
CBLT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! Got another dreamer! Get your lotto MAXtickets today! [olg sting] It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. . >> Kelda: welcome back it's an exciting weekend for history buffs and architecture enthusiasts. The city is holding its annual doors open toronto, an event that lets people tour it's most iconic places and get a peek behind the curtain. Britney volocopter taken some of the sites. >> This is the secret entrance to 1 of toronto's hidden treasures. >> Reporter: getting to explore baylor station is pretty rare. It was abandoned in 1966 and walked away usually only see known famous movies and music videos. >> What you think people should come and see it? >> Everyone has a fascination what's underneath toronto the hidden gems and this is 1 of them. >> Reporter: this weekend it's open to the public, 1 of many sites featured during doors open toronto. >> For me at the could degrade gateway drug to toronto's culture and architecture. There's over 150 sites c. Could literally close your eyes and pick 1 and you can go wrong. >> Reporter: the annual event gives people free and full access to the city's historical buildings and unique landmarks in this year's theme is hidden histories. >> Doors open as such a beloved citywide event that reaches every single corner. >> People are interested what happens, where the water comes from. >> Reporter: the water treatment plant is a popular mainstay year after year. >> Where we are right now is also open for people to come and check it out. >> Reporter: the art deco marvel constructed in 1932 by toronto's first public works commissioner and come saturday these hallways will be packed. >> Master we had about 13,000 people over 2 days which is a record. >> Reporter: a number of museums in the city will have free admission this weekend including the aga khan museum where people can see all of it's buildings and new art installation. >> We exist to highlight the achievements and contributions of muslim culture in the way which they are connected to everybody else. >> Reporter: at that humane society visitors can learn how it's evolved since the start in 1887 and get to interact with the animals currently being housed. >> We are about the human animal bond, and people definitely have that experience. >> Reporter: across the city there'll be over a dozen neighbourhood towards the pay tribute to the living past. Events like these help raise awareness about preserving toronto's heritage. >> Feel this way the time you open a newspaper of building is that threat. The japanese cultural centre that moriyama built, ontario centre and it fills me with hope the people are taking that line down, people are passionate about our buildings speech to toronto's largest doors open event in ontario and the city says it's attracted more than 2 million visitors since it started 24 years ago. Brevet cbc news toronto.

>>> A gorgeous picture perfect day to end the workweek. Some wet weather is on the way. Vikta paulo joins us with more how the weekend in the coming week are shaping up. Happy friday. How's it looking? >> Happy friday to everyone. We take a look ahead at what we'll be expecting for a weekend weather it will be 2 things happening. 1 we are expecting thundershowers to pass by saturday. Beginning around noon. We'll look ahead at the map to see when to begin and should be all said and done towards comes to nighttime after supper for saturday. Some other big system passing by the definitely enough of you to hear the thunder roar you want to head indoors. When it comes to the rest of your weekend especially sunday it will be a sunny day in the gta. Rating to be outdoors. Rating to dig advantage of the lovely weather and before the rain next week. Now the rain next week we are expecting to begin around sunday night towards monday and tuesday and it's meant to be a bigger system passing by than the 1 that will be on saturday but saturday rain will be good for the plants and good to have for the grass. You see the average high today is 20.4 and average low drops down to 8.3. as we look at what's happening with all the rain you can see friday overnight tonight not that bad but closer to around midday saturday here comes the rain. The rain passes by. By the time it suppertime it's all said and done. Sunday will be a day where we see a little bit more cloud cover over the gta. We take a step aside and you can see the replay happen with the rain passed by. Here's great lakes were relocated and as you get later on in towards your weekend on your saturday you can see that here on sunday morning it's come to be more of a cloudy day compared to what we had earlier this week and a lot of that cloud cover is attributed to the rain which will be expecting later on in the week on monday and tuesday. Taking a quick look at the overnight temperatures around the mid teens. Similar temperatures as it's been the majority of the week and tomorrow morning 6:00 am for someone like myself take advantage of the early tee times it's chin. Make sure you pack a long sleeve ken sim shirt because it's going to be called unlike the warm days we've had. And five-day forecast going to be pretty beautiful above seasonal temperatures by the time monday tuesday and wednesday arrives where right back to seasonal temperatures. Hope you have yourselves a great weekend and over to >> Kelda: thanks much.

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to clean water or sanitation. South africa which brought the case against israel has welcomed the ruling calling it groundbreaking and much stronger than previous judgements from the icj. It says it will urge the un security council to take measures to uphold that although any such efforts are likely to be vetoed by the united states. The palestinian authority which governs the west bank says the judgment represents an international consensus to end the war in gaza. Hamas says the ruling should have gone further but has promised to cooperate with any investigators that enter gaza. Israeli officials have reacted strongly to the news with spokesperson david mansour saying stopping the war against hamas would be suicide. Israel has already vowed to ignore any international court orders that call for an end to fighting. It argues its offensive is aimed at rooting out hamas and protecting israeli security. Julia chapman cbc news, london. >> Kelda: the israeli military announcement recovered 3 more bodies of victims in the october 7th hamas attack. >> Their bodies were rescued during a special operation based on precise intelligence in the area of gaza. >> Kelda: all 3 were killed in israel then taken to gaza. 2 were among the hundreds killed at the nova music festival. 1 was a foreign tourist. Israel's mild military vowed all the hostages living and dead will be brought back. >>> The truck driver who because the disley bus crash involving humboldt broncos junior hockey team has been ordered to be deported. The immigration and refugee board of canada issue the ruling to. Erin collins has more. >> Reporter: today's news was not a surprise for jaskirat singh sidhu or his legal team. The deportation order issued today more process than anything else and the lawyer says his client isn't on fighting to stay in canada. He was behind the wheel of the truck that ran into the humboldt broncos team bus in april 2018 killing 16 people. The permanent resident was convicted of dangerous driving causing death the next year, sentenced to 8 years in prison. Those 2 facts, not being a canadian citizen and his conviction for serious crime made today's deportation order mandatory and 1 that cannot be appealed. >> It doesn't matter if they are career criminal ordered 1 momentary lapse like my client. It doesn't matter if they arrived yesterday or they've been here for 10 years like my client under well-established. Family ties are relevant. My client has a canadian wife and child to the lawyer says his client is not done trying to stay here. You will now reapply for permanent residency status on humanitarian grounds because he would be separated from his wife and child if deported. >> I think they very, very compelling compassionate considerations here and we would hope we get that kind of consideration. I would like to see compassion triumph. >> Reporter: families of the people who died in the humboldt broncos crash are divided on the issue. Some ontc sidhu removed from canada. Others say they are okay if he stays. It's unclear how long that permanent residency application will take. It could be months or even years and he could be deported before a decision is even made.

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