
CBLT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

popping up every year. Most of the flowers that we buy in the season are all locally grown. And we also plant a tree for every single purchase as well, when anyone purchases anything. So, we are trying to improve our own impact on the environment. - That's wonderful. (uplifting music) I'm certainly impressed with Clare's eco-friendly efforts, and I've jumped in the saddle myself to help deliver a touch of the countryside to some of her customers. Now this is fun. Around 60 of Clare's bouquets are delivered by bike every week. After each making our own drop-offs, we are meeting back up for the penultimate drop, (door knocker knocks) which is one of Clare's regular clients. Hi, Jennifer. - Hello. - [Nicki] Hello. One flower delivery for you. - Thank you. - [Nicki] Your beautiful bouquet flowers. - Aren't they wonderful, thank you so much. How lovely. - What difference does it make to you, having them delivered by bike? - It was very, very important, because I wanted English flowers, as far as possible, and that was something that Clare said she would try and always do, and also the fact that they're delivered by bike, we try to be green, and that's what attracted us to Clare and her shop. - We're gonna carry on, we've got one more delivery to make. Enjoy your flowers. - Will do, I'm going to arrange them. - [Clare] Have a nice night. - [Nicki] Well, while we leave Jennifer with her beautiful blooms, I'm wondering if any of our offerings have grown on our intrepid house hunters. Well, I've thoroughly enjoyed the last few days showing Kallum and Kate around Cambridgeshire, but even more so after yesterday, because the mystery house went down so well. Am I feeling quietly confident? I think so, but let's see what they've got to say. (tranquil music) How are you feeling? - [Kallum] Yeah, pretty good. - [Nicki] Yes? - Yeah, long, long chats last night and this morning. Still umming and ahing, but excited. - Yeah, I think you gave us a lot to think about, kind of, three very different properties. - So, out of the three, to me, there was one clear winner. Would I be right with that? - [Kate] Yes. - But I think we sort of, both got a bit blown away by number three, so. - [Kate] The mystery house, yeah. I think it just had everything we wanted from the off, but also the possibility to, kind of, add our own touches, as well, so, it was a good combination. - So, it's all sounding brilliant, but I've gotta put you on the spot, because, are we gonna go and see the barn again? Are we that serious we're gonna put an offer in? We're desperate to know. - Absolutely, we're definitely gonna see it again and I'm sure there'll be a cheeky offer in there as well. - [Kate] Yeah. - Really? Well that sounds fantastic. - Yeah, very exciting. - Oh, my goodness, cheeky offer, I'm really liking the sound of that. This has been an absolute delight, showing you around Cambridgeshire. We, obviously, are very excited, we're gonna keep everything crossed, but do let us know how you get on. - Absolutely, and thank you so much for your help. It's been great. - Yeah, really appreciate it. - [Nicki] You're very welcome. - [Kallum] Thank you. - [Nicki] Thank you. (uplifting music) What a glorious day to be ending our house hunt, here in Cambridgeshire. We're by the water, the sun's shining, the sky is blue, and we're surrounded by gorgeous countryside. For Kate and Kallum, this move represents going back to their childhood. They were both brought up in the country and that's the life they want right now. Also, for the first time, they can buy a property that isn't dictated by work and its location. And it does sound like our mystery barn may be their future new home. We are keeping everything crossed. So, that's it from me, I'll see you again very soon. (uplifting music) Kate and Kallum did revisit our mystery house, but ended up putting an offer on an old Cambridgeshire farmhouse with outbuildings in need of work. We wish them the very best of luck with their country move. If you would like to escape to the country, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, or England, and need our help, you can apply online, (uplifting orchestral music)

>> This is "world report." good morning. I'm marcia young. The palestinians tried to flee gaza being allowed to cross into egypt is a crucial first step one that requires permission from israel. A first step in the canadian government's temporary relocation programme. Canadians applied for thousands of extended family members to come to the country but a document shows israel granted permission for 300 to cross. >> Here I am. >> Reporter: too familiar. For months the palestinian-canadian has been advocating to get relatives from gaza to canada. >> We have used all of our savings for everything. >> Reporter: as paid tens of thousands of dollars to smuggle relatives from egypt to the crossing. They were supposed to make that journey with the canadian government's help. It's been providing means of potential applicants in the temporary relocation programme for egyptian and israeli authorities but until now how many have been a mystery. The ndp asked for the number ottawa provided to israel not egypt for further security review. >> 304 applicants names have been submitted to cross the border. >> Reporter: the party's immigration critic. Other figures show immigration canada received close to 8,000 applications to the programme only 179 received visas and smuggled their way to egypt. >> We are demanding answers from the government. Demanding transparent. >> Reporter: says in a statement it does not control who gets to exit gaza. The embassy says it cannot comment on permits leaving the territory. Cbc news, ottawa.

>>> In northern mexico nine have died in a stage collapse at a campaign rally. The rally was put on by the citizens movement party. He says everything happened in a few seconds. A gale-force wind swept in out of nowhere and knocked over the stage. Eight adults and a child were killed. At least three people are in hospital needing surgery. Alvarez says he is suspending his campaign activities and calling authorities to investigate. >>> British voters are getting ready to go to the ballot box. The U.K. general election happens in six weeks that is earlier than expected but voters say they are ready. Politicians who are hitting the campaign trial running. >> Reporter: party leaders are wasting no time making their ways to the british public. The prime minister is heading on a tour around the country after more than a decade of conservative party rules the incumbent faces a short fall in the polls. >> In difficult circumstances I'm proud of the record of the last 14 years but this election is about the future and in an uncertain time the question for the country is who is prepared to take the about bold action, a clear plan to deliver that future for them and their families. >> Reporter: focusing his attention today on conservative heartland in southern england. He's trying to persuade voters to back the labour party instead portraying himself as the candidate for change and an antidote to chaos. Although the election was called earlier many voters say they are impatient to go to the polls. >> An election was called in the country. >> Looking for a change. I think definitely a change of sentiment. >> Reporter: the date ott election took many by surprise. It was one of the few things that was within control but in six weeks' time his fate will be in voter's hands. For cbc news, london. >> Marcia: french president emmanuel macron says dialogue is the way out of the violence in caledonia. Macron says it is his responsibility to forge that path in the french territory but also says french forces will remain for as long as necessary. Macron hastily arranged trip to new caledonia after days of violent unrest. The riots have seen six people killed, vehicles burned and looting. It began after french parliament changed voting rules for caledonia. Indigenous leaders say it will undermine their ability to govern their own people. France is investigating whether the kremlin is behind vandalism of a holocaust morally in paris. It was defaced with anti-semitic graffiti. Now authorities suspect it may have been coordinate by the russian government. >> Reporter: workers sand blasting 20 or so spray painted here in paris the day after the graffiti appeared overnight last week alarming the jewish community in france, europe's largest. And prompting quick condemnation of anti-semitism from paris mayor. French media are now reporting that investigators here have confirmed security cameras captured two frks with paint and stencils and several others who were identified through mobile phony data as bull gar yarn. They left paris by bus to belgium right after the spray painting. Police now weighing the possibility that russian security services sent the spray painters. After the outbreak of the hamas war dozens of blue stars of david were found painted on random buildings in and around paris causing anxiety over what they meant and triggering fear of anti-semitism. Shortly after police arrested a couple from the former soviet country of mull dova and identified their handler a prorussian businessman. Found evidence that online images of the blue star of david graffiti appeared on sites linked to the russian propaganda network. Cbc news, paris. >> Marcia: china launched an unprecedented military drill around taiwan. A video shows a fighter jet readying for takeoff.

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