
CBLT - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

maybe you're hanging out at christie pits. Is that what you're hearing at the park? When you hang out with your friend, hey, let's put on a song and you guys are bopping together because it's making you feel so good. >> David: there are a few I think of over summer that have been the hit of the summer. "cruel summer," taylor swift. >> I would say I think also the idea of a singular song of summer. I don't know if I feel like that's totally fair. I think there will be several songs over the summer as things progress. What's going on, what's happening on the culture moment, social media pushes things through quickly. We are so into espresso. So great. Setting up for a really great rest of the summer. Song of the summer is maybe perhaps hard to have just one. >> What is it about the sabrina carpenter hit that made the magic? >> She comes in hot with a chorus off the top. Chorus right off the top. So smart. In pop songwriting it's super important to have repetition and this song has a lot of repetition. They say to repeat melodies to get it stuck for folks. So much repetition in the song. Starts off with a chorus loaded with hooks. The lyrics are so cool and smart and playful. So danceable. I feel like all of these things are what is making it such a strong contender right now. >> David: does it always have to be pop? >> Well, you know, pop genre. Maybe more about accessibility. Maybe there could be a good rock song. As long as the song is hooking people and I think that's about the strength of the melodies and I believe that that be in genre to be honest. However, I think pop songwriters do stretch to write these memorable melodies and hooks. >> David: is there a concerted effort from from songwriters and labels in particular to time the songs to be the summer ear worm? >> I think -- I have two thoughts. One, musicians, summer is festival time. . You want to sell tickets to your show. Perhaps arranging it so you have a summer hit gets people excited to come to your shows throughout the festival season. I also think it's a time when we have shared music listening experiences like I said, party, barbecues and really nice to have your song bring folks together and your music associated with associated with awesome vibe of friendship. >> What are your top contenders? >> I'm going with "lunch" by billie eilish and "good luck, babe" by chapel malone who's also crushing it. A long summer. Excited to see where this goes. >> Olivia, thank you very much. >> Thank you. >> David: here's one of olivia's picks. "good luck, babe." [ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] >> Jill: this is cbc news. From cbc toronto, it is 6:30. Good morning. I'm jill dempsey. It is sunny and 14. We expect a high of 27 today. Here's jennifer allen. >> Jennifer: southbound 400 heavy-going from mapleview to innisfil beach road due to construction. >> Jill: the university of toronto has made an offer to protesting students who have taken over part of its downtown campus. The pro-palestinian encampment was first formed on may 2nd with students demand the university divest from company that support the state of israel. More on the university's offer. >> Students occupying king's college circle at u of t have until 4:00 P.M. to respond to the university's offer. University president. >> Our offer is fair and reasonable. Our approach is in keeping with the university's fundamental commitment to free expression, peaceful protest and the diversity of opinions that exist in our community. >> Since the encampment started student activists ther demanded u of t divest in any affiliated with israel and cut academic ties with israel universities on occupied land. It's also offered to set up a working group to consider options for disclosure and increase transparency related to its investments. When it comes to the third demand. Ment. >> The university will not terminate partnerships with israeli universities to curtail the academic freedom of our scholars in anyway. >> He said if students do not accept the offer trespassing notices will be issued and further action may be taken. >> David, will be speaking with the u of t president and a spokesperson for the group lead the cam cap. Both are coming up later this morning on "metro morning." the board of a non-profit day care in trom's west end is weighing whether to drop out of the national child care program or shutdown. The sunny side garden day care serves 150 kids. Its director has written to the government saying the province's funding model has had devastating consequences for the day care. Nita simmons has two children at the day care and serves on its board. >> We are using our reserve funds to fund our operating costs to a day-to-day basis and eating through our reserves and about to be out of money andy insolvent by the end of the year. >> Jill: the largest child care in the province the ymca has warned of possible closures because of the funding model. A spokesperson for the education minister says it's up to the federal government to deliver enough child care fund or the national program will fail. Premier ford is holding a median conference in etobicoke later this morning. Detail of today's announcement have not been released. >> There was one thing that all mayoral candidates on the food ban k's mississauga stage could agree on last night. >> We need to build more homes. We need to build them faster. >> We need supportive housing, affordable housing, shelter. >> Tackling housing was among the best way to make things easier for mississauga residents struggling to get by. Brian crombie blamed current councillor force the problems saying the city needs someone new. >> I am in development business. I know what it will take to get people to build buildings. >> Everybody is playing some sort of a blame game and not getting anywhere. That kind of politics needs to go. >> Mississaugans can past cast their ballot today or vote on three other election voting days. Election day is june 10th. >> Jill: an ajax woman who had her canadian citizenship cancelled now has it back. For the second time she became a canadian. The federal government cancelled her citizenship earlier this

