
CBLT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

beijing has been conducting drills but this is the first time the exercises are simulating a full scale attack of taiwan by air and sea. It has been just three days since the inauguration of taiwan's new ped. Described william as a dangerous trouble maker. China calls the drills strong punishment for separatist acts. The workers are condemned. Japan and south korea calling for peace and security to be protected. Australia's foreign minister calls the drills deeply worrying and is concerned the situation could escalate. Beijing considers the self-governing island as part of china's territory. >> The iran iran has a new challenge. Wants the police service to switch all vehicles to zero emissions over the next decade. The rcmp has the largest fleet in north america so hitting that target is a mammoth task. >> The vehicle may not be the sound you associate with police chases but that could change as the mountie goes green. >> All in its infancy. With the researcher researcher we want to see what's in the role of possible. >> Reporter: the manager of the rcmp national safe programme working to implement a directive from the federal government calling on the rcmp to switch its fleet to zero emission vehicles by 2035. >> I was open to it knowing it was going to be quite a challenge. >> Reporter: an unprecedented challenge at that. The rcmp has the largest in north america with roughly 12,000 vehicles on the road. For now the rcmp is starting piloting two teslas with a few dozen electric trucks and SUVs expected later this year. Already the force is flagging major concerns with range, model options and the availability of charging stations in northern and remote areas. >> Poses significant challenges to our organization in terms of operations and being able to respond. >> Reporter: sergeant victory providing operational guidance. >> Don't want to put them in a situation where they will fail and put a member at risk or the public at risk. >> Reporter: the rcmp hasn't put an estimate on the cost. Say it's too soon to tell how much they'll save in the long run on gas. Cbc news, ottawa. >> Marcia: and that is the latest internazionali B.N.L. from "worldinternational -- nationaland international news from [ ] >> David: marcia, thank you very much. Thursday, may 23rd. I'm david common. You're listening to "metro morning" the announcement that toronto is getting the first wnba team to exist outside of the united states. No name for that team yet but the formal announcement in two-and-a-half hour's time happening at the x hotel at the exhibition grounds. Let's go to take a look at morning traffic. >> Jennifer: westbound 401 slows from brock street to approaching salem and approaching allen road. The right lane is blocked in the express. This is right in the construction zone due to a collision. So you're looking at volume from bayview to yonge in the collectors and approaching yonge to approaching allen road in the express with this problem. Beyond that, construction at dixon has ended. All lanes have we opened and minor crowding left over from that. Eastbound 401, long-term construction at dixon blocking the left lane. Already filling in from the 410 in the collector east of dixie in the express through to dixon. The stall we had in the collectors at the 400 has been cleared away. >> Jill: toronto city council dealing with a report that states much of the city's asset need the be replaced or repaired over the next decade. That means nilr billions need to be found to spend on the infrastructure and the verdict in the dallas lee trial found guilty of second-degree murder in the death of his mother. >> David: 6:11. 15 degrees. Not the same level of humidity in the last couple of days. New data from health canada shows this country has some of the highest rates of teen vaping in the world. Cbc ontario host asked callers how vaping is affecting the teens in their life. A toronto mom began with her concerns about her own kids' habit. >> It has become an addiction.

