious, you getCBC. Announcer:News you can trust,when you want,where you want. Download the freeCBC Newsapp. I heard it wanders the streets at night in search of food. I hear it can carry two kayaks right on its back. You know how nobody can find parking on gameday? It found a way. The new Subaru Crosstrek. The true Urban Legend. Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Sometimes the difference between a summer road trip and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink from McDonald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today. Jackpot City is the home of all things Casino. There's just one house rule, to create the perfect online Casino for you. We've built a world class line up of classic Casino games such as roulette and black jack and crafted a virtual range of the best slots including Atlantean Treasures. Everything's online, everything's ready, everything's for you. So whenever your feeling playful, head to Jackpot City and you'll beendlessly entertained. Jackpot City, Casino games perfectly made for you. ( ) In here... you can expect to find... crystal clear audio... expansive display space... endless entertainment... and more comfort for everyone... But even with all that... we still left room... for all the unpredictability... spontaneity.. and unexpected things... you'll find out here... Jeep. Grand Cherokee. The most awarded suv ever. My life is full of questions... How do I clean an aioli stain? Use Tide. Do I need to pretreat guacamole? -Not with Tide. -Why do we even buy napkins? Thankfully, Tide's the answer to almost all of them. -Do crabs have eyebrows? -Except that one. For all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be Tide. Let's maximize those dreams. That's right. The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! Got another dreamer! Get your lotto MAXtickets today! [olg sting] Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings.

Paula and Lynn have found adulting particularly hard today. Did you know how early you've got to get on a daycare list? Yes, I did. -It's like we're already late. And we don't even have a kid yet. That's no excuse, Paula. It's not? -Uh-uh. Dang it. But you can still adult like a boss when you buy insurance with Sonnet. Us? Just go online and in minutes, you're covered. And if you bundle home and auto, you save even more. Actual adults? -Like you. She said like us! -Correct. [ sigh ] Steve Jobs: We are calling it iPhone! Why would anybody want a phone without a keyboard? [upbeat electronic] [ ] >> Kelda: returning to our top story, the verdict in the trial of dallas ly. Today the jury found ly guilty of second-degree murder in the death of his mother after one day of deliberation. Tien ly's remains were found in garbage bags in march 2022. Dallas ly admitted to stabbing his mother to death and that his mother threatened to kill him. Cbc court reporter was in the courtroom throughout the trial. I sat down to unpack the case and hear her firsthand account of how it all played out in court. >> A warning some of the details are disturbing. >> This is a case that made a lot of headlines, particularly because of how gruesome it was. Can you take it back to how it all began? It began with a shocking discovery. >> The day was march the 8th, 2022. A woman heading to a grocery store found garbage bags she believed contained body parts. Police didn't know who this person was. It was a woman. She had no identification on her. There was an investigation. They became stumped at that point. And that day earlier in the day, at a nail shop at davenport and yonge, a manicureist went into a shop where she worked. Tien ly did not arrive for work. She didn't arrive. He became concerned. He saw her cell phone in the salon. He tried to call her son, dallas. No one was answering. There were a lot of concerns at that time about the disappearance of tien ly. The next day, police in an attempt to try to identify this woman released images of her fingernails that contained a very distinct design. It was green, black and white. It was described as nail art and released it to the public with the hope that someone might recognize it. Within 24 hours, that manicurist who was concerned about the owner not returning tien ly believed that it could have been her because he recognized the design and reported what he found to police. >> Kelda: and a pretty unusual move, police releasing these images of her fingernails. That worked. Police now had a name, tien ly. What happens next? >> They go to her address. They find the door open. And they see what appeared to be a very bloody crime scene. Immediately they're very concerned. They cannot find their son dallas ly. Initially they thought he might be a victim as well. They were looking for him. Not too long after, they realized that he, in fact, was the main suspect in the death of his mother. >> Kelda: and investigators were able to find a lot of forensic evidence that traced them to dallas ly being the main suspect. This was all presented in his trial which started three weeks ago. Can you go through some of the forensic evidence that was presented in court. >> Reporter: kelda, there was a lot of forensic evidence. It started with a hunting knife. They determined that tien ly's blood was on the hunged knife. It was on a pair of track pants as well as a hammer in the condo. They started to go through the evidence that they found. They used a chemical to try to lift some of the spots where blood may have been. They found that there was blood in the hallways and blood cleaned up, an attempt to clean it up. They realized that, in fact, this may have been where tien ly had been dragged and her body had been dismemorandum -- dismembered. They were able to track video surveillance that showed tien ly arriving back at the condo just after 8 o'clock. And then she arrives. You can see her going up the

elevator and that's the last time she is seen alive. The next time we see someone emerging from the condo is midnight. And that is dallas ly where he is carrying -- pulling a buggy with garbage bags in it that the police determined were did remains of his mother. The video captures him running down, walking with this buggy down carlaw avenue. He turns east on eastern avenue, and he gets to berkshire street. He testified in court that at that point, the buggy hit a curb and the bag started to fall out, and he left his mother's remains there. But his intention was to go to tommy thompson park and drop her remains in lake ontario, but he never got that far. >> Kelda: at some point, he tried to leave the country. >> He made many attempts to leave the country in just a few days. He was arrested april 2nd. Before that, he went to pearson airport, had bought a ticket to the united states, was hoping to leave the country, eventually go to vietnam. When he got to the airport, the U.S. immigration officials say where is your return ticket? They wanted to know when he was coming back. They denied him entry. He left the airport, took an uber to niagara falls to try a land border crossing. With computers, the U.S. officials say we had seen that dallas ly had been turned away at pearson for trying to enter the country. They denied him entry again. He bought a ticket to vancouver but then realized he wasn't going to go ahead with that. He knew that taking flight at this time, police are already looking for him. That might not work out for him as well. >> Kelda: really tried to dodge authorities at this point. He admitted to killing his mom. This is not disputed. He has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. What's his defence? Can we got into that? >> Dallas ly suffered severe abuse at the hands of his mother. In closing arguments last week, his lawyers asked the jury to believe his testimony and find him not guilty and acquit him. This homicide happened in a moment of overwhelming fear of what might follow. He was planning to leave his mother and the condo where they lived. He wanted to finally break that cycle of abuse. And he had made that decision, he said. And the defence told the jury dallas's response was completely reactionary as a result of a lifetime of abuse and that tien ly was a cruel mother to him, controlling him, never let him go on trips as other young people had been able to go on. Ly said his mother was critical for not getting good grades. There was a lot of pressure. She was very ambitious and expected a lot out of her son. He dropped out of high school and called him stupid and lazy and beat him with her fist at times and also with this instrument, a back scratcher that had a sharpened end. When she hit him, it had left red scars on his back. The jury was able to see an image of those scars when he testified. >> Kelda: you were there during his testimony. You watched him on the witness box. Was he emotional? What did he seem like? >> He was a very soft spoken quiet young man. He's dressed in a suit. Very unassuming. And he started talking. He would be asked to speak up so the court could hear him. And when he started recalling what his mother would say to him that made him so fearful, he spoke in vietnamese and was shouting throughout the courtroom. It was very unexpected because he is so soft spoken. Then when he would translate for the court what he had just said, he would go back to his normal voice. That was certainly a moment. What he was saying is that he was working long hours in the nail salon in reception in a job he really didn't like. He wanted to switch careers. He was going to a youth employment service and hoping to get into the culinary field. The day of the stabbing, he wanted to work on a résumé to try to submit so he could move on and try something else. And his mother asked him to come

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