
CBLT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

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But you can adult like a pro with Sonnet home and auto insurance. Just go online and in minutes you're covered. Plus, bundling can save you big time. Get me some of that! The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. [ ] >> Natasha: -- are about cost savings even as consumers demand lower air fares. Westjet is tweaking its categories for travelers to do without that piece of luggage. Jeannie lee has more. Jeannie, what's westjet trying to accomplish with this solution? >> Reporter: are you a heavy traveler, natasha? >> Natasha: no, I went to india with one backpack for three weeks. >> Reporter: so you are the type of traveler who might benefit from this. This appeals to travelers who travel super light, not even a carry-on, maybe with a backpack that you can jam under the seat under you. You would be given a category of fair that's the lowest. Here's how westjet would be tweaking its various fares and fare categories. Westjet is adjusting its fares to better serve consumers' travel needs, including overhead bin space. The plan was designed with fare affordability and guest choice in mind. Right now on westjet, you can bring on a carry-on for free and maybe one personal item, but that free means that some people will try to bring everything on in a carry-on and jam that into the overhead. Carry-ons mean a slower boarding process, and no carry-on option means that people may check in their luggage at a fee if they don't come out ahead. We'll see about that. The details are to be announced, and this will offer a new incentive for those super light travelers and discount chasers who always want the rock bottom price. Maybe for those of us who watch people struggle with those bags and who can't find a space and have to have the attendant help in those situations, and it can escalate. >> Natasha: yeah, we've seen those viral videos of that. Jeannie, I coulddo have to say that with that trip that I took a backpack going, I came back with two suitcases on back. How does that fare help the airline? >> Reporter: well, you could save money on the way there and check the two large bags on the way back. Airlines are able to put in different things that people can then pick and pay for, and they do pay. You know, instead of just three basic fares which include meals, for example, economy, first-class, and business class, which was the past, now you can just pick and choose what you want to pay, and we do pay. Consider this, what I call fee creep. Luggage fees alone, people hate luggage fees, but it meant $30 billion last year for the top 20 airlines in the world, and it meant $118 billion. Seat selection, paying for a larger bag, an oversized piece, an odd-sized piece of luggage. More categories with options to change, not change, cancel. The new premium economy or newer premium economy, all of these ways are options for people to pick what they want if they're willing to pay for it, so -- and a way for the airlines to make money while at the same time people want to save money but at the same time Arena Announcer:

She's gonna get the gold! Announcer: Chasing a world record... Man: Whenever [in discernable] Announcer: ..or charting a new course away from a dangerous past. Woman: Oh my goodness. Announcer: Facing your fears. Woman:Paris is going to be my redemption story. Announcer:Powerful stories of athletes writing new chapters as they live their Olympic and Paralympic dreams. Woman 2:Like, I know I'm gonna make it and it's a yes until it's like a no. Announcer: Toyota Breakthrough, stories of athletes starting their impossible. When arthritis pain makes the stairs feel like a summit... There's Tylenol Arthritis. With 2 layers of pain relief, one acts fast, one lasts for up to 8hrs and it's gentle on your stomach. Tylenol Arthritis: made for everyday moments. Here's a fresh take. We think burgers taste better when they're made with Canadian beef. Fresh onto the grill. Fresh off the grill. Never frozen. Always juicy. ( ) Michael j. Fox:When we see Team Canada on the world stage, we're witnessing pure greatness. What we don't see is their struggle. We don't see Maude Charron being forced to change weight classes after she wonOlympicgold. Hugo Houle persevering through the tragic loss of his brother. Or Andre de Grasse dealing with all the doubters. Including himself. What we don't see makes us who we are. We're all bravely facing the odds in our lives. Now bravery is our victory. - -[crowd cheers] >> Natasha: with more rockets launching each year, there's more chance of space debris falling from the sky. A big question being asked more these days is who is responsible for this space debris, a question we put to cbc science reporter nicole mortillaro. Nicole, with all of this space junk flying above us, what do we make of that? >> Reporter: we're seeing a lot more of this in saskatchewan last week, that this farmer found a giant piece of space debris. It's very big, as you can see there. It's happened in australia, it's happened in washington state. It's happened all over the world, and as you can see, that's quite large. Imagine that falling on someone, and actually, the one in australia, actually looked like a spear in the ground, so imagine that. More of these pieces are reaching the ground, and it's kind of a numbers game, and this is what a space sustainability expert had to say. >> [indiscernible] might not be our biggest concern, but it is growing, and I think what's important to highlight is that we're launching record numbers of launches each year. We're putting thousands of satellites out, and nothing is being done with this reentry issue, and even if they don't come down now, they're going to be a real problem by the next century. >> Reporter: 50 years ago, there were only 200, and now, we're launching thousands of a year, so that's why we're seeing more of a possibility. We saw a clip there of a piece that fell through a house in florida. I mean, that is pretty serious, but it's actually the rockets that are the issue. These are the pieces that are falling down, not the satellites themselves. >> Natasha: this is so interesting. We learned from deforestation, we overfished, we caused air pollution, so are we learning, and if we're learning, what's being done to regulate this? >> Reporter: well, we have the outer space treaty, and the outer space treaty was done in 1967, and other treaties have come out of that. What they say is countries are responsible for their space debris, and also private companies are responsible for that, and I spoke to a space lawyer who said there's a different between liability and responsibility. In the case of barry sawchuk, that saskatchewan farmer, and he said that spacex are going to try and come pick it up. But the problem is there's also

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