I cannot talk them out of it. No matter how much I research and show them the research and how it's critical to their lungs, their throat, mental health, even their skin is showing wrinkles I believe from the chemicals. One is 18. Just turned 18. One is 20. One is 24. They come in all shapes and sizes and come in different flavours and I think it also affects the vapor to thinking that if it's being sold on the market it can't be illegal or bad for you and we debate about this all the time but they also sell cigarettes in stores. They're also banned in restaurants after 50, 60 years. There's research coming out that cigarettes do cause cancer and people do die from smoking cigarettes. Why make yourself a guinea pig for the vaping industry. It's negatively impacting our generation of children and I think it's an epidemic and it should be banned. >> Jim is in woodstock. A high school teacher. Tell me what you're seeing in the hallways? >> A really big issue. From a public health point of view it's a significant issue that needs to be tackled and going to take a significant amount of resources. Kids do vape in the bathroom quite often. It is difficult for teachers and administrators to police that. Every class that I have I do a quick presentation on vaping. The vast majority of high school kids have tried vaping and a significant portion do currently. >> How often are you clearing out a bathroom where you find kids vaping? >> The difficult part is catching them in the act. Definitely times I've caught kids in the act. You walk in after them, smells like cotton candy or sour patch kids. Difficult to catch somebody in the act of doing it. They can go to into the stall. I think kids don't recognize it's just second nature to them now. Smoking back in the day, you'd smell it, obviously difficult to get cigarettes. I think it's much easier for kids now. >> I feel really adamant this is a public health issue. Hasn't been addressed properly with respect to the government. I have written letters back in 2018 when I used to see advertising at gas stations on the pumps to try vaping products. How do they get away with that when we can't advertise other things like cigarette to minors. The response I got back at the time it didn't have tobacco in it. They did have a policy to protect young people. I don't think they did an adequate job of it. The different flavours. We're one of the only places that haven't restricted flavours. Very enticing for people to pick it up. >> My understanding is that canada is one of the countries that has not had a complete national ban on the flavouring that we see currently. Those sort of fun, fruity flavours. However, ontario has said they must be sold in vape shop that are not accessed by younger people under 18. >> That's naive. There's corner shops all over this town that you can find where they're selling i. Remember years ago, six years ago or so I contacted public health, our local public health to say are you aware they're advertising it but selling it to minors. When approached them about it they say look at me and say, that's not my issue. They're buying it and your issue you're not supposed to be selling it to people under a certain age and you're advertising deals on its. Public health says we don't have enough inspectors. Yeah, in theory it works but in practice, not enough resources for it. It's being sold in places that we'd like to think that are only accessed by people of a certain age but that's not the reality. >> David: cbc ontario host speaking with callers about teen vaping. Hamilton's arkells new album is all covers features songs by jackson five, hall and oats, harry styles and the whitney houston. Their take on a springsteen classic. [ ]

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] >> David: the arkells there. >> Jennifer: in the east end, commuters are still dealing with the closure of queen street both ways east of woodbine due to a break enwater main and affecting T.T.C. westbound 401 slows past brock street to approaching salem. Through kennedy in the express. Victoria park in the collectors. In the construction zone in the express as you approach allen road, funnelled down to one lane due to a collision. Past the 404 to avenue road in the collectors, bay view to approaching allen road in the express. On the eastbound 401, a long-term construction which started up this week. Blocking the left lane at thickson. There's volume from the 410 in the collectors. Past dixie the express from dixon. For the eastbound gardiner david I'm seeing buildup past the humber bridge to approaching strachan. >> David: at bradford in areas north of the G.T.A. tornado watches. Seems early. >> Jennifer: this humid weather we're having. >> David: humidity again today. Not as bad as yesterday but absolutely out there. Something to absolutely contend with. We'll keep you apprised of course if we see any storm warning that come up across the G.T.A. but at this point slightly cooler. Yes, today, than it was yesterday. Speaking of today it is world turtle day. Perhaps a good time to ask why did the turtle cross the road. More importantly, how do we help them get to the other side safely. Eli drummond, a conservation biologist with the nature conservancy of canada. Good morning, eli. >> Good morning, david. >> David: where are turtles moving to? . >> That's a great question. This time of year turtles are on the move as they're going between their wetlands and they're also nesting and looking for a nesting site. We're often going to see them travelling and going to see them crossing roads. >> David: why roads in particular? Because they're in-between the two places they want to be? >> Yeah, exactly. One of the challenges that turtles are facing is loss of their habitat, loss of their wetlands or wetlands are disconnected from development in roads so they have to travel over the roads to get to where they're going. But also the size of roads sometimes are nesting sites they like to use. >> David: we will see sometimes heading on a trip, turtles

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