month. She was born in jamaica, brought to canada as a baby 30 years ago. The government said her mother had taken the oath after she was born which voided her citizenship. Townsend is relieved but also angry. >> I don't think it is right. I think we need to consider how we treat people. You need to think about how you look at applicants. Not just number on page but people have lives. >> Jill: her lawyer is trying to get back the $600 she paid to get the citizenship back. Immigration canada said it can't comment on individual cases. >> Jennifer: you'll find the eastbound 401 has been busier than usual this week due to the long-term construction that started up at dixon blocking the left lane. Looking at volume right now through mavis in the express possibly due to sun glare and from dixie in the express and collectors to dixon because of this new construction. Beyond that, busy islington to east of keele in the express and collectors. Farther east, the right land is closed east of port union in the express along with the transfer in the express in that area due to construction. Westbound 401 slows from the 412 to appropriating salem. Markham road to express, kennedy to victoria park in the collectors. The 404 to avenue road in sections mainly in the expression. Southbound don valley parkway, delays from sheppard on the 404 to wynford and busy approaching dundas through eastern. This weekend no service online two between woodbine and kennedy for track work. Shuttle buses will operate. >> Jill: well, the sun is shining. 14°. We, peck a high of 27 today with a high U.V. index. Clear tonight, a low of 14. Tomorrow, cloudy with a 60% chance of showers late in the morning and in the afternoon. There is a risk of a thunderstorm with a high of 25. 14 right now and the time is 6:37. >> David: national road trip day today. I think this national is in the united states because it's the memorial day long weekend in the united states this weekend, right? That makes sense. However, I will use it's a launching off point to say I have loved some road trips over the years. They have not always with family been glorious. There have been moments of joy but after 17 hours on the way to thunder bay, moment of frustration. Not that I'm looking at a particular trip. >> Or looking at a particular kid. >> David: oh, boy -- they're no longer in car seats. Lashed down to the car but there was something great about that, they couldn't get out. Something awful about that, they couldn't get out. I do love road trips. >> I always admire parents who take the family on the road trip. I am one of five. Seven of us in a car. I was always in the front seat because I got motion sickness. >> David: sure you did. Whatever it takes to be shotgun. >> Jill: I really -- I have the proof. >> Jennifer, you do toronto-montreal to see family. >> Jennifer: yes, I do. I wouldn't call those road trips. >> Jill: you need somebody riding shotgun. >> Jennifer: exactly. Well, I have the cats. That's more of a very long commute. >> David: no knock against the 401 which is a joy at all times but and not the most scenic. You get the big apple and see 1,000 island parkway go by. >> Jennifer: whoo hoo! Almost there. >> David: this summer I'm driving to saskatchewan. I do like a road trip. I think this will be solo. Stop and see family in winnipeg. You can up and over. Up and over lake superior. A bit longer and single lane. >> Jill: or down and under. >> David: which shaves time off going through the states. A very different experience. A lot more populated by humans. Certainly moose and bear along the northern route as well. The northern route is a daytime route. Given the wildlife collision-risk. >> Less we romanticize the trips

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